When did voyager go wrong?

The tension was there for exactly one scene, at the end of "Equinox, Part II."

But, pretty much.
If Ransom has been a Captain Longer than Janeway, which it seems obviously he has if you read Voyager as her first command (which is both ratified by the scripts and blow out of the water by other scripts) then he has seniority and Janeway doesn't have the authority to bring him up on charges without his permission.

Then you would ave had this extreme moment where Chuckles talks her into becoming a terrorist criminal to stop the genocide and punish these people for the genocide after the fact.
At least RDM got to fiddle-fix it later in BSG. But I guess even that has people who say 'Pegasus and Galactica crews got on together too quickly; Adama wouldn't have done that; whine, whine, kvetch...'
I don't know why someone always assumes that the maquis were forced to put on Starfleet uniforms. All we are told is that there was an agreement to run Voyager by Starfleet rules, and we see the maquis wearing uniforms. For all we know Chakotay and his crew "ask" to wear the uniforms and wear Starfleet provisional rank bars.
It's hard to picture Katie going after the Maquis people with a whip and a stack of Starfleet standard overalls.

Well, no it isn't. But that's a different matter.
They should have fought those bars. It's like how ranchers brand cattle. Everyone knows who is in Starfleet and who is in denial that Voyager is box car carrying them all to a new concentration camp in the Alpha Quadrant.
I don't know why someone always assumes that the maquis were forced to put on Starfleet uniforms. All we are told is that there was an agreement to run Voyager by Starfleet rules, and we see the maquis wearing uniforms. For all we know Chakotay and his crew "ask" to wear the uniforms and wear Starfleet provisional rank bars.

Just think if they had left Chakotay in civvies gear we could have had even more native american cliches.
Is that even possible?

If there's one thing I truly despise about Voyager, it's had poorly they depicted Chakoty's "culture."

They could have done a little research.
Voyager had some conceptual problems right from the start, and I really think they should've done what Berman wanted and wait until DS9 was done to do the show.

Other than that, the whole "Maquis should've been enemies longer" thing really isn't that much of a problem.

The problem with the Maquis was that the source of their conflict, the DMZ, was now 75 years away. The Maquis were the enemies of Cardassia, not the Federation, and whatever negative feelings they had for the Feds wasn't going to blind them to the fact that these were the only familiar folks around for decades. It wouldn't have been productive for the two crews to be that combative to one another the whole way through.

And even if they were, the tensions would've died down after 1-2 years. If they kept it up after that, then they had to have serious mental issues and they'd likely never get home.

What the show needed was another plot to drive the stories beyond "Going home" which could never be accomplished because...the show would be over.
The problem with the Maquis was that the source of their conflict, the DMZ, was now 75 years away. The Maquis were the enemies of Cardassia, not the Federation, and whatever negative feelings they had for the Feds wasn't going to blind them to the fact that these were the only familiar folks around for decades. It wouldn't have been productive for the two crews to be that combative to one another the whole way through.

And even if they were, the tensions would've died down after 1-2 years. If they kept it up after that, then they had to have serious mental issues and they'd likely never get home.

I could never fit into Starfleet. I would have been quite likely hostile to my forced absorption into the military had I been a Maquis member. I would have been one of the unseen folk scrubbing toilets and taking napes in the Jefferey's tube when I thought I could get away with it.

I'm thinking at least some of them must have rigged up a still.
Yeah, but that's not really conflicting with the Fleeter crew (who saved your lives when they didn't have to), that's just being a mild prick.
It's a fictional tribe, they can pull anything out of their butt they like.
Maybe. But I think only to a certain point. Many of his native "traits" were very derivative of stereotype and very Native-lite. So even if they drew bits from different tribes and what not, they could have tried harder is all I'm saying.
I don't know why someone always assumes that the maquis were forced to put on Starfleet uniforms. All we are told is that there was an agreement to run Voyager by Starfleet rules, and we see the maquis wearing uniforms. For all we know Chakotay and his crew "ask" to wear the uniforms and wear Starfleet provisional rank bars.

Just think if they had left Chakotay in civvies gear we could have had even more native american cliches.

The Maquis were forced to put those uniforms on by Chakotay.

It was an internal debate where he was the only person allowed to talk.

The only thing that would have made the Maquis stay in the DQ is if they found a lost Cardassian Colony, an entire world of Cardassians they could torment, sack, cull and blanch.

If they found a world with Millions of Cardassians in the Delta Quadrant, which they could empty Voyager's Phaser reserve into, there would be an instant mutiny.

They wanted to leave, Janeway needed crew, cost of admission on both fronts, she treats them fairly, then they don't cut her ears in her sleep.