"Pilgrim Of Eternity" - is it good enough?

Is "Pilgrim of Eternity" good enough for your sense of continuity?

  • Yes, it felt enough like the real thing.

    Votes: 49 76.6%
  • No, I can only accept what's on TV or film.

    Votes: 11 17.2%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 4 6.3%

  • Total voters
So from that perspective do you feel Star Trek Continues: "Pilgrim Of Eternity" is good enough to be considered as part of your sense of TOS' continuity?

You loaded the "No" option to make people look like they're inflexible if they want to vote against it being part of their personal continuity. Why makes the questions loaded? Why not a simple 'yes' or 'no' without the qualifiers?
So from that perspective do you feel Star Trek Continues: "Pilgrim Of Eternity" is good enough to be considered as part of your sense of TOS' continuity?

You loaded the "No" option to make people look like they're inflexible if they want to vote against it being part of their personal continuity. Why makes the questions loaded? Why not a simple 'yes' or 'no' without the qualifiers?

I've had it with this. Just fuck it. You want to answer "no" than just say it and explain your reasons. Instead you like to be pissy about it.

To hell with it. I'm fed up with being scolded like a bad child just because I don't suck up everything cranked out with a brand on it. If I think something is shit then that's my business and I have nothing to apologize for.

Fuck it.
I've had it with this. Just fuck it. You want to answer "no" than just say it and explain your reasons. Instead you like to be pissy about it.

To hell with it. I'm fed up with being scolded like a bad child just because I don't suck up everything cranked out with a brand on it. If I think something is shit then that's my business and I have nothing to apologize for.

Fuck it.


I did answer it earlier in the thread. But you deep-sixed your own poll because of your dislike of certain material. You'd have gotten a better sampling if you'd simply put it up for a 'yes' or 'no' vote. :shrug:

BillJ said:
I think efforts like these, while neat, only magnify the fact that Roddenberry and Company caught some very special lightning in the bottle nearly fifty years ago.

Pilgrims of Eternity was entertaining but suffers from many of the same flaws other TOS fan films: they use sixties sets and sixties uniforms but the stories just don't match the setting.

Some thoughts:

What exactly was the point of the Counselor? Beautiful actress though. Gene would've approved.

Why didn't the crispy-fried redshirt point his phaser away from the hull?

The roles the women played here made the Abrams films look downright progressive.

So, does a plague wipe out Apollo's little world at some point and then he holds Kirk responsible for not checking up on them? The Wrath of Apollo anyone?

Spock reminds me of Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. That's not a good thing.

The actor playing Kirk needs to remember he's playing Kirk not William Shatner.
So from that perspective do you feel Star Trek Continues: "Pilgrim Of Eternity" is good enough to be considered as part of your sense of TOS' continuity?

You loaded the "No" option to make people look like they're inflexible if they want to vote against it being part of their personal continuity. Why makes the questions loaded? Why not a simple 'yes' or 'no' without the qualifiers?

I've had it with this. Just fuck it. You want to answer "no" than just say it and explain your reasons. Instead you like to be pissy about it.

To hell with it. I'm fed up with being scolded like a bad child just because I don't suck up everything cranked out with a brand on it. If I think something is shit then that's my business and I have nothing to apologize for.

Fuck it.

Didn't we learn that the fan-productions also have an in-officially official stamp/brand of approval from CBS on them?
^^ I think it's just that they're tolerated as long as they don't make a profit. It's likely an extension of tolerating fan fiction as they have over the years since it can be seen as promoting the brand without it costing TPTB a dime.
So much for being done with this thread...

So from that perspective do you feel Star Trek Continues: "Pilgrim Of Eternity" is good enough to be considered as part of your sense of TOS' continuity?

You loaded the "No" option to make people look like they're inflexible if they want to vote against it being part of their personal continuity. Why makes the questions loaded? Why not a simple 'yes' or 'no' without the qualifiers?

I've had it with this. Just fuck it. You want to answer "no" than just say it and explain your reasons. Instead you like to be pissy about it.*

To hell with it. I'm fed up with being scolded like a bad child just because I don't suck up everything cranked out with a brand on it. If I think something is shit then that's my business and I have nothing to apologize for.

Fuck it.

In other words...


Wow, overreaction much? Maybe it hasn't occurred to you yet but people are answering with the reasons they don't agree with you on this. And yes, seeing the blatant hypocrisy of the way you are asking the question of this thread counts as a perfectly legitimate reason and answer. Let's take a look again and this time use our context clues, mmkay?

You finally discover a fan film you like and are as equally passionate about it as you are about TOS. Nothing wrong with that. But when others dare to call you out on the poor logic you exhibit in qualifying this fan film, rather than simply acknowledge that yeah, you like it better than DS9 or TNG, you fly off the handle and kick sand in everyone's faces, shouting "SCREW YOU GUYS, I'M GOING HOME!"

Your right to disavow some of the canon of the franchise is totally legit. But your framing of the central question of this thread is clumsy. And yes, ignoring nearly half of the franchise because in your book it's not "good" enough for you're interstellar standards of quality while then asking of this fan film is, certainly does sound like blatant hypocrisy to me, if not just plain ignorance.
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So much for being done with this thread...

