Star Trek TOS Adobe Flash Video


I recently made a fifteen minute animated Star Trek episode using TOS Star Trek PEZ Candy dispensers. I brought images of the PEZ Candy dispensers into Adobe Flash and then animated them. It took a couple of months to complete it, but it was a lot of fun to do. You can see it on my YouTube channel here if you like:
I agree with you Maurice. I believe it would have been better in the Fan Productions forum. However, I'm unable to find a way to delete this post before adding the post to the other forum. I didn't want to have duplicates. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
You are the Headline at Star Trek Reviewed: . I'll be creating a page for your work in a day or two. Meanwhile, could I get some jpegs to brighten the Headline? It will send you more traffic if I have a picture or two!

Thank you Barbreader! I really appreciate that. I have a couple of shots on my PEZ-Trek Theater Facebook page that may work for you; a Sporg Ship and also a PEZ-Trek Theater cover image. But, I can't seem to get the images to appear in this post using the "Insert Image" command. Possibly you can download them from the FB page. If not, I would be glad to email them to you. Thanks again!

PEZ-Trek Theater Facebook page link:

its like a maniac has killed the crew, and is acting out an episode with their severed heads.