Rumor: TNG-HD is a-coming

And that footage was taken from an episode at the back end of Season 7, I'd be amazed if the early series' negatives even existed, let alone in a usable condition.
Why? They had the negatives for TOS and that was from the 60s. I would imagine they would keep all the TNG stuff as well once Trek got big again.

And really, the only thing about early TNG that looks terrible are the VHS transfers, which aren't going to be used here.

They didn't have the negatives from TOS, they had the masters which were mastered on 35mm film, which is why they could just go back and rescan those masters at HD resolution. TNG was never mastered on film, which is why were having this discussion in the first place.

I'll bet you a million billion cookies that TNG-R is in fact upscaled SD masters. ;)
And that footage was taken from an episode at the back end of Season 7, I'd be amazed if the early series' negatives even existed, let alone in a usable condition.
Why? They had the negatives for TOS and that was from the 60s. I would imagine they would keep all the TNG stuff as well once Trek got big again.

And really, the only thing about early TNG that looks terrible are the VHS transfers, which aren't going to be used here.

They didn't have the negatives from TOS, they had the masters which were mastered on 35mm film, which is why they could just go back and rescan those masters at HD resolution. TNG was never mastered on film, which is why were having this discussion in the first place.

I'll bet you a million billion cookies that TNG-R is in fact upscaled SD masters. ;)

Digital Bits goes into further detail as to why a high-definition remaster of The Next Generation is much more problematic than of the older Star Trek: The Original Series. TNG was shot on film, but all post-production and visual effects were done on standard-definition analog video. As Bits editor Bill Hunt states, "if they just simply digitally upconverted from 480i to 1080p, there's NOBODY who would want to buy that on Blu-ray". Therefore, the only solution left is to scan all the original camera negatives, edit it again in HD, and redo all FX using computer graphics, like CBS did with the remastered versions of The Original Series.
There were no "masters" but because the film negatives exist they could do the post-production from scratch, which in this case is expensive and time-consuming but also, ultimately the best way to go...with modern sound, music, FX etc. I recall Okuda said the FX don't exist (and couldn't be used anyway) but they probably have sound and music saved somewhere that can be used. I'm wondering if Levar had to show up to do some looping too.

Another current convo on

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And that footage was taken from an episode at the back end of Season 7, I'd be amazed if the early series' negatives even existed, let alone in a usable condition.

It was from "Ménage à Troi" in Season 3 and Okuda stated in 2009 that all the negatives still exist.

As far as we know, virtually all of the original camera negative from ST:TNG is still in storage. (We asked, several years ago.)
Until recently, the negatives were probably stored in the Hutchinson Salt Mine in Kansas:
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I haven't purchased any TNG since I cancelled my subscription to the TNG Collector's Edition on VHS from Columbia House back in the 90s.

If this HD conversion looks as good as I hope it will my wife will have a hard time stopping me from buying it!
a four episode set of TNG episodes on Blu-ray will be released in Germany on December 15th. The episodes episodes will be "Encounter at Farpoint", "Sins of the father" and "The inner light".
If this is accurate
Season 1,3, & 5 would be represented.
I think we'd see the most improvement on the pilot from 1987 since it was an analog videotape master (ONLY in comparison with the 2002 DVD).

This demo disc would not give away their TNG-R stategy just yet.

Something tells me though that the bitrate for video will be sigjificantly higher than the complete seasons on blu-ray due to only 200 minutes on the disc for the equivalent of 4 episodes.

I'd love to see any release specs of this disc as it should say 7.1 surround sound which means a remix since 2002's DVDs.
So two bad hours, a decent hour and a relatively good hour.

I think I'll pass but I'll definitely keep my eyes open to the general reception. Here's hoping it's top-notch quality. Color me excited.
So two bad hours, a decent hour and a relatively good hour.

I think I'll pass but I'll definitely keep my eyes open to the general reception. Here's hoping it's top-notch quality. Color me excited.

Not sure why Sins of the Father was picked, at least not without the follow-up episodes. Those episodes make the whole stronger, though its a darn good episode in it's own right. Inner Light is more than relatively good to most people...Encounter is not a good episode by most measures but it does have one thing the remastering can use...lots of FX scenes!

Yeah, "Sins of the Father" does seem somewhat random. I don't get it. Maybe they just wanted to do a Klingon episode and didn't want it to be too far into the timeline (in other words, carrying lots of baggage) but they didn't want it to be "Heart of Glory", either.

"The Inner Light" is a perfectly reasonable choice. It's also my favorite of the episodes listed (as I'd imagine it is for most) but I don't like it quite as much as the majority of my fellow fans.

Yeah, good point on the pilot, too.
The digital Bits just confirmed it.

Ah here it is..but how did that german site get it first???

In other news, we've gotten a bit of clarification from our sources on CBS's in-progress Star Trek: The Next Generation - Remastered Blu-ray sampler disc. The disc will include FOUR episodes, two of which will include Encounter at Farpoint, Parts 1 and 2. We're told that the other two should beThe Inner Light and Sins of the Father. It's still up in the air when the official announcement will happen, however it's worth noting that the 45th anniversary of the Star Trek franchise happens this Thursday The Original Series debuted on NBC back on September 8th, 1966.
I'm so glad they chose Encounter At Farpoint. Not starting at the first episode would have been insane. The other episodes seem somewhat arbitrary to me.
Should come out at around fifteen bucks. I'll pick it up to see Encounter at Farpoint.
I'm so glad they chose Encounter At Farpoint. Not starting at the first episode would have been insane. The other episodes seem somewhat arbitrary to me.

Not really--with further reflection--it spreads out the episodes over 5 seasons...which is good for a sample. Also, the Inner Light is considered the "City on the Edge of Forever" of STNG by many people. Including Sins of the father might be like including "Errand of Mercy" in a TOS sampler.

Should come out at around fifteen bucks. I'll pick it up to see Encounter at Farpoint.

Of course you will...

And it'll probably retail $19.99-$29.99. I would spend just about any amount to get them, so it doesn't matter to me.
Should come out at around fifteen bucks. I'll pick it up to see Encounter at Farpoint.

Of course you will...

And it'll probably retail $19.99-$29.99. I would spend just about any amount to get them, so it doesn't matter to me.

Encounter at Farpoint is the only thing that really interests me here. I'm burnt out on Ron Moore's over-wrought Klingons and The Inner Light has never done anything for me. :shrug:

I'd have rather seen A Matter of Honor and something like The Wounded or Ensign Ro.

As for price point... Paramount releases "Best of..." editions for both TNG and TOS at $9.99 and they quickly went to the five dollar bin at Wal-Mart. I think the days of Paramount over charging for the sixth re-release of material is over. TOS full season Blu-Ray sets came out @ $64.99 after the series was released originally for $129.99 per season on DVD.

A single Blu-ray release may retail for $20, but no way they retail for $30.
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