You loaded the "No" option to make people look like they're inflexible if they want to vote against it being part of their personal continuity. Why makes the questions loaded? Why not a simple 'yes' or 'no' without the qualifiers?

I've had it with this. Just fuck it. You want to answer "no" than just say it and explain your reasons. Instead you like to be pissy about it.*

To hell with it. I'm fed up with being scolded like a bad child just because I don't suck up everything cranked out with a brand on it. If I think something is shit then that's my business and I have nothing to apologize for.

Fuck it.

In other words...


Wow, overreaction much? Maybe it hasn't occurred to you yet but people are answering with the reasons they don't agree with you on this. And yes, seeing the blatant hypocrisy of the way you are asking the question of this thread counts as a perfectly legitimate reason and answer. Let's take a look again and this time use our context clues, mmkay?

You finally discover a fan film you like and are as equally passionate about it as you are about TOS. Nothing wrong with that. But when others dare to call you out on the poor logic you exhibit in qualifying this fan film, rather than simply acknowledge that yeah, you like it better than DS9 or TNG, you fly off the handle and kick sand in everyone's faces, shouting "SCREW YOU GUYS, I'M GOING HOME!"

Your right to disavow some of the canon of the franchise is totally legit. But your framing of the central question of this thread is clumsy. And yes, ignoring nearly half of the franchise because in your book it's not "good" enough for you're interstellar standards of quality while then asking of this fan film is, certainly does sound like blatant hypocrisy to me, if not just plain ignorance.

To hell with it. There is no illogic in my preferring a fan film over something cranked out by TBTB. I only asked others opinion regarding it, but someone has to make an issue of me not liking/accepted "official" product and accusing me of being a hypocrite.

I'm not the hypocrite here.
Are you fucking kidding me?

Where in any of my posts did I ever say it was "illogical" for you to not like modern Trek?

Re-read my post. I said it was illogical for you to get so bent out of shape because some people might see hypocrisy in your elevating a fan film to near-canon status while at the same time ignoring the majority of legitimately produced episodes and films, when until recently your own "canon" ended at 1979. Beggars can't be choosers and all that.

And once more, with feeling, you yourself just said you asked for people's opinions on the matter and newsflash Roscoe, I have an opinion that takes in to context your quizzical and stubbornly irate distaste of Modern Trek into forming said opinion on this matter. Just because you don't like it, just because you can't defend it, just because you didn't expect it, does not refute or in any way de-legitimize my actual informed opinion.

You are a hypocrite. Your post is hypocritical. And you're again being a crybaby about it, because some people have the balls to actually not only disagree with you but also point out the flaw in your argument. Oh, the horror! THE HORROR!!!!
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Damn, Warped9.

I just mentioned that you might get a more honest sampling if you didn't try and throw your personal biases into the equation. You worded the 'no' answer in a way that totally discounted every other fan film ever made and was intended to make folks look like sheep for not seeing things your way.

Why didn't you simply do a 'yes' or 'no' poll?
Ummm... I can still like Star Trek Continues and JJ Abrams Trek too, right?

There are over 700 hours of canon Trek in one form or another; Crom only knows how many hours there are of unsanctioned Trek ranging from fan-films to parodies.

Then there are all the novels, comics, and audio dramas out there; again both authorized and unauthorized. If you include all the fanfic, I would not be surprised to find out there's over a billion words of Trek fiction in the wild.

The way I see it, every person is allowed to like as much or as little of it as they want, for whatever reason they want.

I liked both Continues and the 2009 movie - I expect to like ID when I see it.
As other have indicated, the root problem with this poll is that the options are bad. The first conflates "good enough" and "felt like the real thing" which are two different things. The second conflates "not good enough" with "only accepting what's on TV or film", which is arguably not the same thing as a "sense of continuity". And "I don't know" leaves out anyone for whom continuity doesn't matter.
Ummm... I can still like Star Trek Continues and JJ Abrams Trek too, right?

There are over 700 hours of canon Trek in one form or another; Crom only knows how many hours there are of unsanctioned Trek ranging from fan-films to parodies.

Then there are all the novels, comics, and audio dramas out there; again both authorized and unauthorized. If you include all the fanfic, I would not be surprised to find out there's over a billion words of Trek fiction in the wild.

The way I see it, every person is allowed to like as much or as little of it as they want, for whatever reason they want.

I liked both Continues and the 2009 movie - I expect to like ID when I see it.

Yes, I completely agree with you, DCR. I should have mentioned my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek when I posted my above question. I love most Trek. It's why I've been a fan for more than 35 years. I simply have never understood the vitriol over the different incarnations of Trek that don't appeal to some. For instance - ENT is not my cup of tea. I don't slam people for enjoying it and generally stay away from that area of the board.

Back on topic, I loved this episode of Trek Continues! I thought the story and the filming was closest I've seen of TOS yet for a fan production. Well done! And I love JJTrek too. STiD is fantastic! IMHO, of course... :)
As a fan film, it was ok. It suffers from the same thing the New Voyages suffered from initially: Stunt casting at the expense of quality story and acting. And the "poll" is bullshit, but the meltdown was well worth the price of admission.
It's a poll. On the Internet. The drama herein may be a little excessive, all things considered. ;)

It may be on the internet but we all know each other to some degree and each others motivations. So it's not really the same, IMO. :techman: