The Snowmen Grading and Discussion Thread

How do you rate The Snowmen?

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Ghostbones, i'd like to refer you to your own signature:

"If you don't like it, why are you watching it then?"
-Joey Deacon
I was just counting up how many Books and Audios this episode manages to render impossible.
It certainly makes All-Consuming Fire problematic. And the Benny audio with Mycroft Holmes.

However, since All-Consuming Fire says that Holmes and Watson are merely pseudonyms to hide their real identities, it's possible that the seventh Doctor and Benny's adventure in All-Consuming Fire was with Madame Vastra and Jenny and Mycroft is another Silurian.

It was an off-hand remark made by someone who neither knew Conan Doyle nor the inspiration behind his stories. It was a joke for the audience given by a character with no real knowledge; it certainly doesn't contradict my beloved NAs.
The Doctor says Strax was resurrected by "a friend." Who was this friend? I'm guessing Vastra or Jenny, otherwise why else does Strax choose to be their butler?
This is bugging the crap out of me. The explanation was so vague; I hope we learn more about how Strax returned from the dead...did Rory do it?

So, the loss of Amy and Rory has made the Doctor into a chronically depressed loner who has parked the TARDIS on a cloud above Victorian England. If he really wants isolation, thre are better places he could have gone. Hell, there's a greater percentage of planet or moons without life on them than with life. But okay deep down he wants to stay in contact with someone. What's so special about Vastra and her gang that he chose them?

Vastra, Jenny, and Strax were with the Doctor when he lost Amy before. Maybe having them around is the next best thing to being with the Ponds, if only vaguely.
I enjoyed it.

As a ASOIAF fan, I giggled every time the words "Winter is Coming" were uttered.

I think that Smith and the new companion have great chemistry.

I put it into the "jolly good time" category. Strax was my favorite. Grenades!

I found the whole saga of River Song to be tiring and off putting. I am optimistic about the new season.
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Is there a "Christmas Carol" analogy with Clara?


and now present.

10 bucks says The Doctor will make all Clara's come back alive and meet

internet fanboys explode as THREE Jenna's interact.

"I'll see your two Amys & raise you three Claras" :drool:

The Doctor says Strax was resurrected by "a friend." Who was this friend? I'm guessing Vastra or Jenny, otherwise why else does Strax choose to be their butler?
This is bugging the crap out of me. The explanation was so vague; I hope we learn more about how Strax returned from the dead...did Rory do it?
Supposedly it's going to be addressed in a DVD bonus scene.

I'm actually very glad its Vastra & Co. after AGMGTW. I think it opens up more story options that having the Doctor meeting them before Strax "died", earlier in their timelines.

Maybe River still had some regeneration energy for Strax?

And Strax probably doesn't think of himself as their butler. They likely give him the idea he's a mercenary or something, just to keep his interest. "She said to give you a box of grenades".

Also, Richard E. Grant isn't quite "lick the mirror handsome" anymore, is he?
Loved it, absolutely loved every second (with the possible exception of all the Doctor Who?s.)

Great new title music and fab titles, just wonderful, and we get his face in them, yay!! Love the new Tardis console (although am I alone in finding the spinning rings above the time rotor somewhat reminiscent of the Event Horizon's engine?)

Loved that Grant reined himself in and made Simeon quite creepy, and whilst it was a bit of a "Love conquers all" ending, it made more sense than usual given the salt/snow combo.

Loved the tie in to the 2nd Doctor, and Vastra Jenny and especially Strax really need a spin off show. Strax stole every scene he was in, so many hilarious lines :lol:

clara...hmm. I liked her, liked her a lot, but oddly I think I prefered her as Oswin, so we'll just have to see what present day Clara is like. And yes she is gorgeous but...well personally I'm a little in love with Jenny, such a shame I'm not her type :(

I should point out that smith was great, but really that goes without saying.

One major problem of course...they hired the wrong Silent witness cast member!!:mad:
Absolutely rancid television. Possible candidate for worst Who ever, though that's a field growing more crowded by the year.

Is your criteria for worst episode based on how recent it is? Even if you don't like any new Who episodes, you'd have to concede that there are worse episodes than that one.