Best cartoon music

Discussion in 'TV & Media' started by Unicron, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. Unicron

    Unicron Boss Monster Mod Moderator

    May 8, 2003
    The Crown of the Moon
    What do you consider the best cartoon music? It can be any music, not simply the opening/closing credits. I think one reason I still love a lot of the stuff I grew up on is because it had an awesome soundtrack. My short list:

    Batman: The Animated Series
    X-Men (animated)
  2. Flying Spaghetti Monster

    Flying Spaghetti Monster Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 18, 2006
    Flying Spaghetti Western
    I live the incidental music from both Transformers and G.I. was the same music but it was quite good. always got me ready for the scenes.
  3. Kegek

    Kegek Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 23, 2007
    Somewhere You're Not
    Sharky and George, naturally.
  4. Neroon

    Neroon Mod of Balance Moderator

    Oct 31, 2000
    On my ship the Rocinante
    My personal favorite cartoon music is that used in the classic "Tom & Jerry" era, back in its MGM days, when they were produced by Fred Quimby. Later on they lost the soul and musical descriptiveness they had back then.
  5. ITL

    ITL Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 27, 2004
    Palace Of The Brine
    When I was a kid, hearing the music on a Quimby T&J set off a Pavlovian response (well, grinning....) in our house. Especially from my dad. Especially especially if it was the "Bonjour, monsieur pussycat!" one.

  6. Gary Mitchell

    Gary Mitchell Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 16, 2001
    ¯\_(°·O)_/¯ Florida
    I always liked the theme for Battle of the Planets
  7. Unicron

    Unicron Boss Monster Mod Moderator

    May 8, 2003
    The Crown of the Moon
    Forgot about Danger Mouse. :p
  8. Cicero

    Cicero Admiral Admiral

    Jan 14, 2002
    1. Exosquad (even though it repeated the same handful of tracks for its entire run)
    2. Batman: The Animated Series
    3. X-Men
  9. Moocey

    Moocey Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 26, 2003
    I like the GI Joe chase music.
  10. Unicron

    Unicron Boss Monster Mod Moderator

    May 8, 2003
    The Crown of the Moon
    I think GI Joe and Transformers shared some of the same music.
  11. God Magnus

    God Magnus Commodore Commodore

    Jul 10, 2001
    A world where criminals operate above the law...
    Not really. The two soundtracks and theme songs were very distinct. However, since they were both produced by Sunbow, every once and a while they would cross over music - including the bumpers for the commercials.
  12. TGTheodore

    TGTheodore Writer Admiral

    Feb 9, 2003
    Carl Stallings and Milt Franklyn. Composers of the classic Warner Bros. cartoons. No one can touch their genius.

    Jazz, classical, swing, standards. And incredible use of existing music from the WB library as well.

  13. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    It's not the best music, but the cartoon music that was closest to my heart growing up was the music from Filmation's shows from the '70s, which was credited to Yvette Blais and Jeff Michael, but which I now know was actually composed by Ray Ellis, Marc Ellis, and Norm Prescott (although it's unclear whether Prescott actually helped write it or just produced it). That was the soundtrack of my childhood, pretty much.

    Of course the music Shirley Walker and her team did for Batman: TAS was fantastic, as good as any other TV score and quite diverse. Another favorite of mine was Shuki Levy & Kussa Mahchi's score to the 1994 Spider-Man series. It wasn't nearly as stylistically diverse, but it was lively and had a rich orchestral sound, as well as the kind of motif-driven style that I like. (I couldn't stand the theme music, though, which I think was by some guy from Aerosmith.)

    I'm also very fond of Ron Jones's score for Disney's Duck Tales from the late '80s. There was a slew of syndicated Disney TV series that followed Duck Tales, but none of them ever equalled the quality of Jones's scores.

    Well, that's exactly what Unicron said: that they shared some of the same music. I didn't watch either show that often, but I definitely remember them using a lot of the same stock cues. Naturally any cues that used either series' main theme were reserved for that series alone, but the more generic action cues were heard often on both (probably the "chase music" moocey is referring to). And of course they both had the same composers, Johnny Douglas and Rob Walsh.

    By the way, to give credit where it's due, the music from MGM's cartoons was by Scott Bradley.
  14. Timby

    Timby The stoicism of the true warrior Administrator

    May 28, 2001
    As much as I loathe the show, Ron Jones is doing some fantastic work on Family Guy.
  15. TheBrew

    TheBrew Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 19, 2001
    Fox Lady
    I've always liked the music from the Simpsons.
  16. AstroSmurf

    AstroSmurf Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 23, 2006
    Over the Blue Moon
    I have to say, my favorite is "Invader Zim". Actually I am such a fan, the theme music is currently the ring tone on my cellphone.

    I also love the music from "The Smurf's" and the theme song to "The Gummi Bears". And before all you kids start, I am well aware of where the music from the "The Smurfs" comes from.

    I also have a special place in my heart for the theme songs for Filmation's "Flash Gordon" and "Thundarr the Barbarian".
  17. zakkrusz

    zakkrusz Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 18, 2002
    United States
    I have the soundtracks to many an animated series (about 100 actually), myself. My favorite composers are Yuki Kajiura and Yoko Kanno.

    Yuki Kajiura is famous for:
    Aquarian Age
    My HIME
    Portrait of Petite Cosette
    Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle

    She does great music which is mix of orchestrated tunes with techno/dance beats. It's really some amazing stuff. Watching series she scored is a contant musical treat for my ears.

    Emample 1
    Example 2
    Example 3

    Yoko Kanno is notable for:
    Cowboy Bebop
    Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
    Macross Plus
    Wolf's Rain

    She does many many different types of music fitting the situation jazz, blues, rock, metal, instrumentals etc. whatever style or mood they're trying to set for the series.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008
  18. Gary Mitchell

    Gary Mitchell Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 16, 2001
    ¯\_(°·O)_/¯ Florida
    I'm not. Where does it come from?
  19. Neroon

    Neroon Mod of Balance Moderator

    Oct 31, 2000
    On my ship the Rocinante
    I think that one was called "Touché, Pussy Cat! ".

    Another cartoon with excellent music that I enjoyed - although it was repeated quite a bit - was the score from the original "Jonny Quest". They had possibly THE coolest opening theme music ever.
  20. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001