What are your plans for this year?


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Haven't posted much the last 6 months... so I've been pretty busy lately. Got caught up in campaign work, met the President (!), have been job searching and spending time with family post-Japan ever since. Looking for work out in New York and D.C. and planning a move soon. How is everyone? UPDATES FOLKS. What are you up to this year? I just want to find some good, creative work -- get settled into a new city, and enjoy the last year and a half of my 20s :).
Finish my BA. That's it right now. All other long term plans have been thrown out the window. I'll likely move back to IL and eventually apply for a masters while working, but that's all a bit nebulous. I just want to get through the year and be a more whole person at the end of it.
John's Plan for 2013 is to:

1) Not die.
2) Not lose any important limbs.
3) Finally get back to work.
* finish Atlas Shrugged (already failed that one)
* Write something (better than Atlas Shrugged hopefully)
* be a nicer person
This year I'll try, probably for the last time, to find love and build a lasting relationship.

And I have to finish this novel I'm writing, but that's going to be comparatively simpler.
This year I'll try, probably for the last time, to find love and build a lasting relationship.

And I have to finish this novel I'm writing, but that's going to be comparatively simpler.

Good luck! With both. I think by the end of the year I won't hope to be in a serious relationship, but I'd like to be in a place where I'd consider it again. Giving myself some time off from that, though I'd consider more casual relationships.
A few things:

- My customary 2-week trip to New York City (in September).

- In May I plan to drive to Kansas City for the weekend to see a Yankees/Royals series.

- In July, I will see 8 more ballparks (Mariners, Diamondbacks, Angels, Dodgers, Athletics, Giants, Padres, Pirates) so I can check them off the list.
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I've been thinking of selling some of my crafts online, and this year I want to go for it.
Continue working on my second Master's, continue the job I'm currently doing (not my chosen career but I do enjoy my coworkers and the pay), try to better manage my anxiety, that's about it. Things should pretty much stay the same this year as I slowly work towards 2014, which should include many changes. Next year my boyfriend will have finished his PhD, I will have finished my Master's, we will likely be moving and searching for new jobs. Pretty eventful compared to this year.
I think this will be a big year for me.

I'm starting my new job at the IRS in about two weeks. This is going to be my first good job out of college (decent pay, benefits, nice working hours) so I'm excited to get dive in and get started. Planning to use most of that income to start making serious payments on my student loans and build some kind of financial security. I'm also hoping to move sometime between march and the end of summer (I've been living with my parents since August) Might bring along a good friend of mine as a roommate.

Those are the more concrete plans. It would always be nice to find the girl of my dreams.
John's Plan for 2013 is to:

1) Not die.
2) Not lose any important limbs.
3) Finally get back to work.

In fact, I could have written this word for word.

I think the most important thing I need to focus on is figure out what I want to do with my life and get some sort of education for it. I have three unfinished degrees all in areas that now have little or no appeal to me.

Probably the easiest thing I can do for the year is get back into shape. Over the holiday, my brother, cousins and I were discussing hiking the Appalachian Trail summer 2014, but as it is, I don't think I last half-a-day.
This year I'll try, probably for the last time, to find love and build a lasting relationship.
The same for me, entering a beautiful romantic relationship that lasts longer than a few weeks. But I won't say this will be my last attempt.

This summer I want to learn to operate a small sail boat, it looks like fun.

This year I'll try, probably for the last time, to find love and build a lasting relationship.

I suspect finding that someone special will be on many peoples list of things to do this year. It's on mine but I'm not hopefull of ticking it off the list.

But good luck with that goal.
This summer I want to learn to operate a small sail boat, it looks like fun.

It is a lot of fun. Granted, my only experience has been on lakes. I hear seafaring is a whole different animal, even in someplace like Puget Sound.

But I'd love to sail with ya. ;)
^ Punny you should mention that. I don't want to be beaten senseless, either. ;)

My only serious plan for 2013 is to get through my upcoming surgery or, probably, two -- still trying to resolve the unhealed mess from the 2011 neurosurgery -- so I can resume some semblance of "normal" life.
My plans are as follows:
1) Work a little bit less than last year. (2 day weekends would be nice)
2) Take a real vacation. (I've never done that before)
3) Get Dad moved to Texas where I can visit him more often.
First off, virtual five on meeting the President. Awesome.

As for me...aside from health stuff, which is boring but necessary, the biggest thing I know will happen this year is I'll meet my sister's husband for the first time when he gets here from Japan in April. They got married Christmas day in japan, and while I've spoken to the guy on Skype, haven't actually met him. Should be interesting since while he technically is older then me, I am his senior according to Japanese custom. > : D

Otherwise, me and a friend are going to try and go to New York for abut a week in either September or October. We've talked about going for a long time. Like, before 9/11 long, but now we've decided to actually do it if we just have the cash (read: I have the cash). Know there are a bunch of you NY, would love to meet up when we get there.

Other then that...some cool movies coming out. About it really.