T.H.U.G.life: It's Trip-alicious!

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Well, since the holiday season is upon us, I guess it's time to decorate the thread.

You're welcome.


^Back at ya! Don't you just want to put your fingers through that hair?


Sorry, what were we talking about again?
Finally got to see CT's Criminal Minds episode, Minimal Loss.

Where are the screencaps for that one? He's HOT!!!

*cries again over the fact that he doesn't have his own show*
Well, I'm back from a great convention in Montecatini, Italy - it was really friendly, with lots of food, wine and parties as well as our beautiful cute Connor

I haven't got time to write a big piece but I'm happy to post snippets and some pictures - like these ....






And I've got some news ... Connor is working

He has a recurring role on 'Pretty Little Liars' on ABC family channel. Now, I've never seen this, but I looked it up and couldn't see him in the cast list of the 1st 10 episodes, but I read that more have been requisitioned as it had good ratings, and they are continuing the series in January. Connor plays the father of one of the teenagers, who is a Lesbian.

He also is the voice for Nike golf commercials, which apparently took a hiatus when Tiger Woods took a tumble in his popularity, but apparently they are making more again now. I found a link to one on You Tube, but I don't know how recent it is ...

Yes, it's Connor!

Trip Tucker - you can fix me up anytime


Thanks for posting this.

And I am SOOOO saving that Trip smiley. Is that supposed to be Trip and Archer from Desert Crossing?
Great pics, NXOner! That Trip-a-riffic cake is gorgeous! Some kind of celebration?

And I think we need a doctor on retainer in this thread for star. She's always passing out or dying or something... Must be dehydration from all the drooling :drool:
What was the celebration with the cake?

It was dessert for all of us at the gala dinner. Connor was asked to cut it, and he went straight across Trip's neck with the knife!

It was very yummy ... fruit and cream :techman:
Nxoner thanks for the Convention pictures and news about Connor getting a recurring role in Pretty little liars.
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