Most attractive Trek alien races?

Most attractive alien races? (you can pick more than 1)

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Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Inspired by this thread and the 'Most beautiful people in Trek" thread. :)

Which of the non-human races in Star Trek universe do you find overall the sexiest (physically attractive, interesting, etc.)? Not counting those who look 100% like humans (most of the TOS "aliens", for instance). Also not counting those that can show up in any shape they want (Q, Prophets...).

The poll is multiple choice. Pictures are welcome. I'll post some later...

* Yes, androids aren't exactly a race or aliens, but I think they deserve to be there, too. But not those TOS-beauties who were indistinguishable from humans.
How strange that we humans should even be attracted to creatures that are not our species. And yet it's true, some of the Trek aliens are undeniably attractive.

I voted Vulcans, Romulans (TOS), Cardassians and Bajorans. Each of these has attractive qualities, as do other species that I didn't pick. :)
Vulcans and Romulans (TOS variety) are physically attractive, in regards to their appearance and superior capabilities. I find the Vulcan stoicism and spirituality, as well as their striving for knowledge and truth, very attractive. Romulans seem so very passionate and bold, which is also attractive.
Something about the reptilian look about Cardassians is alluring in a way I can't quite put my finger on. And Bajorans are really cute, in my opinion, with their noses, and more beautiful in their spirituality.
Other races also have undeniably attractive qualities as well, of course.

Interesting topic to bring up. :)
I'll start with pics and a few words about my choices...

VULCANS :vulcan:

The cute pointy ears and upswept eyebrows give Vulcans a certain elfish/devilish/mysterious/exotic look. But they're also interesting because of the whole suppression of emotions thing and exceptionally strong emotions smoldering underneath... as well as their great physical strengh, enhanced senses, and amazing mental abilities (telepathy, mind-meld...)


Oooh! It's the Vulcan Princess! :D

Actually, the only truly alien species that I overtly lust over are Twi'leks, but they're not applicable in this case, so...
I voted Vulcans, Romulans (TOS), Cardassians and Bajorans. Each of these has attractive qualities, as do other species that I didn't pick. :)
Vulcans and Romulans (TOS variety) are physically attractive, in regards to their appearance and superior capabilities. I find the Vulcan stoicism and spirituality, as well as their striving for knowledge and truth, very attractive. Romulans seem so very passionate and bold, which is also attractive.
Something about the reptilian look about Cardassians is alluring in a way I can't quite put my finger on. And Bajorans are really cute, in my opinion, with their noses, and more beautiful in their spirituality.
Other races also have undeniably attractive qualities as well, of course.
You voted exactly the same as me. :) And pretty much for the same reasons.

How strange that we humans should even be attracted to creatures that are not our species. And yet it's true, some of the Trek aliens are undeniably attractive.
Well, it helps that they're really humans in makeup. :p If real aliens were humanoid, I suppose it wouldn't be so strange to be attracted to them, either. But it is interesting to see how much you can deviate from human appearance and still retain the attractiveness. I don't expect to see many votes for Horta. :p

In some cases, the "alien" makeup even adds to the beauty or sexeappeal, which is interesting. Some actors actually look better in the makeup, I think. For instance, when I saw a pic of real life Tim Russ, he just looked strange to me without the pointy ears and Vulcan eyebrows.

Granted, most of the races I picked (Vulcans, TOS Romulans, Bajorans) aren't all that different in appearance than humans and the actors wear very little makeup. But I was particularly surprised that I find Cardassians so attractive. I never liked the Klingon look, for instance, and used to tease a friend who had a crush on Worf, because I just couldn't get past those bumpy foreheads. Later I felt stupid about it when I realized I was attracted to some of the Cardassians, who are equally non-human in appearance. There's just something about the reptilian look, I think it adds a certain dangerous/sexy aura... and (when it comes to men) it's a very masculine look. I like the necks... and their uniforms tend to *ahem* show off some of the best physical aspects. :drool:



I also think some of the women look gorgeous, sometimes in a slightly scary/Goth way.


But I think Nana Visitor made a very lovely and actually sweet-looking Cardassian.

TOS Romulans :adore: (I don't like the new look. AT ALL. :klingon:)



Bajorans and their cute noses (and earrings) ;)



I picked Vulcans, Romulans, Bajorans, and Betazoids. I think my favorite would have to be Bajoran. Bajoran men seem to have an ethereal quality about them that is extremely attractive.
TOS Romulans :adore: (I don't like the new look. AT ALL. :klingon:)


I always thought Mark Lenard was so handsome, in both his roles.
Without the makeup, he's not so attractive. You're right that the alien makeup can add to the appeal.
Also not counting those that can show up in any shape they want (Q, Prophets...).
That should disqualify the Changelings (Odo excepted).
The only three Changelings we got to meet a little better (Odo, Female Changeling and Laas) all had the same appearance in their solid/humanoid form, except for the short time when FC took Kira's form. That's what we've seen them look like most of the time.

OTOH, Q pretty much always took a human appearance, and had no specific other look (and it required no makeup or mask), and the Prophets had no corporeal form of their own and only ever took the appearance of people from Sisko's (or whoever else they were appearing to) life.
Either way, she's still hot!

I do think she represents some of DS9's wasted potential. I think it was a mistake not to bring her back.

Not only was she vary likable, but she had a lot of potential character wise. She could have been a nice vessel for exploring the Vulcan psyche and the potential problems that arise from logical paradoxes.
Vulcans are the aliens I find more attractive and more interesting in general. I also voted for (TOS) Romulans and Bajorans, but I think it depends on the character - I don't care for Klingons but I liked Worf and B'Elanna.
Good idea for a thread! I voted for Trill- those spots are nice, I'd like looking for patterns and such, it would give such complexity to the appearance. I also voted for Betazoid- I love dark eyes- and Cardassian (the ridges and scales are even better than Trill spots). I find Cardassian women very attractive. Out of the heavier makeup aliens, Cardassians are the best looking :)