"Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn"


Did Sisko ever have a 'Khan!' moment in the 7 years of DS9?

In other words a big ass meltdown
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

Well, other than the "It's REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAL!" speech in "Far Beyond the Stars...", nothing comes to mind as of now....
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

When Cisko gets dragged away from dead Jen on the Saratoga.
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

He had plenty. When Jen died, when he found out Jake had stayed on the occupied station, FBTS moment... he yelled a lot. Haha!
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

Well, other than the "It's REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAL!" speech in "Far Beyond the Stars...", nothing comes to mind as of now....


That's the first thing that sprang to mind for me too ;)

Don't forget that bit when one of the Federation fleets gets destroyed and he smashes the top of one of the tables in the mess hall with his fist ^^.
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

I thought for sure this would be about Rejoined before I clicked on the thread.

When Cisko gets dragged away from dead Jen on the Saratoga.

Who the devil is "Cisko"? :vulcan:

And nothing comes to mind that other posters haven't said already. "IT'S REEEEAAAAAAL" was the big one that popped into my mind.
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

Sisko's mental break down in Far Beyond The Stars was well played, I thought. When he started losing it, I really felt it come through...

Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

I thought for sure this would be about Rejoined before I clicked on the thread.

When Cisko gets dragged away from dead Jen on the Saratoga.

Who the devil is "Cisko"? :vulcan:

And nothing comes to mind that other posters haven't said already. "IT'S REEEEAAAAAAL" was the big one that popped into my mind.

That was so amazing I actually couldn't speak the first time I saw it.

Now, of course, due to its infamous status I just love it for the good laugh it provides when taken out of context ;)
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

TBH I don't remember the scene enough to recall if he really was that hammy, but according to the Television Tropes & Idioms:

Sisko: The Pah-Wraiths will never conquer anything! Not Bajor, not the Celestial Temple, and certainly not the Alpha Quadrant!
Dukat: And who's going to stop us?
Sisko: I HAM! YAM!!!!!
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

When he had the surgery that took away his visions: "You took them awaaaaaaaaaay! And now. They're. Gone."

Love it.
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

"Thorax in a Bog?"
"Two Cats and a Dog?"
"Laxative Log?"
"No! No no no!"
"Now you're doing it on purpose. How juvenile."
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

The difference is that Shatner's yelling was over-the-top, yet awesome, while the "It's real" thing was embarassingly lame and ruined what was a decent episode up to that point. My favourite Sisko yelling moment is him yelling "NEVAR!!!!!!!!!" in "Dramatis Personae" when O'Brien suggests they leave the station because Kira is leading a mutiny. :)
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

Doesn't Sisko get a "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" moment in the Homecoming/Circle/Siege trilogy?
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"


Oh, that was Brooks in "The Big Hit". ;)
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

"You betrayed your UNIFORM!" - Sisko incensed at Eddington in "For the Uniform" comes to mind.
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

Doesn't Sisko get a "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" moment in the Homecoming/Circle/Siege trilogy?
I think you're thinking of "In the Hands of the Prophets", where we indeed get a big, hammy "NOOOOOOOO!" as he prevents an assassin from killing someone.
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

Doesn't Sisko get a "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" moment in the Homecoming/Circle/Siege trilogy?
I think you're thinking of "In the Hands of the Prophets", where we indeed get a big, hammy "NOOOOOOOO!" as he prevents an assassin from killing someone.

In slow motion, no less. That was such a cheesy scene! Good episode though.
Re: "Khan..............Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnn"

^I've rarely, if ever, seen a slo-mo that works....