USS Valhalla - Third time is the charm?


Vice Admiral
I've been fiddling with a story for years now, and have tried on a few occasions to design the hero ship featured in it.

Here you can see my first and second trys.

Here is the current direction I'm heading in:


(note there are a few known perspective and scale issues with this sketch: Bridge, windows, etc.)

The story takes place across nearly a century with the ship originally being deployed near the end of the Romulan War as the 'Defiant' of her era, then being refit several decades later in preparation for a possible conflict with the Klingons and finally ending up a cobbled-together relic patrolling the neutral zone leading up to the events of Balance of Terror.

The ship will have a distinct look in each of the three 'episodes' (if anything ever comes of it) and this sketch best represents the version of the ship in the second episode after the refit that brought it up to spec with the ships of the early 23rd century.

As long as I manage not to be distracted by anything else in the near future, I hope to finish sketches of all three versions and eventually do a 3d model. That is probably being optimistic though.

Any thoughts or ideas are welcome. Ship design isn't my strong suit, assuming I have a strong suit.

- Vin
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Looks very cool to me. Almost like the Romulan Bird of Prey. If you wanted to play with that supposed "stolen federation plans" back story I'd say this ship would be a pretty good basis.
I like it! The saddlebag-like areas give this version something your previous two didn't have. (Minor nit: you got your red & green nav lights backwards :D )
This is quite nice, actually. The filled in horse shoe shaped primary hull is extremely nice and I think this may be the first well executed dual deflector design I've seen outside of Voyager. I also like the nice jaunty rotational angle of the nacelles as well.

So, I take it she's smaller than an NX class, with a minimal crew, heavy armoring and most of her power put towards over driven phaser arrays?
Looks nice. Now we know where they got the Gallant Wing design from--even as Migs and sabrejets looked similar.
Looks very cool to me. Almost like the Romulan Bird of Prey. If you wanted to play with that supposed "stolen federation plans" back story I'd say this ship would be a pretty good basis.
It is intentional. The second 'episode' of the story (set 2230ish) features a Romulan spy.

So, I take it she's smaller than an NX class, with a minimal crew, heavy armoring and most of her power put towards over driven phaser arrays?
Indeed, though I've always been more of a torpedo man. I borrowed shapes from the Defiant and a couple of the UFO/Lief Ericson kitbashes that have popped up of late to give it a stocky build that makes it look like it could take a beating and keep coming. Operational with a crew in the teens, fully manned at 50-60 or so. Tiny shuttle bay with just enough room for the two two "Valkyries": assault shuttles named Kára and Brynhildr.
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Posting as ordered, sir. ;)

I like it. I really would like to see the old Romulan War version, but this looks nice. I can totally see it as a patrol/scout ship. I can see this thing fighting a Romulan Bird of Prey. Looking good, man.
I've been fiddling with a story for years now, and have tried on a few occasions to design the hero ship featured in it.

Here you can see my first and second trys.

Here is the current direction I'm heading in:


(note there are a few known perspective and scale issues with this sketch: Bridge, windows, etc.)

The story takes place across nearly a century with the ship originally being deployed near the end of the Romulan War as the 'Defiant' of her era, then being refit several decades later in preparation for a possible conflict with the Klingons and finally ending up a cobbled-together relic patrolling the neutral zone leading up to the events of Balance of Terror.

The ship will have a distinct look in each of the three 'episodes' (if anything ever comes of it) and this sketch best represents the version of the ship in the second episode after the refit that brought it up to spec with the ships of the early 23rd century.

As long as I manage not to be distracted by anything else in the near future, I hope to finish sketches of all three versions and eventually do a 3d model. That is probably being optimistic though.

Any thoughts or ideas are welcome. Ship design isn't my strong suit, assuming I have a strong suit.

- Vin

I've been waiting to see one of the 3D art magicians on this board to come up with something like this for years!

Outstanding. This is what the Saladin/Hermes should've been.

Your Valhalla is a very logical design. I'd like to see some of it.

BTW, I really like the nod to some of the designs from ENT, like the Earth ship Intrepid and the unnamed Delta-wing ship.

Did some touching up, fixed some of the perspective issues, etc. Started on a model but Im limited to some pretty low poly counts on this system so it'll probably just be a study to help with the drawings for now.

The ENT references were subconscious at best, I didn't care much for their ship designs and the Intrepid would be one of the worst offenders in my book. If I borrow anything intentionally it will be from the other founding species' ships to try to make it look like something that was cobbled together with the best technology they all had to offer.
That is pretty great Dac. A softer and more voluptuous look but it confirms the basic foundations are sound.

I've also kinda come up with what I thought the bottom may look like. Also added in some phaser banks. Hope this is alright with ya Venardhi.

My concept was meant to suggest harder lines all around really. On the saucer, on the "saddle", etc. and probably thinner all around. Feel free to take your model in whatever direction you like though, and it can just be an alternative refit from the same original class. The bottom certainly looks good and I'm likely to borrow a few things back from you.