"That's Me!" Avatar Week? (Silly idea inside.)


Good Bad Influence
Hey folks, an idea for something we could do on this board crossed my mind the other day and now I'm eager to know what my fellow Trek BBS posters think about it. And please be nice to me, as I'm not prepared for my idea to be shot down. :)

I like to think of this whole site as a true community. Now, I know that many here despise the mere thought of social networking sites. And really, I do, too. If it wasn't for my band's MySpace profile I'd probably not come anywhere near MySpace. But I found that this board can serve similar functions. Granted, I don't know everyone around here. Hell, I don't even like everyone. But I found many posters that I like and a few I now consider friends. Well, and I think that is a wonderful thing!

However, I was thinking about a way to celebrate the thought of this site as a community. I often found that many posters (myself included) use avatars to (visually) define themselves around here. And just think about it, many times you don't even have to read people's screen name to recognize them; you already know them by their avatar. I know I do. I got this idea when I witnessed a conversation in another thread the other day where one poster found it questionable that another used a picture of himself as his avatar. This had me thinking how many of us (kind of) hide behind funky avatar images. And I don't mean this to sound disdainful. That's basically why I use avatars, too. Because you can show off your interests. But what if only for once we would show ourselves?

So, finally, here's my idea: What if for one week we all try to use just an image of ourself as an avatar? Wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't that make our posts even more personal? We'd get to know each other more. And these avatars wouldn't even have to be simple portrays. You could be creative! You could do virtually everything you'd like. Have you seen J. Allen's current avatar, for example? That's what I'm talking about. I'd love to see you all in your avatars. Even if just for one week. :)

So, what do y'all think? Is this even feasible? Any suggestion for improvements? Am I an idiot?
I did that for a while, after I took a picture of myself in my TNG uniform for Halloween last year :p
I wouldn't say you're an idiot, but there's a reason I hide my identity behind a cute pink elephant - you really don't want to meet the real me ;)
I did that for a while, after I took a picture of myself in my TNG uniform for Halloween last year :p
Really? I don't really remember it. I just remember the hard time thinking about a good Helloween name. :lol:

... you really don't want to meet the real me ;)
I'm perfectly sure that this is untrue. ;)

And to make myself clear, that would (of course) be a completely voluntary thing. No-one would have to do it, really.
Well, I must always use Goofy Grape as my Avatar, but maybe I can think of something....
I am in if I can use a 20 year old photo of me.

Or better still - a 47 year old photo of me, I was a real cutie back then.
I think there are always going to be some people here who are too scared to reveal themselves, choosing instead to hide behind fake personalities.
I'm in too. I think it's a great idea NCC-1701.

It would be interesting to see if peoples reactions changed :)
If I can get someone to photoshop my face and a younger, skinnier body on my avatar, I'll do it.
Well, I must always use Goofy Grape as my Avatar, but maybe I can think of something....
Oh, I'm sure you can. Let me know if I can somehow help you. :)

I'd do it... though it'd pain me to lose the Sisko for a week ;)
Yay, thanks for joining. And don't worry, Sisko will be back. ;)

Yay again! Cool! :D

I am in if I can use a 20 year old photo of me.

Or better still - a 47 year old photo of me, I was a real cutie back then.
Personally I'd prefer the 20 years old photo, because that'd be closer to what you look today. But of course I'd like you to join either way, Miss Chicken. :)

I'm in too. I think it's a great idea NCC-1701.
Aww, thanks, K'ehleyr. How nice of you. And cool to see you join, too. :)

It would be interesting to see if peoples reactions changed :)
Yeah, I'd be interested in that myself. Call me pessimistic, but somehow I doubt that we'll really be enough to notice any reactions from others. :(

I'm not very photogenic but I'd join in.
Let us be the judges. No, just kidding. Seriously, I don't consider myseld particularly photogenic either, so I know where you're coming from. All the better that you decided to join in. Cool! :)

Yes, of course I'm a teddy bear!
I'm perfectly willing to accept that as the truth. :lol:
How dare you ask me to show my face here?! I'd never do something like that.





