Most hated trilogy: Star Wars prequels or Bayformers?


Fleet Captain
These seem to be the most maligned blockbuster films of the past decade. Both are based somewhat on a merchandise-heavy franchise which originated in the late 70s/early 80s, and both have a large fanbase who have largely rejected the films (Although they still made money)....both have characters who have become major pop culture icons (Darth Vader, Optimus Prime).

So I thought, why not compare the faults and some of the good stuff of each?
Judging from the first film in the series, which was a total mess (and apparently the "good one!") Transformers is easily worse. The prequels are a mess, too, but they're pretty to look at, and have terrific scores by John Williams.
Have only seen the Star Wars prequels, but judging by the trailers (and the director), the Transformers movies are probably worse. :p
The Transformers movies are worse, but the prequels are hated worse. It's because the prequels are a bad follow-up to some beloved childhood memories, while the Transformers are a bad follow-up to some beloved childhood... toy commercials.
That's a tough call - they're both pretty much equally awful in that they have some cool scenes but are mostly filled of cringe-worthy, vomitous drivel that doesn't serve any purpose whatsoever.
Transformers is easily far worse. I'm all for cheap, fun, brainless popcorn entertainment. But these movies can't even manage that because they're so damn long! Also, Shia Labeouf & Megan Fox are a very poor choice to carry a movie. (Whatever happened to that hot Australian computer hacker from the 1st one?) Not to mention the tone deaf attempts at humor, like Bumblebee "lubricating" John Turturro.

The Star Wars prequels aren't 100% successful at what they're attempting but I'd say they achieve about 70% of their full potential. It's a series of great epics spectacularly visualized with some of the greatest score ever written and some damn fine actors. They're only hampered by George Lucas' complete inability to write convincing, human dialogue.

Of course, one very dubious dishonor both movies share: rediculously inappropriate jive-ass step-n-fetchit comic relief. What's all the more baffling is that, even after George Lucas made Jar Jar Binks an international punchline, Michael Bay made the same damn mistake (and more obnoxiously so) with Skid & Mudflap.:brickwall:
As bad as TF2 was, I still enjoyed the first Transformers more than all the SW prequels put together.

I'll take ridiculous and over the top over dull and lifeless any day.
Star Wars prequels by a long shot.. Bay movies are known for one thing and thing only.. huge action scenes where stuff blows up really good.

They are not pretending to be high drama or even attempt to make you think.. they just overload you with explosions, insane stunts and the occasional hot babe and you can like that or not.. personally when the mood strikes me i pop in a Bay movie and let my mind go blank. In fact, Armageddon is one of my most favorite popcorn blockbuster movie.

With Star Wars there's this huge legacy.. 3 now legendary movies that anyone with a little bit of mainstream pop culture knowledge has at least seen and most people at least like and some worship beyond sanity. The prequels though took a huge dump on the magic that were the original movies.. where those were filled with imagination, cool characters kids wanted to emulate we got lifeless people wandering through green screen sets randomly speaking their lines until it was time for another CGI-laden action scene.

The prequels lacked all the heart and "fantasticness" of the original movies and for that huge and epic fail that could have been avoided if anyone had the balls to keep Lucas from writing and directing them they will forever be my most hated trilogy.
The Transformers movies are worse, but the prequels are hated worse. It's because the prequels are a bad follow-up to some beloved childhood memories, while the Transformers are a bad follow-up to some beloved childhood... toy commercials.
Sorta. I'd call Transformers: The Movie the greatest animated film of all time (take that, Miyazaki, you loser). I can't think of any film that's ever had the balls that movie does, and few that were as imaginative. Also, it had Orson Welles. Nausicaa of Valley of the Wind ain't got no Orson Welles.

But as bad as the Transformers films are, Bay didn't fuck up their predecessor, or even try to, whereas the ST Prequels are supposed to be, well, prequels, and attempt to ruin the original trilogy. I say attempt, because I find it reasonably easy to ignore anything I dislike in a fictional universe.
I agree with Myasishchev. Star Wars is hated more because it was such a disappointment after all those years of anticipation. No one really expected great art from a Michael Bay movie.
This is a very difficult choice. Prequels are lifeless cartoons with nonsensical plot and very bad acting even from generally good and respected actors. Transformers movies are loud, stupid, boring as hell excuses for a movie, with no plot whatsoever.

Decisions, decisions ... I'd probably go with Transformers. The second one was boring even with Rifftrax, and it says something.
This is a no-brainer to me: Star Wars is worse. I love the Transformers for being fun action movies. The Star Wars prequels are boring as hell.
Judging from the first film in the series, which was a total mess (and apparently the "good one!") Transformers is easily worse.

This, pretty much. Star Wars has better music, better visuals, action sequences I can actually enjoy, and the obnoxiousness - such as it is - is sedate compared to Bay.

I was quite fond of the Transformers growing up - the toyline more than the cartoon, truthfully. Honestly Transformers work best as a toy concept and are indeed a very good one - a car and a robot, it's like the baseline principle of boy's toys. Throw in some busywork where you turn the car into a robot and then back into a car and you're set.

But I had pretty much no interest in the Bay franchise after the first movie.

Transformers: The Movie
Is also pretty awful (a theatrical advertisement for the new toy line up) but it at least is not the kind of awful where one waits what, forty minutes before you get Optimus Prime? You got robots doing robot things right from the start and that's all I really expect from a movie like that.

Sidebar: Also jeez Bay, three movies and still no Grimlock? What the hell is wrong with those people?
Transformers: The Movie
Is also pretty awful (a theatrical advertisement for the new toy line up)

Well, yeah, it was mercenary, and everything on screen was designed to be sold in your local Toys "Ya" Us, but if that's the packed-to-the-rafters-with-imagination result you get from designing a movie around the sale of dolls, we need more movies designed around the sale of dolls.

I also liked the flawed hero. All the characters are sharply drawn, really, except maybe Arcee, but Hot Rod is a real achievement. Not every franchise film is willing to have their new protagonist fuck up and kill your favorite character, and fewer have the ability to pull that off. That's like if C3PO had tripped Han Solo into a bed of spikes, and then they not only went and kept you from wanting C3PO to die, but actually made you want him to win. And even better, they did it so adeptly even little children understood the narrative necessity of their hero's death.

I dunno. Maybe it really is only because it's the first movie I ever saw, but I love the shit out of that film.

Regarding Grimlock, I think they missed their chance with the Fallen. Those guys could've easily been Dinobots--you just shift the "17,000 B.C." to "70 million B.C." I guess they'd have been evil, but Grimlock beyond good and evil, Grimlock is king.
I dunno. Maybe it really is only because it's the first movie I ever saw, but I love the shit out of that film.
Oh I have a similar fondness for The Land Before Time (not entirely sure if that's the first movie I saw in theatres but I can't remember any earlier examples), I just think the Transformers movie, and cartoon, and the stuff that isn't thet great toy line, was pretty bad. I can have my nostalgia and critique it at the same time if that makes sense.
I was critiquing it. It's just so awesome I couldn't think of anything bad. :p (Except Arcee. I don't even really understand how they have gender? Is it just cultural contamination from living on [a surprisingly depopulated] Earth? Or do they have sex? If so, gross?)

I can readily admit that the show was by turns awful, though...
As bad as TF2 was, I still enjoyed the first Transformers more than all the SW prequels put together.

I'll take ridiculous and over the top over dull and lifeless any day.
Ditto. I think it also needs to be noted that there were decades of anticipation for the prequels, and then they were a let down in many respects. The "Transformers" films on the other hand are their own self contained Transformers universe that can exist on its own without affecting Generation One, Beast Wars or any other show that existed before.
I detest the PT but being the pre-Transformers generation I've never seen or been interested in any version of it... based on what I've seen and heard the PT at least had a plot, whereas no one seems quite sure about that in Bay's movies lol.

The PT is definitely more hated overall, because a lot more people CARED enough to hate it...