Grimm (NBC) Season 1 Discussion *Spoilers!*

I'm not a big fan of his reasoning. It sounds too much like the reason why people forgot about the alien invasion in the War of the Worlds tv series. Aliens invade Earth and destroy major cities in the 1950's and 30 year later most people have forgotten that even people who lived through it? I don't really buy it. It's some kind of magic going on.
mass Hypnosis?

Something in the water?

Humans could be trained and conditioned from birth by their own parents who don't even understand what they're doing... Which is why when junkies have kids, they're all messed up, because the parents don't care two shits enough to condition their children like they're supposed to...

Wessen can't see wessen most of the time right?
Avengers seems like a lifetime ago.

It's like the rest of the world was lazy.

Lucinda was a crazier &^%$ on One Tree Hill when she went on a killing spree.

I guess she's been type cast.
I thought it was a pretty "meh" episode compared to the past few weeks but the hopefully the background about Nick's parents deaths will come into play later on.
Loved Spencer's giveaway in the interrogation room. Hank picked up on that, and Spencer picked up on Nick's concern and tried to cover. Nicely done, obvious enough for the viewer.

So now Nick lost one of his toys? Sucks.
It's just in the evidence locker.

Nick can get it back, along with millions in cocaine and inkpack stained cash.
I thought it was a pretty "meh" episode compared to the past few weeks but the hopefully the background about Nick's parents deaths will come into play later on.
This sums up my feelings as well. The case was ok, but the stuff about Nick's parents was very interesting. I'm very curious to see how everything will come together as the season closes, if it does.
The case was boring. It spent way too much time on the guest characters. I prefer that they focus mainly on the cast. The stuff with Nick's parents saved the episode.
Interesting episode - Silas Weir Mitchell sure put in a good performance this week. Hank and Juliet are closing in on the truth.

It just occurred to me that Monroe's first name being Eddie - is that a reference to The Munsters' Eddie? The werewolf boy, all grown up. ;)
Julia approaching the truth is nothing like Emma from Once Upon a Time approaching the truth

They're both nursing at Skully's sceptical tit with stark contrasts of potency.
Good episode with lots of development for characters other than Nick. Despite a very real possibility of turning into a stupid caricature, Monroe's been a great foil for always serious Nick.

Hank looked like he was about to lose his, mind when the shrink reverted back to his human form. I hope they follow up on that and don't drop that thread.

Good to see Juliette getting something to do as well. I found her far less annoying and useless than in previous episodes. It looks like she'll really have something to do next week (and next season?) if the teaser for the season finale is any indication.
If they don't kill her off...there's always a chance of someone dying in a season finale.

I loved the look on Hank's face when he say the monster turn back into a human. He looked so freaked out I thought that he'd have a heart attack.
Hank is going to KILL Nick when he learns the truth, that Nick let him think he was going crazy. But you could tell by the look on Nick's face that he really wanted to say something...

Juliet really shouldn't have kept the hair for her own testing, though. That was evidence at a murder scene! She should know better. If she absolutely must, she could sneak one strand away, and give the rest to the cops. Even if it's "contaminated" by her interference, she shouldn't just take it.
By Hanks world view, Nick is lying or Hank is crazy.

Those are the only two possibilities.

So really, if Hank is willing to continue his job while being technically crazy because Nick lying would be more impossible, then Nick really has no choice but to get Hank fired for being so completely irresponsible as to walk around with a gun deciding right from wrong when he can't tell sane from looney...

Am I talking about Awake?

Those doctors should lose their imaginary licenses.

Catch 22?

Only crazy people want to be cops, so you can't stop buggers from being cops just cause they're crazy?
Really liked this episode, we got lots of good stuff for Monroe, Hank, and Juliet. Can't wait for next week, although I hope they don't kill Juliet, because I like the idea of Nick having another person who knows about his Grimmness and the Wesen... unless Hank finds out too, then I don't really care what they do with her.
Greetings, all! I only started watching this show after it was renewed for S2. I have wasted too many hours investing in shows that were canceled, so I'm not doing that anymore. I wait for them to be renewed, and then start catching up via On Demand. Call me a cynic...but this is much better on my blood pressure and frustration levels. :lol:

Anyway, I have not read this entire thread, but I have read parts of it, and for the most part I agree with the comments. Started a bit slow, but once they began fleshing out Nick's character, got the ball really rolling on the relationship between Nick and Monroe, and started getting into the mythology, improvement abounded.

I also agree about Juliet - sort of a pointless character, except in terms of emphasizing the Big Secret. I agree with a comment made several pages ago that the best thing for this character is for them to ultimately break it off and write her out, after Nick is put in a position of having to sacrifice his life with her in order to be able to fully embrace his destiny as a Grimm.

This will definitely up the ante on his commitment level, and I'd be great with that.

Monroe is definitely the best character so far...but I've been warming up to Nick a lot more over the past few episodes as they have begun to flesh out the character more and get him deeper and deeper into the mythology. Now, I'm sort of excited for him to discover all that he could be...and perhaps needs to be! And I also hope that, while Nick is a 'good' Grimm, that we be confronted with 'bad' Grimm as well - I think that would make things more interesting for Nick and for the audience.

I have only watched the first 16 episodes (watched about 6 this past weekend!) so I am a bit behind...but I like this show so far and plan to watch it next year.
I have only watched the first 16 episodes (watched about 6 this past weekend!) so I am a bit behind...but I like this show so far and plan to watch it next year.

You're heading into the best part of the season, IMO. The episodes leading up to the finale are some of the best the show has done, and are markedly improved over early season episodes for the reasons you noted.

This week is the season finale right or do we have another ep?

This week is the season finale. I thought the show started relatively late compared to other fall shows but I guess they caught up by airing fewer reruns over the course of the season.