A TOS movie idea:

The number of things that could be done involving sabotage to the Enterprise orbiter are pretty limited; it had no functional engines and wasn't space-worthy, it was simply a giant test article for the Approach and Landing Tests in 1977. It's a neat idea, though.
The number of things that could be done involving sabotage to the Enterprise orbiter are pretty limited; it had no functional engines and wasn't space-worthy, it was simply a giant test article for the Approach and Landing Tests in 1977. It's a neat idea, though.

It was originally intended to be refitted as an operational shuttle, though, until a decision was made to refit the STA-099 test hull more cheaply (resulting in the OV-99 Challenger and the shuttle fleet's unusual numbering).
Who's the guy next to Roddenberry? And why wasn't Shatner there? Anyone remember?
please no more time travel in Trek movies. TVH slingshot idea was stupid as was the Borg time vortex idea in TFC. What is stopping Federation using slingshot tech or preventing the Borg using time vortex again and again until they succeed. Time travel should be ban period
please no more time travel in Trek movies. TVH slingshot idea was stupid as was the Borg time vortex idea in TFC. What is stopping Federation using slingshot tech or preventing the Borg using time vortex again and again until they succeed. Time travel should be ban period
I can't even begin to decipher what this means.
Who's the guy next to Roddenberry? And why wasn't Shatner there? Anyone remember?

Shatner was probably doing KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS or 10,000 buck pyramid or a COLUMBO episode, that was when he took every job, which is why we saw him in films in highschool during the 70s, where he opened each one with, "hi i'm william shatner. in this film I portray ... " and he'd describe some real american who worked in an industry. They were hilarious to us back then, and I bet it'd be even more of a sad scream to see these things now.
please no more time travel in Trek movies. TVH slingshot idea was stupid as was the Borg time vortex idea in TFC. What is stopping Federation using slingshot tech or preventing the Borg using time vortex again and again until they succeed. Time travel should be ban period
I can't even begin to decipher what this means.
Duh Clayin it means i REALLY don't like TIME TRAVEL plots in Trek movies.
Who's the guy next to Roddenberry?

Congressman Don Fuqua of Florida. The bespectacled gentleman on the left who appears to be explaining the joys of midget sex to an enraptured DeForest Kelley is then NASA Administrator James C. Fletcher. On the right whe have the Roman Profile of then NASA Deputy Administrator George M. Low, who is partially occulting NASA strategic planner and ST:TMP science advisor Jesco von Puttkamer.

And why wasn't Shatner there?

He boycotted the event because NASA stood firm on naming the first operational STS orbiter (OV-102) the "Columbia" instead of the "William Shatner".

It was originally intended to be refitted as an operational shuttle, though, until a decision was made to refit the STA-099 test hull more cheaply (resulting in the OV-99 Challenger and the shuttle fleet's unusual numbering).
It wasn't just expense, incidentally: among the things that the Approach and Landing Test flights showed were that the wings and mid-fuselage needed to be a good bit stronger, and that to save weight some aluminum castings on Enterprise would have to be re-made in titanium. Then, too, the flight deck didn't have many of the instruments or displays needed for flight; the payload bay didn't wasn't fitted out; the cargo bay doors didn't have hydraulics or any way to radiate heat (essential for going into orbit); heck, the crew compartment didn't even have a galley or a waste-management system.

To convert Enterprise to a real orbiter they'd have to, pretty much, take the entire thing apart, make all sorts of replacements, and put it back together, and at that they'd most likely end up with an orbiter heavier (and thus more limited in its abilities) than Columbia. Building Challenger instead made a lot of sense.
Who's the guy next to Roddenberry? And why wasn't Shatner there? Anyone remember?

Shatner was probably doing KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS or 10,000 buck pyramid or a COLUMBO episode, that was when he took every job, which is why we saw him in films in highschool during the 70s, where he opened each one with, "hi i'm william shatner. in this film I portray ... " and he'd describe some real american who worked in an industry. They were hilarious to us back then, and I bet it'd be even more of a sad scream to see these things now.

I can't help it, I heard that 'hi, I'm William Shatner...' line in Troy McClure's voice.
It was originally intended to be refitted as an operational shuttle, though, until a decision was made to refit the STA-099 test hull more cheaply (resulting in the OV-99 Challenger and the shuttle fleet's unusual numbering).
It wasn't just expense, incidentally: among the things that the Approach and Landing Test flights showed were that the wings and mid-fuselage needed to be a good bit stronger, and that to save weight some aluminum castings on Enterprise would have to be re-made in titanium. Then, too, the flight deck didn't have many of the instruments or displays needed for flight; the payload bay didn't wasn't fitted out; the cargo bay doors didn't have hydraulics or any way to radiate heat (essential for going into orbit); heck, the crew compartment didn't even have a galley or a waste-management system.

To convert Enterprise to a real orbiter they'd have to, pretty much, take the entire thing apart, make all sorts of replacements, and put it back together, and at that they'd most likely end up with an orbiter heavier (and thus more limited in its abilities) than Columbia. Building Challenger instead made a lot of sense.
That's the same reason they decided to build Endeavour out of structural spare parts rather than refit Enterprise following the Challenger disaster.
please no more time travel in Trek movies. TVH slingshot idea was stupid as was the Borg time vortex idea in TFC. What is stopping Federation using slingshot tech or preventing the Borg using time vortex again and again until they succeed. Time travel should be ban period
I can't even begin to decipher what this means.
Duh Clayin it means i REALLY don't like TIME TRAVEL plots in Trek movies.

Well, that's me told, I guess! :rolleyes: