Civ 4: Colonization


Vice Admiral
I never played the old Colonization, but I picked up the new one on Steam the other day... I'm actually finding it more addicting then Civ largely because it has the one thing I always felt was lacking: intercity trade. I could care less about combat, I just want to build my trade networks! That said, I haven't quite got the hang of it yet... I've only made it far enough to declare independence once, and the king of Spain steamrolled over me :lol:

Anyone else pick it up?
I picked it up Tuesday. I'm not sure at this point what I think of the game since I'm still figuring it out (I didn't play the original Colonization). I'm a fairly "skilled" Civ 4 player, but that means nothing. Civ4 Colonization may have the same game engine as Civ 4, but it is a different animal entirely.
I loved the original, and I still play it sometimes. I didn't know the new Colonization has been released so I better check it out, I guess :)
So what's the difference in play style between Civ and Colonization? I play Civ but have never checked out Colonization.
So what's the difference in play style between Civ and Colonization? I play Civ but have never checked out Colonization.

At least as far as the original, combat was much less of a focus. I think there were only 3 types of land units (rifleman, cavalry and cannon, if I'm not mistaken) plus a couple of ships. The core of the gamplay was finding natural resources, constructing the right buildings in your colonies to exploit those resources, developing trade with other colonies and Europe, recruiting/earning Great People (or the Colonization equivalent), spreading religion and maintaining (often hostile) relations with the native population. When you think you're strong enough and have met certain conditions, you can declare independence and try to fend off your European founder.

From what I've seen and read, the new version is essentially the same but with more features and all the bells and whistles of the Civ 4 engine.
There's a whole bunch of info on Civfanatics. But in a nutshell, it's much more focused on resource gathering/production/trade and your victory conditions are all based on declaring independence from your mother nation and then fending off their military. There's also a lot of direct management of your colonists and cities... your colonists all have different professions which make them better at certain jobs and instead of just working the fields they can also be assigned to specific buildings.

Just kidding. I'm actually curious to see what they did to the Civ4 engine to basically rewrite the rules/mechanics. Of course, the problem is I can't afford to invest the time into yet another new game right now, especially the crack that is a Civ-type game.