Welcome new Voyager fans!

Haha, CM, no tequila for me. Just like with coffee, I don't like alcohol, either …

Nothing like a (huge) piece of strawberry cake. That's my drug …
Might I have mentioned this earlier, I wonder … :biggrin:

Just take a look:
Ack, looks like no-one I know is still around. Hi to all the Voyager fans here doing their thing. I used to frequent the forum many moons ago. (waves)
I jus began my voyage home a few days ago. I have watched three episodes now, so my adventure is still right in the beginning. So far my favorite characters are Neelix and The Doctor, but we'll see how it goes from there. There are a few gripes with some of the choices, but I still wish I'll have fun with it.
I jus began my voyage home a few days ago. I have watched three episodes now, so my adventure is still right in the beginning. So far my favorite characters are Neelix and The Doctor, but we'll see how it goes from there. There are a few gripes with some of the choices, but I still wish I'll have fun with it.

Aaand done. The series was not as good as the previous series I have watched, but Endgame left me with an empty feeling, which means the series' characters resonated with me, at least in some capacity.
I've just started watching this 'era' of Trek (TNG, DS9 and VOY) and I've been really pleasantly surprised by Voyager as its so often slated for being weak, maybe I have basic taste with sci-fi :lol: but I'm actually really enjoying it.
Testing, testing... So I was at a Star Trek convention when I was told that a Kes costume was being auctioned. I was asked if I would like to bid, and I said, "No, I'm not buying women's clothes. (Boom ti tash!)
That's a fun joke, 80something!
I just joined the forum, and right now I'm watching the Voyager episode Unity. The episode has a promising start. I must admit, I haven't liked what I've seen of the Borg in TNG and the movies, but maybe they'll be more to my liking on Voyager.
That's a fun joke, 80something!
I just joined the forum, and right now I'm watching the Voyager episode Unity. The episode has a promising start. I must admit, I haven't liked what I've seen of the Borg in TNG and the movies, but maybe they'll be more to my liking on Voyager.
Seven of Nine definitely will :beer:. Enjoy.
I started watching Star Trek in 1996 but never liked Voyager (with the exception of Tuvok) so never made it passed season 2. However, I recently rejoined Netflix and decided to give Voyager another go, starting off with season 3. I've just started on season 7 now! I still definitely prefer DS9 and TNG though.
Hey, I’m currently on season 6 episode 14 of Voyager and am binging it hard since I’m in quarantine. I really just need to talk and vent about Voyager lmao. My favorite character is either Tuvok or Lon Suder. Can’t wait to talk!

I re-discovered Voyager for me after more than 15 years - I was always huge Janeway fan, the rest of the crew mostly wasn't very interesting to me (exeption B'Elanna), which seems to be changing a bit now... I am curious if I will get to like even Seven? :-)
I had the opportunity to meet some ST:VOY actors (Garrett Wang, Robert Picardo, Ethan Phillips) in person thanks to the Star Trek fan club I was a member of when I was a teenager, but never met Kate Mulgrew (but always wanted to, of course!)
Actually, I probably generally like TNG more than VOY, but Janeway had huge impact on me:)

I am currently on late season 2 of Voyager and have noticed that I haven't seen/don't remember so many great episodes! (Prototype, Dreadnaught etc.)!

I am very excited to have found some forum still alive, I am just missing the old Trek fan club times and would be very happy to get in touch with other trekkies if anybody interested:-)

Live long and prosper (and happy Eastern:)!