I'm glad to have Nimoy back, even if it will be just a glorified cameo type role this time around.
I'm fine with Klingons as you know they had to appear at some point, they are a staple.

However, if this Khan rumor turns out to be fact color me unimpressed. Where are they guys who were so ballsy and willing to make things daring that they blew up Vulcan? My expectations for this films foe were to be equally ballsy and daring. Will their third film be The Search for Spock? I'm not wanting a rehash of the original films just played with newer instruments. Seems that with Khan that's the path they are now going down.
BEEP! *Head Explodes!*

*Head re-coagulates* ;-p

I want to call BS on this, but didn't the same people leak 100% accurate details of Trek 11?

If true, I hate that they have taken the easiest path, but some comments here give me hope that I may still enjoy myself so I will, as I always have, queue-up to see the film at least once.

I don't care who plays the lead. I am sure there is good reason for choosing whom they have. Vulcans have superior strength even though they don't look particularly tough. Can't figure out why Prime Spock is needed again... "Cept maybe to die again at Khan's hands. How poignant, eh?
Will their third film be The Search for Spock? I'm not wanting a rehash of the original films just played with newer instruments. Seems that with Khan that's the path they are now going down.

This just shows your own lack of imagination.

I doubt this movie is going to be like TWoK in any way, shape or form.
Will their third film be The Search for Spock? I'm not wanting a rehash of the original films just played with newer instruments. Seems that with Khan that's the path they are now going down.

This just shows your own lack of imagination.

I doubt this movie is going to be like TWoK in any way, shape or form.
It couldn't possibly be anything like WoK, since Khan had a vendetta from being stranded in a hellhole and forgotten by Kirk for years and losing his wife to the elements. Since Kirk hasn't met Khan yet, no way it could be anything like that. Sure there's a possibility that it may, in some ways, be similar to Space Seed, but, somehow, I suspect any similarities there will be superficial.
Cumberbatch, an actor who I find repulsive to look at, so repulsive I don't watch Sherlock...

Wow. Harsh.

I'm never asking you out for a date. :rommie:

I dunno. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. I think he's pretty good looking, myself. If in a very British sort of way. In fact, he's got some decidedly "alien" looking features :bolian:

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[Well, linking it directly from Fanpop isn't so good, but I'll fix that. Just this once. :p - M']
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Maybe the Klingons find the BB first. HMMM.. Kingons and augments... Where have i seen that before.. /cough Enterprise LOL
Cumberbatch, an actor who I find repulsive to look at, so repulsive I don't watch Sherlock...

Wow. Harsh.

I'm never asking you out for a date. :rommie:

I dunno. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. I think he's pretty good looking, myself. If in a very British sort of way. In fact, he's got some decidedly "alien" looking features :bolian:

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He is very attractive without being "pretty".
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Creativity and originality are what draw me to a science fiction movie, not cheap hash and rehash.

Bob Orci is a "Star Trek" fan. He's co-written a "Star Trek" sequel movie that he wants to see, and that he thinks we will enjoy as well, along with millions of people who don't follow "Star Trek" the way we do. And there's nothing cheap about the budget he's playing with.

A remade "Space Seed" may not resemble the original "Space Seed" in many ways at all.

I guess Abrams, Orci & Kurtzman used it all up on Mission Impossible 3: Ghost Protocol, which I found very entertaining.

That film had no numeral in it, but "Ghost Protocol" was the fourth in that series of movies. But yes, it was excellent.

Another Khan movie is like reading a book and going to see the movie, or vice versa. You always end up disappointed.

I was one of the lucky ones. I read the then-new novelization of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" in December 1979, and then went to see the movie. Alone. A few weeks later, I discovered the local gathering place for Star Trek fandom. For months, I was the only one of my new friends who loved and understood all of the events of that movie. 'Cos I'd read the book first.
Oh...some hardcore Trekkies don't like the direction the Franchise is taking? Too bad. Same thing happened in 1987...

As a newbie to fandom in December 1980, I know it also happened in December 1979, and - going through archived back issues of our club newsletter before my time - to TAS as well.
Cumberbatch, an actor who I find repulsive to look at, so repulsive I don't watch Sherlock...

Wow. Harsh.

I'm never asking you out for a date. :rommie:

I dunno. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. I think he's pretty good looking, myself. If in a very British sort of way. In fact, he's got some decidedly "alien" looking features :bolian:

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It's kind of a visceral response on my part. I know he's hugely popular. I also think he'll be a GREAT villain, very happy about him being in it though the "alien" quality he has is kind of wasted on a human.
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Anybody remember when Trek was about big ideas, and not 100% focused on evil villains and space combat? When the crew of the Enterprise were explorers, not space cops?
Anybody remember when Trek was about big ideas, and not 100% focused on evil villains and space combat? When the crew of the Enterprise were explorers, not space cops?

No, Trek began with space cops fighting evil villains and space monsters.
Anybody remember when Trek was about big ideas, and not 100% focused on evil villains and space combat? When the crew of the Enterprise were explorers, not space cops?
There's no time for anything more in a 2 hour movie, and you sure can't make a deep arc out of 1 movie every 3+ years.

But, yea, as Kelso said, TOS was about Space Cops fighting evil villians.
Anybody remember when Trek was about big ideas, and not 100% focused on evil villains and space combat? When the crew of the Enterprise were explorers, not space cops?

No, Trek began with space cops fighting evil villains and space monsters.

