Terminator Salvation: Trailer Two Released


Yahoo Movies has the new trailer as well as a writeup of ten essential facts about the new film. They can be found here.

Looking at it they really have changed things a bit from the previous movies, but it still looks really good (No I don't really care about canon). I didn't think that they'd reveal Marcus as being a terminator though before the film even came out.
"Terminator Salvation" is a prequel to 1984's "The Terminator" that takes place 34 years after the original. How does that work? It is set in a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles of 2018 during the early days of the human resistance, eleven years before Kyle Reese is sent back in time to protect Sarah Conner from the first Terminator.

It's not a fucking prequel! By that logic the first movie is it's own movie, a sequel and a prequel all in one!
That trailer was awesome, this movie is gonna be GOOD, can't wait!

Love the song they chose.
That trailer is fucking amazing. I even love the use of NIN, even using the lyrics from the song to comment on the action we're seeing...I don't think I've seen that done before. Looks fucking amazing...just jumped up several notches in my must see book.

I'm so glad I've defended McG from the beginning. Bite me, McG naysayers. :)
I just found out for the first time after checking iMDB that fucking Michael Ironside is in this!

Best...movie...of 2009! ;)
Love the NIN song they chose for this. Very appropriate. I was not the least bit psyched about this movie before--the previous info and teasers did nothing for me. But damn, this one kicked a lot of ass!
AT what point in the trailer do we see the t-600's?

Awesome trailer, by the way! :techman:

We don't actually know. The T-700 series is a smaller version of the T-600. They share pretty much the same endoskeletal designs.

We do see T-600 infiltrators though. They are the ones carrying the massive miniguns with the stretched skin.
I have a question from reading that article on that webpage, in it there is this:

The story centers on John Conner, who has been told from birth that he will lead the humans against Skynet and its army of Terminators. But at this point he's just a foot soldier still climbing the ranks. Everything Conner believes is called into question with the arrival of Marcus, who claims to be a human from before the bombs went off, but is revealed to be something else entirely.

But doesn't John Conner already know about skin-job Terminators? I mean afteral, he had to deal with them in T1 and T2. So news about Terminators using skin shouldn't be new to him.
^ They shouldn't be around at the time period the film is set in though. The infiltrators emerged in late 2028/early 2029 in the series timeline of the films (101 was a prototype - and they arrived in 2027 in TSCC). The events of the new film take place in 2018.

Also, Marcus isn't the standard skin job. He has a full personality, memories, and truly believed himself to be human.
Marcus is actually John's son that he had with Cameron.

Can't they keep anything a secret when it comes to The Terminator? How badass would it be if you didn't know Arnold was the good guy going into T2? And now this.
^ They kept Judgment Day under wraps in ROTM. Everyone thought it was a dream when shown in the promos.

I wonder what brought about the change it tactics. It was long said they'd leave us guessing (then again Marcus' endoskeleton was leaked by the Production Office a few weeks ago).
^ They shouldn't be around at the time period the film is set in though. The infiltrators emerged in late 2028/early 2029 in the series timeline of the films (101 was a prototype - and they arrived in 2027 in TSCC). The events of the new film take place in 2018.

Also, Marcus isn't the standard skin job. He has a full personality, memories, and truly believed himself to be human.

color me confused, i guess i'll just have to watch the movie :D