Favourite Trek Technology


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
Out of all of the wondrous technologys seen in trek, which one is your favourite.

Personally, i'd love a replicator, but what about everyone else.
must admit I'd go for a starship myself then go out and conquer or failing that a holodeck wouldn't go a miss
no wait i know the android Andrea fro the tos episode with the robot Corby? nurse chapels boyfriend
I too have to go with the Replicator.

It has to be the most useful technology in day to day life.
I'd like to get my hands on some of the medical technology that Beverly, Julian and the EMH used. It would be very useful.
I'd, also, like to own a Replicator. It would probably be overused, though.
An industrial replicator.
It would be able to help out in making numerous things and probably construction of a shuttle such as the Delta Flyer :D
I suppose replicating a shuttle would take away energy from the globe during the process ... in several turns ... :D ... but it would be nice.
Heck I'd settle with a Type 9 shuttle.
Piece by piece and then assemble it.
An industrial replicator.
It would be able to help out in making numerous things and probably construction of a shuttle such as the Delta Flyer :D
I suppose replicating a shuttle would take away energy from the globe during the process ... in several turns ... :D ... but it would be nice.
Heck I'd settle with a Type 9 shuttle.
Piece by piece and then assemble it.

Didn't the Delta Flyer use advanced borg technology, even a standard industrial replicator wouldn't allow you to construct a Delta Flyer.
Watching 'TNG-3-05 The Bonding' today, I noticed Dr Crusher using a hand tool to operate her computer, what looked like a pen that copied and pasted data.

This is something we could build today, to replace the mouse and provide a very ergonomic way of interfacing with computers.

Imagine having a video you were watching, and you wanted to copy it to another computer. You point the tool at the video on one screen, press the copy button, then point the tool at a folder icon on your other computer's desktop, press the paste button and the video is copied there.

It could work rather like a pen drive, that interfaces with computers via bluetooth. Pointing the thing at a screen connects the tool like a mouse, identifying whatever is below the cursor and copying the data to the pen drive via bluetooth. To paste, the reverse happens.

It could also do text copying and simple things moved around one computer screen.

I think it would be very useful.

Watching 'TNG-3-05 The Bonding' today, I noticed Dr Crusher using a hand tool to operate her computer, what looked like a pen that copied and pasted data.

This is something we could build today, to replace the mouse and provide a very ergonomic way of interfacing with computers.

Imagine having a video you were watching, and you wanted to copy it to another computer. You point the tool at the video on one screen, press the copy button, then point the tool at a folder icon on your other computer's desktop, press the paste button and the video is copied there.

It could work rather like a pen drive, that interfaces with computers via bluetooth. Pointing the thing at a screen connects the tool like a mouse, identifying whatever is below the cursor and copying the data to the pen drive via bluetooth. To paste, the reverse happens.

It could also do text copying and simple things moved around one computer screen.

I think it would be very useful.


Useful, yes, incredibly. But its still a few years off from being invented, not alot, less than 20.
Warp drive.

It could allow us to get out there and start colonizing the stars, which, ultimately, is the only hope for our future continuation as a species.

Useful, yes, incredibly. But its still a few years off from being invented, not alot, less than 20.

Well it could be built TODAY, if someone got buy busy with microcontrollers. The only additional driver software to program would be the bit that identifies what to be copied and then gives the copying command. Everything else already happens -- protocols for connecting bluetooth and wireless storage and plugnplay cursors already exist.

So for the identifying bit, there are two ways:

The clever way: Hand tool has a camera which takes a photo of the computer screen it is looking at - the bit in the middle of the image is what the cursor is under. SIMPLE image recognition then relates that to a screen capture image, to see what computer object should be manipulated.

The quick way: On connecting the tool as a plugnplay mouse, it changes the computer's mouse cursor to a flashing dot. The tool has maybe 4 ORP12's (light dependent resistors). These can be arranged as two potential dividers, with series capacitors, one horizontally mounted, one vertically mounted. So there are like 4 eyes looking at the screen from the end of the tool, from the top/bottom/left/right of it. Together these potential dividers measure the RELATIVE position of the flashing light source to the tool on their horz-vert axes. It then nudges the mouse cursor to find an equilibrium where these light sensors are voltage balanced. At this point, the flashing cursor should be in line with the centre of the tool.

That's all there is to it. :)
An industrial replicator.
It would be able to help out in making numerous things and probably construction of a shuttle such as the Delta Flyer :D
I suppose replicating a shuttle would take away energy from the globe during the process ... in several turns ... :D ... but it would be nice.
Heck I'd settle with a Type 9 shuttle.
Piece by piece and then assemble it.

Didn't the Delta Flyer use advanced borg technology, even a standard industrial replicator wouldn't allow you to construct a Delta Flyer.

Replicators in late Voyager timeframe have Borg nano-probes specs, so the thing could be made without Borg systems initially, then replicate a few million nano-probes and modify them to enhance specific systems like on the Flyer.

Useful, yes, incredibly. But its still a few years off from being invented, not alot, less than 20.

Well it could be built TODAY, if someone got buy busy with microcontrollers. The only additional driver software to program would be the bit that identifies what to be copied and then gives the copying command. Everything else already happens -- protocols for connecting bluetooth and wireless storage and plugnplay cursors already exist.

So for the identifying bit, there are two ways:

The clever way: Hand tool has a camera which takes a photo of the computer screen it is looking at - the bit in the middle of the image is what the cursor is under. SIMPLE image recognition then relates that to a screen capture image, to see what computer object should be manipulated.

The quick way: On connecting the tool as a plugnplay mouse, it changes the computer's mouse cursor to a flashing dot. The tool has maybe 4 ORP12's (light dependent resistors). These can be arranged as two potential dividers, with series capacitors, one horizontally mounted, one vertically mounted. So there are like 4 eyes looking at the screen from the end of the tool, from the top/bottom/left/right of it. Together these potential dividers measure the RELATIVE position of the flashing light source to the tool on their horz-vert axes. It then nudges the mouse cursor to find an equilibrium where these light sensors are voltage balanced. At this point, the flashing cursor should be in line with the centre of the tool.

That's all there is to it. :)

Methinks you ought to invent this yourself, afterall you seem to have to have a fair understanding of it.
Methinks you ought to invent this yourself, afterall you seem to have to have a fair understanding of it.

Oh I'm no good at this stuff asdf1 - electronics and microcontrollers and windows protocols and things. I'm more science than engineering. Although I'll happily give advice to anyone who wants to try and develop it, I'm not expert enough. :rolleyes:

I just know it can be done with current PC infrastructure. Windows XP/Vista especially. Unsure about Win2000 or earlier as the plug'n'play doesn't work properly. :)
Methinks you ought to invent this yourself, afterall you seem to have to have a fair understanding of it.

Oh I'm no good at this stuff asdf1 - electronics and microcontrollers and windows protocols and things. I'm more science than engineering. Although I'll happily give advice to anyone who wants to try and develop it, I'm not expert enough. :rolleyes:

I just know it can be done with current PC infrastructure. Windows XP/Vista especially. Unsure about Win2000 or earlier as the plug'n'play doesn't work properly. :)

Well good luck finding someone, who knows, we could all be using your device in no time!
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I gotta go with the holodeck....its my most favorite technology ever. Its pretty cool and interesting when the senior officers or (or one or a few of them) runs a program to do something fun.