This. I mean, "The Man Trap" was the episode right after the pilot, in the original series, and they were already fighting a villain.
Anybody remember when Trek was about big ideas, and not 100% focused on evil villains and space combat? When the crew of the Enterprise were explorers, not space cops?

No, Trek began with space cops fighting evil villains and space monsters.

This. I mean, "The Man Trap" was the episode right after the pilot, in the original series, and they were already fighting a villain.

In production order...

Evil Gary Mitchell
Galactic criminal Harry Mudd
Evil Kirk
The salt vampire
The crew goes crazy
Charlie Evans
Roger Korby and Ruk
Dr. Tristan Adams

Out of the first eleven episodes that were produced, only one doesn't have an actual villain.

(And I know that Balok turned out to be tranya-sipping Clint Howard, but the crew didn't know that until the end)
No, Trek began with space cops fighting evil villains and space monsters.

This. I mean, "The Man Trap" was the episode right after the pilot, in the original series, and they were already fighting a villain.

In production order...

Evil Gary Mitchell
Galactic criminal Harry Mudd
Evil Kirk
The salt vampire
The crew goes crazy
Charlie Evans
Roger Korby and Ruk
Dr. Tristan Adams

Out of the first eleven episodes that were produced, only one doesn't have an actual villain.

(And I know that Balok turned out to be tranya-sipping Clint Howard, but the crew didn't know that until the end)

I disagree. Nearly every episode had an antagonist, but that's not the same thing as having a villain. The salt vampire wasn't evil, for instance - just starving (and the characters mourn the loss of a unique species dying out). Charlie X wasn't evil, just a frustrated teenager with powers beyond his control. Roger Korby wasn't Roger Korby at all, but the flawed creation of a mad genius... and so on.

From Generations onward, each film's plotting process seems to start with, 'Okay, what sort of Evil Bad Guy can we cook up for our Good Guy Heroes to kill?' And each film has ended with a snarling villain, and something blowin' up real good.
In fact, he's got some decidedly "alien" looking features :bolian:
Yeah I noticed, he's got great Elephant Man-ish bone structure for makeup & prosthetics. That's why I wanted him to being playing a Klingon, DAMMIT! :rommie: Or Romulan. But I figured the Rommies were last time, right? But Khan is a hew-mon, so it's all going to waste.

Here's what's been bugging me about Cumberbund playing Khan. In the original, when we saw Khan and his merry band of genetic supermen and women, they were all freakish specimens of physical perfection, as conventionally defined, because it wouldn't really get the point across unless it's conventional - something everyone in the audience can agree on and say, "yeah it looks like a damn Mr./Miss America competition."

That's crucial because it immediately sends the message that this is creepy and weird, seeing all these too-damn-perfect looking people, all buffed out like they live in a gym. Their perfection is how the audience knows "there was something jes' not right about that Eugenics War."

Just having the characters tell us about this bad thing in their history isn't going to have the same impact. Visual media are show, don't tell. (Plus they've got two hours and zero backstory, so they'd have to talk themselves blue in the face to get it all in, by which time everyone's bored and in the lobby for more popcorn.)

So now we have one guy who just looks like some guy you wouldn't look twice at on the street. How does he convince the audience that he's a "superman" whose backstory means something dangerous and threatening to Our Heroes? His looks aren't very impressive, so is he going to do things that are super-smart?

Well, did Khan ever originally do anything super-smart? Uh, not really. :rommie: In TOS, he got the upper hand via his seductive looks. The audience could agree, "yeah Ricardo is an amazing looking guy" so that sorta worked. For Khan to ever be impressive via his smarts, means the writers must be that smart, so they can give him smart things to do. Sorry, I don't have that much faith in their ability.

And Khan definitely can't have the Mr. America posse trailing behind him, because what, are they all going to look like people Abrams hired from off the street, too? If they don't, then Cumberbund will look that much fuglier.

So we got one guy, who won't look impressive, isn't going to pull any Braniac moves, so - how is he going to be anything other than Generic Trek Villain #2 in a series of 3?

Nah, they should have gone with a Klingon.

Anybody remember when Trek was about big ideas, and not 100% focused on evil villains and space combat?
Yeah, when it was on TV. Summer popcorn movies are all about action and splosions. Till Trek is back on TV, we have to be happy with that (sigh).

When the crew of the Enterprise were explorers, not space cops?
Kirk & crew were always space cops (and space soldiers and occasionally space diplomats - the stories were more often about those things than "exploration," which was usually an excuse to have something/somebody to fight.)
Hmmmm....I've never looked at Cumberbatch and found anything drool worthy (but, then, Daniel Jackson on Stargate SG-1 is much more drool worthy in motion, then in stills, vice versa, Tom Welling, looks HAWT in pictures causing you to want to "Be in your Bunk" , but, watching Clark Kent makes you decide "Nevermind", because his personality is dead fish). In Cumberbatch's case, he's way too skinny for my taste in pics I've seen, and never seen him act in anything

Cumberbatch appears to have put on a good 15-25 pounds, which will fill his face out a bit, plus the bangs are long in the movie, helping make the face smaller looking. He's got strange shaped eyes in that picture above, but, his eyes are a very beautiful color. With the strong chiseled Jaw Line, some more meat and his bones, and hair and makeup tricks to "shrink" his face, they very well may surprise us with how "Perfect" he ends up looking (Though I gotta say, the stunt light brunette/dark blonded stunt ouble behind him in those early pics with the cool glasses is pretty Hot)