Rank Pips For Odo?


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
Warning: Possible spoiler regarding the events of the Typhon Pact novel Raise the Dawn. If you have not yet read this novel, please do not read any further, as the contents of this post- as well as subsequent posts- are likely to reveal information about its plot.

Thank you.

Those of you who have read Typhon Pact: Raise the Dawn know that Odo becomes trapped in the Alpha Quadrant following the collapse of the Bajoran wormhole. Near the book's conclusion, Sisko offers Odo a position about the USS Robinson, which was undergoing repairs following damage sustained in the battle in which Deep Space 9 was destroyed.

Odo's rank of constable was a title bestowed upon him by the Cardassians, a title that he retained following the Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor in 2369. As Odo never attended Starfleet Academy, it's not likely that he would qualify for an officer's commission under Starfleet regulations (although his experience in security would certainly merit his holding the position of security chief about a starship). That being said, it would seem silly for him to wear a Starfleet uniform with no rank pips. What type of pips are appropriate for a constable?
If he's not a Starfleet officer, at most he'd have the kind of provisional rank bars that the Maquis wore on Voyager. Or perhaps he could serve in an enlisted capacity, which doesn't take as much training, in which case he'd wear no insignia until he reached the status of a petty officer.

Or he might simply serve aboard as a civilian and wear civilian attire, as Phlox did throughout his time on Enterprise, or as T'Pol did during the third season, between resigning from the Vulcan High Command at the end of season 2 and receiving a Starfleet commission at the start of season 4. Or as Neelix, Kes, and Seven did aboard Voyager. There's precedent for civilians being part of a starship's senior staff.
I don't think "Constable" was ever a rank as such - more of a nickname. He was an honorary member of the Cardassian Judiciary, and then an honorary member of the Bajoran Militia, but I don't think he ever held an official rank in either, not in the way Kira did.

I assume the Bajoran Militia would still honour that position even now. So he could maintain his Bajoran Militia uniform and seniority even aboard a Starfleet ship (at the captain's discretion), just as Major Cenn does. One does not automatically have to join Starfleet just because one serves on a Starfleet ship.

At the same time, I doubt Odo would want to work at the most basic grunt levels, given his immense experience, nor would Sisko want him to. Not to mention the fact that he is effectively exiled royalty. Sisko would not want to potentially piss off a member of the Dominion ruling class by making him work the night-shift on deck 36. I imagine Sisko would have free rein to install Odo as Robinson's new chief of security if he wanted to, while keeping his Bajoran Militia status. In effect, recreating the situation as it was on DS9 itself.

From leader of the Dominion to starship security chief. Why would Odo even want to work on a Starfleet vessel? He barely tolerated the rules and regulations foisted on him by Starfleet while on DS9. Imagine his frustration at having to work security on a starship! Though he'd probably be far less busy - no drunk-and-disorderly, no public lewdness, no drunks sleeping it off in the corridors....
It wasn't silly for Tom Paris in Caretaker, the EMH or Dr Zimmerman in Doctor Bashir I Presume to wear uniforms with no pips.
This may sound stupid as I haven't read the book. But why is he trapped in he Alpha Quadrant when Starfleet now have slipstream capable starships?
They don't have enough of them, pretty much.


If Odo had a rank in the Bajoran Militia, when Bajor joined the Federation would he have gotten the same rank in Star Fleet?
So he's not trapped because the wormhole collapsed but because Starfleet doesn't want to spare the resources for a week to take him home. :lol:
So he's not trapped because the wormhole collapsed but because Starfleet doesn't want to spare the resources for a week to take him home. :lol:

Sisko explained that he wasn't aware of any vessels scheduled to travel in the direction of Dominion space in the near future, and offered Odo a position about the Robinson, so that he would have something to do until he would be able to rejoin his people.
They don't have enough of them, pretty much.


If Odo had a rank in the Bajoran Militia, when Bajor joined the Federation would he have gotten the same rank in Star Fleet?

Not necessarily, many members of the militia remained in the militia and did not join Starfleet. Major Cenn (can't remember if he was promoted beyond that) is a perfect example.

^^^ I have to say I enjoyed how the Ro-Cenn dynamic replicated the original Sisko-Kira dynamic from Season 1. A Starfleet commander who has a connection to Bajor but doesn't believe in the Prophets, with a Bajoran Militia liaison officer as the first officer, who isn't a fan of Starfleet and never wanted to be on the station in the first place, only with the genders reversed. I would have liked to see more of that dynamic.

So he's not trapped because the wormhole collapsed but because Starfleet doesn't want to spare the resources for a week to take him home. :lol:

Sisko explained that he wasn't aware of any vessels scheduled to travel in the direction of Dominion space in the near future, and offered Odo a position about the Robinson, so that he would have something to do until he would be able to rejoin his people.

So StarFleet aren't willing to do a favour for a major power who (who knows when the wormhole might reappear) they were previously at war with and might be handy future allies?

I didn't think the reasoning made much sense when I read it and I don't think it makes much sense now between a contrivance to get Odo back to the AQ - there were a hundred other ways of doing that and keeping him there that make more sense...
While Odo never attended the Academy, neither did Kira, although she held an official rank. Kira was given a commission. Was Odo part of the Bajoran Militia? If so he could get a commission like all the others when Bajor joined the Federation?
So he's not trapped because the wormhole collapsed but because Starfleet doesn't want to spare the resources for a week to take him home. :lol:

Sisko explained that he wasn't aware of any vessels scheduled to travel in the direction of Dominion space in the near future, and offered Odo a position about the Robinson, so that he would have something to do until he would be able to rejoin his people.

So StarFleet aren't willing to do a favour for a major power who (who knows when the wormhole might reappear) they were previously at war with and might be handy future allies?

I didn't think the reasoning made much sense when I read it and I don't think it makes much sense now between a contrivance to get Odo back to the AQ - there were a hundred other ways of doing that and keeping him there that make more sense...

Thank you Sir. You explained my point brilliantly. :techman:
So StarFleet aren't willing to do a favour for a major power who (who knows when the wormhole might reappear) they were previously at war with and might be handy future allies?

I didn't think the reasoning made much sense when I read it and I don't think it makes much sense now between a contrivance to get Odo back to the AQ - there were a hundred other ways of doing that and keeping him there that make more sense...

Apparently not, as Starfleet has its hands full with the Typhon Pact. And, as the Dominion had closed its borders to any vessels- including Federation ships- it's not likely that anyone approaching their space would be well-received, regardless of whom they were transporting.
So StarFleet aren't willing to do a favour for a major power who (who knows when the wormhole might reappear) they were previously at war with and might be handy future allies?

I didn't think the reasoning made much sense when I read it and I don't think it makes much sense now between a contrivance to get Odo back to the AQ - there were a hundred other ways of doing that and keeping him there that make more sense...

Apparently not, as Starfleet has its hands full with the Typhon Pact. And, as the Dominion had closed its borders to any vessels- including Federation ships- it's not likely that anyone approaching their space would be well-received, regardless of whom they were transporting.

One ship isn't going to make that much of a difference and Sisko's had no problem taking the Defiant to transport Odo to the Dominion in Broken Link. They can't be more hostile than they were at that point right after the failed Cardassian/Romulan attack. The benefits outweigh the cost of one ship being gone for a few weeks or months.