If Not Lt Cmdr. Worf, then who from TNG?


After TNG's run?

Data? Don't think so
Crus-uh...no gotta a dr
Troi...not no but HELL no
The Boy...at first blush..no...but still..might work
Anyone else?
The obvious answer is Ro, although she might have been a bit redundant.

I'd go with Data, so long as he didn't take over the show. Data with an emotion chip was definitely something worth exploring properly...
Ensign Sito Jaxa (Shannon Fill) from TNG "The Lower Decks". There was a pitch for DS9 in which Sito did not die at the end "The Lower Decks", but she was instead captured by the Cardassians and imprisoned. The pitch dealt with Sito's reintegration into society and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Some of the ideas in this pitch were integrated into DS9 "Hard Time."


Ensign Robin Lefler (Ashley Judd).

Doctor Selar (Suzie Plakson). Would have been interesting if there was a Vulcan doctor on DS9.

Commander Shelby (Elizabeth Dennehy).

I would have liked to have seen these characters again.
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Admiral Alynna Nechayev (played by Natalia Nogulich) as a series regular instead of a guest appearance. Sisko would still command the station and be the man on point in the Bajor Sector, but Nechayev would be his boss and the one that deals with Starfleet. At times, though, Sisko would have to play referee between her and Kira when Federation and Bajor interests clash.

Her office would actually be in an inactive holosuite in Quark's bar (much to Quark's displeasure and Odo's delight).
Her office would actually be in an inactive holosuite in Quark's bar (much to Quark's displeasure and Odo's delight).
Given that an inactive holosuite is ultimately just a room, why would she not use any of the other 'normal' rooms to be found on this massive space station then rather than chose a room previously used as a holographic brothel above a busy pub?
No one.
Worf brought the Klingongs into the foray like no one else could have, which IMHO launched DS9 into greatness.
Unless mirror Keh'lar showed up...
Data would be most obvious. I don't think he would have "stolen the show" anymore than Worf. I wasn't displeased to see Worf, though.
They could have used Dr Selar (TNG 'The Shizoid Man') if they writers had gone through with the idea of Vulcan leavin' the Federation instead of makin' the Klingons bad guys.
Thomas Riker!

Or maybe Troi. Then she and Jadzia could have hooked up instead of Jadzia and Worf.

Ooh, or Barclay. Barclay and Quark could have had an ongoing story arc about holo-addiction, with Quark taking advantage of Barclay's addiction to turn over a profit.
How about Admiral Picard?

Sisko was way out of his league commanding a fortress of galactic importance. Promoting him further beyond Captain so soon would be somewhat unrealistic. But Picard was overdue a promotion anyway; taking him out of the TNG equation would free that show to explore all-new dramatic venues, while inserting Sisko's old nemesis into the DS9 format would make for some interesting clashes.

Picard would probably be little more than a guest star in this proposal, filling the slot of Admiral Ross (with a little less brass on his collar, but quite a bit of dramatic impact to compensate for it). We could still have Sisko doing the "Realpolitik" where Maquis scum needs to be bombarded and alliances switched at the drop of a hat, while his desk jockey superior would actually be the one holding up the flag of UFP moral superiority - a welcome reversal of roles.

Timo Saloniemi
The obvious answer is Ro, although she might have been a bit redundant.

IIRC Nerys was originally supposed to be Ro, but they changed their minds and went with a new actress and character.

I wasn't particularly pushed about seeing TNG characters turning up on DS9, not entirely sure I liked having Worf there! Although O'Brien fitted in nicely