New Space 1999


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Red Shirt
Would you like to see newer version of space 1999? Its one of the few old sci fi shows they havent touched or rebooted. Motion picture? Possibly a new tv show? Obviously it would have to be called something like; Space 2099 or Moon Base Alpha. Thoughts or ideas you think might be cool. Or should this sci-fi show not be redone?
There's too damn many remakes as it is. Leave this one alone.

I mean, come on...part of the appeal of Space: 1999 was the 70's schmaltz of the production. Look! Martin Landau's acting so wooden he makes Chakotay look like Robin Williams! Those batshit-ugly jumpsuits! The funky theme music! The chick with sideburns! :guffaw:
Studios like to remake properties that have name-recognition. Space: 1999 doesn't have that, since the name itself is outdated, and would almost certainly have to be changed. It doesn't help that the premise itself is pretty silly, at least from what I've read about it. I look forward to the release on Blu-Ray of the original so I can finally see it, though.
i always liked Space 1999, mostly cause i love absurd/over the top sci-fi. but i'm afraid a remake would end up like the Lost In Space movie. and that's not something i'd want.
Studios like to remake properties that have name-recognition. Space: 1999 doesn't have that, since the name itself is outdated, and would almost certainly have to be changed. It doesn't help that the premise itself is pretty silly, at least from what I've read about it. I look forward to the release on Blu-Ray of the original so I can finally see it, though.

Thunderbirds was much older than Space: 1999, and was not known by the currently moviegoing public; and, it spawned a film...(Of course, not a good one; but, it always boils down to a strong script, which the film didn't have).

Would you like to see newer version of space 1999? Its one of the few old sci fi shows they havent touched or rebooted. Motion picture? Possibly a new tv show? Obviously it would have to be called something like; Space 2099 or Moon Base Alpha. Thoughts or ideas you think might be cool. Or should this sci-fi show not be redone?

People who post a hypothetical remake, always post the hypothetical title: Space 2099....

There is a way to explain the title of Space: 1999 (tying into the reason the moon is leaving the Earth's orbit, without affecting the Earth) if they were going to do a remake...;)
What if there were 1999 people on Moonbase Alpha when it got skittled? And every week when some one got killed the number went down. Goodness wouldn't that give the network a headache that the show had a different name every week?
Studios like to remake properties that have name-recognition. Space: 1999 doesn't have that, since the name itself is outdated, and would almost certainly have to be changed. It doesn't help that the premise itself is pretty silly, at least from what I've read about it. I look forward to the release on Blu-Ray of the original so I can finally see it, though.

Thunderbirds was much older than Space: 1999, and was not known by the currently moviegoing public; and, it spawned a film...(Of course, not a good one; but, it always boils down to a strong script, which the film didn't have).

I'd say they're about equal in name recognition. But that wasn't my point, exactly. My point was the name would have to be changed, since 1999 is obviously in the past. Though I suppose you could come up with a reason to keep it, somehow.
I don't see why it can't still be called Space 1999, all you have to do is set it in a theoretical alternate universe where the American space programme wasn't derailed in the 70s and where by 1999 there was a viable moonbase.

You'd need something more powerful than a nuclear explosion to propel the moon out of Earth orbit, and to explain how it can travel so far from week to week; either a wormhole or some kind of FTL storm maybe.

It'd also be interesting to set some of the show on Earth to see the aftermath of the Moon being torn away.

They'd have to keep the Eagles though, and the groovy title track.
I've often placed Space: 1999 at the top of "Reboots/reimagining" lists. At this point, it could be called "Space: Anything-99". The only things I'd like to see kept totally untouched from the original are the Eagle transporters. Everything else is fair game, IMO, including the lost-in-space premise...
HHmmm. Mr Laser Beam. Ugly jumpsuits.Bad sideburns. Wooden performances. I have five words for you. Star Trek The Motion Picture. Those whom live in glass spaceships should not throw asteriods.:rommie:
I'm not averse to the idea of a remake. As a curiosity - as a tribute to the series - I wouldn't mind it. But there's not a very good record with remakes - they very rarely get the point of the original - and so, I seriously doubt that it could ever hope to approach the wonder and power of the original series.

I think the title would have to be Space: 1999 though - despite it being in the past. It's the name recognition that's everything. If you're going to call it something else, you might as well make something else. (Although, as I say, they'll probably end up making something else anyway, no matter what they call it.
HHmmm. Mr Laser Beam. Ugly jumpsuits.Bad sideburns. Wooden performances. I have five words for you. Star Trek The Motion Picture. Those whom live in glass spaceships should not throw asteriods.:rommie:

You assume he likes Star Trek The Motion Picture.

Personally, the idea of the moon being thrown out of the Earth's orbit, by an explosion, just a little to big to swallow.

If a remake made it some sort of warp, how does it work each week? It's like Stargate Universe and the magical countdown clock on the ship?

A crew lost in space... Why not do Lost in Space?
I've always liked the idea of making a Sci-Fi property with modern production values but set in the "fictional future" imagined back in the past. For example, doing Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon with slick special effects but in the "style" envisioned in the '30s. Or in this case, Space: 1999 set in the 1999 as imagined by people in the 1970s. Unfortunately I know that this would have limited appeal as most people wouldn't "get it".
Personally, the idea of the moon being thrown out of the Earth's orbit, by an explosion, just a little to big to swallow.

You have to factor in that the whole thing's been engineered by higher alien intelligences - so there could be all manner of fiendishly complex technology involved. We just don't see it.
They should make it darker. Moonbase should run out of supplies and they have to resort to cannibalism.
Personally, the idea of the moon being thrown out of the Earth's orbit, by an explosion, just a little to big to swallow.

You have to factor in that the whole thing's been engineered by higher alien intelligences - so there could be all manner of fiendishly complex technology involved. We just don't see it.

Right. Ok.

So, the higher alien intelligences engineered the physically impossible, an explosion big enough to send the moon out of the solar system but not crack in half.

At faster than light speeds...

With life like planets aligned in the trajectory...

And each week the aliens keep pushing the moon on?

Was this in the show or a reboot idea?
I like the idea of "1999" meaning something other than the date. Could be a base number or unit designation.
What if there were 1999 people on Moonbase Alpha when it got skittled? And every week when some one got killed the number went down. Goodness wouldn't that give the network a headache that the show had a different name every week?

They could just, I don't know, maybe keep changing the number on a chalkboard or something.