Was kissing invented by a impotent cavemen?


Vice Admiral
Have you ever wondered how and when kissing was invented. I mean cavemen had no reason to kiss but I am sure a few of them couldn't get their thingies to work. I could see them trying to improvise. I can even see the conversation.

Caveman="Me man ,you girl, Me try new way to get baby in tummy"

Cavegirl="Me girl like old way."

Caveman="Me no can do., Me feel shame, Me have new theory"

Cavegirl="Me accept theory,You smart ,you invent wheel,Me trust your brain."

So they try it and even though it doesn't bring them a baby they still enjoy it and tell all their friends and soon it catches on and becomes a lasting tradition of the human species.

I read once that it had origins involving mothers chewing food for their infant children.
I've read that kissing releases dopamine and can actually be physically addictive on some level. If true, kissing is possibly hard wired in us, so no one "invented" it. Like a lot of sexual practices, people just do it and don't think about why.
I doubt it. Cavemen had such poor oral hygiene. How many of them even had dental insurance?
All species who nurture their young exhibit some form of face-to-face touching behavior; it represents bonding and intimacy.

There's a monolith involved here somehow, I just know there is.
Man, there's an idea for a direct-to-DVD movie. :rommie:
I've read that kissing releases dopamine and can actually be physically addictive on some level. If true, kissing is possibly hard wired in us, so no one "invented" it. Like a lot of sexual practices, people just do it and don't think about why.

I'd definitely say that kissing is addictive in some way. :devil:
I was that caveman, and I wasn't impotent, I just had my legs crossed for too long and that whole area went numb.

There's a monolith involved here somehow, I just know there is.
Man, there's an idea for a direct-to-DVD movie. :rommie:

Or my new favorite one:
The Colonials taught the cavemen
Knowing them, they probably saw the Monolith and blew it up. We got ripped off. :rommie:

Like I said.... :cool: