Caption Contest 51: S'mores and Ghost Stories

Nerys Myk

Spockadelic, Baby
Premium Member
But first the winners

Good News Everyone! Award

Slurms MacKenzie: "Hey, baby. Wanna party?"

Emergency Pilot Hologram Award

Archer: Is this a hologram? I can never tell .....


Dog Whisperer Award

Listen Porthos! Put down the phaser and let's talk.

Photoshop crossover Award

Sam Beckett: I did it! Archer's finally an admiral.




Sam Beckett: Oh boy...

A toast to the winners!

And now this weeks pics:

"And when they got back to the ship and got out of the shuttlepod, they looked back at the hatch...and there was a metal hook hanging from the handle!"


Phlox: "So now that you've seen this little video description of the procedure, what do you say?"
Archer: "I say...maybe I'll just take another box of condoms, Doc."


T'Pol: "Go ahead! Perform an action statistically likely to favorably influence my perception of this day!"

T'Pol: "Go ahead! Perform an action statistically likely to favorably influence my perception of this day!"

Winner!!! stop the contest. I do not see anybody topping this....

(Offscreen as the Phase Pistol is pointed at him) - Trip Tucker: "Come on! It was just pillow talk baby!"

Believe it or not, this is the best Campfire scene in all of Star Trek.


Phlox: How are you feeling Captain?

Archer: Worse, now that you've made me watch as you perform Heart Surgery.


T'Pol: I'm a Vegetarian, not a Vegan! Get it right!

T'Pol: "The first person to suggest 'Row your boat' gets a phase pistol up their ass!"


T'Pol: "Fascinating. I never considered that it would be you. Assume the position, Captain."


Archer: "What is it, Phlox."
Phlox: "It's... it's... well... it's green."
Archer: "God, I wish you were talking about brandy and not my penis!"


T'Pol: "You are probably wondering whether I fired six shots or just five. Well considering that this thing runs off a battery, that really doesn't mean shit!" Blows alien's head clean off.

T'Pol: "You are probably wondering whether I fired six shots or just five. Well considering that this thing runs off a battery, that really doesn't mean shit!" Blows alien's head clean off.

Tucker: How did you do that? The Phase Pistol was on stun!
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A special thanks to Nerys Myk for stepping up to the plate and keeping things running. I'm trying not to pull a 'Joe'. ;) :techman:


T'Pol: "I call them marshmellons.......and the first one to disagree gets a Vulcan groin pinch."


Archer: "My lord! Make it stop! (phew)"

Phlox: "I told you Sir, cheese in, cheese out."

EDIT: To TLV, you soooo beat me to the Dirty Harry Line. grrrr. ;)
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T'Pol: "Stop!....Or I will shoot."

Tucker (OS): "We really need to work on your timing."

Trip: Vulcans and beans. an explosive combination

T'pol: Sigh. I hope noone says that again


T'pol: Take that! pew! pew!

Archer(os): Vulcans. So immature
A win! Thanks!


Mayweather: Oh no! None of it was real. The whole island was an allegory for purgatory.


Perhaps next time Captain you might want to find out all of the details of the natives' rituals before you agree to participate? Hmm? Be that as it may, this ritual calls for a sacrifice of the left one. Luckily for you it doesn't say how.

T'Pol: "When do you people intend to inform the captain that you consumed his dog for sustenance?"

Tucker: "Never, veggie girl!"


Archer: "Then Al's..."

Phlox: "An illusion, you goddamn stoner! I've told you to lay off the stuff, but nooooooo! No one ever listens to the alien doctor!"


T'Pol: "There is this passage I have memorized which is adequate for this situation. T'Plana-Hath 25:17? 'The path of the logical Vulcan is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the emotion and the illogic of evil men. Logical is he who in the name of charity and logic shepherds the weak through the valley of passion, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with unemotional vengeance and logical anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers! And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!'"

Trip: "Well, we've got two tents. So...guys in one; gals in the other?"
Cutler: "Why not officers in one and enlisted in the other?"
Mayweather: "But...that would leave you with a tent all to yourself, Crewman Cutler!"
T'Pol: "That's fine by me. She tends to get grabby when the lights go out."

Tucker: "Great, now she's going to gloat because her Vulcan iPad can get a wi-fi signal while our human ones can't."