Cast the Characters of Trek Literature

One also tends to imagine Lieutenant Valeria Williams (from RISE OF THE FEDERATION) as being played by Ms. Ginnifer Goodwin; this is - I have to admit - partly based on her attested resemblance to Ms. Jennifer Morrison (my little imp of mischief finds the insinuation that Kirk Men have similar tastes in woman deeply amusing), but I genuinely think Ms. Goodwin makes a useful visual model for the character and a plausible casting call nonetheless.

Doesn't quite fit how I imagine Val. Though it struck me last night that Ruby Rose would be a good choice.
That reminds me. Every time I read Uhura's Song, I can definitely hear Brightspot's voice in my head, very clearly, but I'm not sure what real-world voice I'm hearing.
Doesn't quite fit how I imagine Val. Though it struck me last night that Ruby Rose would be a good choice.

DAGNABIT, I may well have made a crucial mistake when trying to remember which of George Kirk seniors grandparents had the blue eyes - I know one of them had hazel and I vaguely recall one of them having blue, but may have gotten them mixed up.

If I were a Klingon, I'd probably be looking for something sharp and a friend who didn't really like me all THAT much ... :klingon:
I didn't think of eye color. That's optional when casting anyway -- Kelvin Kirk, McCoy, and (I think) Scotty all have different eye colors from the Prime versions.

And if you're a stickler, there are always tinted contacts.
When it comes to Live Action I'm happy to pick the best actor and let such minor details slide, though when dealing with purely speculative casting one likes to show a finer attention to details - if only because Fan Casting sneers at such paltry details as Time, Space & Budget!:hugegrin:

Well, Maltuvis is far more intelligent, rational, and competent, is able to speak in coherent and articulate sentences (he has David Warner's voice in my head), and has been much more successful in carrying out his agenda. After all, the goal of a cautionary tale is to show where current trends could lead if allowed to go to their extremes.

On a more serious note, I was going through the PATTERNS OF INTERFERENCE thread and was slightly gobsmacked; my mental audio was of a voice with much more hot air behind it, somebody more bullying and bombastic than Mr Warner tends to sound (at least in those performances of his that I've seen).

I won't lie, the description of Maltuvis as a toad trying to pass himself off as an alligator has repeatedly occurred to me (substitute 'bullfrog' for toad if you prefer, but one imagines more of bull**** than bullfrog about the Basileus); having said that, my mental image of the character is a Saurian Henry VIII (one imagines him instinctively adopting the pose seen in Holbein's 'Swagger Portrait' of Great Harry).

Someone charismatic but bullying, prone to switch from mood to mood as it suits his requirements; a voice that can go from quiet to LOUD at light speed and a personality that can go from nought to ninety almost as quickly - possibly a voice with a bit of a croak in it to boot ('The Croak of Doom' perhaps?).

I've been thinking for a day or two, but have yet to settle on a final pick - Mr Nonso Anozie, Mr Ron Perlman and Mr Kevin Michael Richardson have all occurred to me as possible picks (with the latter currently occupying pole position).

I also gave some consideration to Mr Brian Blessed, but thought that might be a tad too on-the-nose (though 'STAR TREK Hero = STAR WARS villain' and vice versa makes as much sense to me as a rule of thumb for casting actors as 'DC Superhero = Marvel villain' and vice versa).*

*The latter idea is more a Superstition than a rule of thumb; that doesn't necessarily mean I'm WRONG though ... ;)
I know it's not really on the mark, especially in regards to age, but while reading The Way to the Stars, I couldn't help but picture Iain De Caestecker as Tilly's father. Not because of the name, but pretty much everything about him from his speech patterns to the description, all reminded me of De Caestecker (mostly from things I've seen him in *other* than Agents of SHIELD).
I would be AMAZED if this hasn’t been said already but I don’t have energy to read through 140 pages of posts. Dame Judi Dench will be portraying President Nanietta Bacco. I will be taking no questions.
Amusingly, Dench is who I pictured as Councillor T'Latrek. She's not at all who I picture as Bacco, but I have no objection to the casting.
I suddenly, today, realized who I was seeing and hearing as Hugh Cambridge. I've always imagined him as a bearded Brit in his 60s (maybe even early 70s), with a rumbling baritone, with traces of both Scots and Cockney in his accent. And I suddenly realized that I was picturing him as somebody I know from one of the churches I attend.

None of the actors proposed by others for Cambridge ring any bells whatsoever with me. Then again, the current crop on Dancing with the Stars consists entirely of people I've literally never heard of.
Just a bit surprised, I would think most people would have at least heard of Anne Heche, Nelly, and Hugh Laurie.
No, that was a response to two different parts of his post.
He said he didn't recognize any of the actors mentioned for Cambridge, and then he also said he didn't know of the people on Dancing with the Stars.
Having become very fond of The Final Reflection, I'm seeing Morgan Freeman as Dr. Emanuel Tagore.

Or, if we're not allowed to mention Freeman's name anymore: Keith David.

Either one would be an excellent choice.