My God, it's full of THREAD BOMBS!

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I am so saving these!
That's fantastic. :guffaw:

It looks like something out of a Terry Gilliam sketch.
No, if Putin then reared up and, with block-animation jaw, took several large bites out of Alaska, then it would be like a Gilliam sketch.
Fair enough. I was thinking mostly about the large head looming over Alaska and particularly Putin's eyes having a certain Gilliam-esque feel.

Could someone arrange that, please?
I nominate Spiff.
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That's fantastic. :guffaw:

It looks like something out of a Terry Gilliam sketch.
No, if Putin then reared up and, with block-animation jaw, took several large bites out of Alaska, then it would be like a Gilliam sketch.
Fair enough. I was thinking mostly about the large head looming over Alaska and particularly Putin's eyes with have certain Gilliam-esque feel.
Yeah, I saw what you meant, but it wouldn't really be complete without the payoff (and some echoey, deranged mumbling thrown in for proper atmosphere. :D )
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