Legend of the Seeker two hour premiere

Did you watch the episode and did you like it?

  • Yes, and I liked it

    Votes: 17 89.5%
  • Yes and I didn't like it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No and I won't

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • No but I will on DVR later

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters
I voted yes and I liked it. I REALLY enjoyed it actually and thought it was VERY well done. I am REALLY looking forward to watching this show as it goes on. It doen't appear to be the camp that hercules and Xena was and was quite good IMHO>
I watched it but I didn't vote. I'm still not sure if I liked it or not. I'll have to sleep on it.
OK, I slept on it and my final verdict is that for the most part I liked it , so I voted yes.
It was supposed to be on yesterday 7pm on Fox here in SF but all I saw was a rerun of Friends. :p

It was on KICU (Channel 6 on Cable, 36 everywhere else) apparently. I didn't hear anything about it. I did hear there is a Farscape connection to the show. Is that true?
I didn't know the premiere was this weekend, and only happened to catch the first half of it when CW ran it before remastered Star Trek last night. I've read more than half the books and enjoyed them all. The series looks cool - the changes so far are either acceptable or only mildly annoying (Like with Richard not knowing Zedd), but all of them I can understand from the perspective of making a TV series rather than a book. I'm looking forward to more!
I'm watching it right now, 1/2 way through. So far not bad. I never read the book so I can't compare.

So far we got the Trainman from the Matrix and young Eddie Van Halen with a sword.
When did this air??? I thought it wasn't supposed to start until November something...

Anyway, WGN reaired "Episode 2" (whatever that means) early Monday morning. I DVR'ed it. Watching it now...

It's obviously shot in New Zealand...I felt like I was watching another Xena episode. Same locales.
anyone see any info on how the ratings went? just wanna see how attached to this we should get...
Wow that dude really looks like a younger Nathan Fillion! :eek:

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought so.

I only saw a little bit of the end of it. It could be interesting. It's nice to finally see fantasy on TV again. There hasn't really been any in this style since Xena went off the air. I'm also surprised to see a new first-run syndicated drama. I thought those were extinct.