‘Superman & Batman’ movie will follow ‘Man of Steel’

If it's a nightmare/dream I feel better about it, of course.

It is.

What I like about it is that it inverts some of the explicit Christ imagery seen in Man of Steel. Bruce Wayne is so broken that he sees himself as a Christlike martyr figure to the point that he's being hanged alongside two thieves and persecuted by Superman.

AH! I didn't notice that. Very perceptive of you to pick up on that, Timby. Very clever of you Snyder.

Although the scene appears to be a dream, I'm curious to know whether Batman really does have that sort of desert-fatigue outfit he wears in it.

Knowing Batman, probably. The outfit is called "Knightmare Batman", so it almost certainly a dream. Although, the way Batman is dressed, he looks like he's ready for the next Mad Max movie.



The Dark Knight: Fury Road

The Knight Warrior

Welcome to Gotham Thunderdome!
^ Yeah, in the comics, graphic novels and action figures, we frequently see costumes like that, which Batman has for other environments. As far as I can remember, this is the first time we'll have seen one in a live-action movie though. Hence my curiosity.
^ Yeah, in the comics, graphic novels and action figures, we frequently see costumes like that, which Batman has for other environments. As far as I can remember, this is the first time we'll have seen one in a live-action movie though. Hence my curiosity.

He had an Ice suit at the end of Batman & Robin, but I think it's just best that we forget that.
They're probably saving the coolest things (or what they consider to be such) for later teasers/trailers.
They better hurry up because so far everything I've seen about this movie looks stupid, it's all so dark and gloomy and ... blah.
^Well, I'm not expecting to like the movie, just pointing out that any single teaser these days is going to be just one step in a larger campaign. But yeah, it is kind of jarring to go from the upbeat Supergirl to this grim and unheroic image of Superman.
The outfit is called "Knightmare Batman", so it almost certainly a dream. Although, the way Batman is dressed, he looks like he's ready for the next Mad Max movie.


I'm not sure we should rely too much on a name given to an action figure. Mattel might have just thought "Knightmare Batman" was a cool sounding name, or maybe it's the name of that particular batsuit, or maybe Knightmare is the code name of the camp Batman infiltrates in the movie....

And Supes could just as well be under some kind of spell or evil influence in that clip.
The real tragedy is that Ted Knight isn't alive to narrate the upcoming film like he did in the original series. I'm sure they'll do their best to capture the original Superfriends vibe, maybe they'll bring the Wonder Twins back along with Aquaman.
Honestly, all I can think of when I see that image of Supes face to face with Bats is why doesn't the Man O Steel simply reach through the mouth hole in the armor and pull him inside out right then and there? Then the movie would be a 30 second commercial for why Iron Man's armor is more well thought out than Bats'.
^Well, I'm not expecting to like the movie, just pointing out that any single teaser these days is going to be just one step in a larger campaign. But yeah, it is kind of jarring to go from the upbeat Supergirl to this grim and unheroic image of Superman.

This. A lot of criticism of the first movie was around Superman's heroism, or lack of it. Why would you keep that going? Even if it is a dream, why would you do that? It certainly isn't winning me over and making me want to see it.
The outfit is called "Knightmare Batman", so it almost certainly a dream. Although, the way Batman is dressed, he looks like he's ready for the next Mad Max movie.


I'm not sure we should rely too much on a name given to an action figure. Mattel might have just thought "Knightmare Batman" was a cool sounding name, or maybe it's the name of that particular batsuit, or maybe Knightmare is the code name of the camp Batman infiltrates in the movie....

And Supes could just as well be under some kind of spell or evil influence in that clip.

Or it really is a "nightmare". Where would Mattel come up with a name like Knightmare Batman, by only looking at Batman wearing goggles, a duster and desert fatigues?

Remember, Age of Ultron also had heroes with dream sequences. Dreams that stemmed from the respective character's own fears and insecurities.

Following the dream logic for a bit. It would makes sense for Batman to be shook up and intimidated by Superman. Think about how Batman operates. He uses fear and intimidation to fight crime in Gotham. In his words, villains are "a superstitious and cowardly lot". Even in the comics, the old ones at least; the fight between Batman and person's from his respective rogues gallery, always occured at the end of the tale. Why? Because if any of Batman's villains tried to engage him in hand to hand at the start, they'd lose.

Here, so far as we know, Batman is the one who will be picking a fight with Superman. A person he cannot intimidate, cannot threaten and cannot dictate to. As Timby pointed out, the Christ +Crucifixion imagery of this scene, seems to demonstrate that Batman views himself as a savior, and Superman as the devil.


Food for thought.
A lot of criticism of the first movie was around Superman's heroism, or lack of it. Why would you keep that going?

It isn't, though. From everything we've seen thus far, it seems rather clear that this version of Batman is a completely broken human being for a number of reasons -- dead parents, dead Robin, Wayne Tower getting blown the fuck up by Zod -- and in his depression / malaise, he's now focused on Superman as a harbinger of doom and he's on a self-destructive path because in his convoluted mind, only he, the Great Bruce Wayne, can stop him. Even Alfred sees it, telling Bruce that Superman isn't the enemy.

It's actually a really very intriguing extension of the themes of Nolan's Batman movies, in which Bruce finally realized that 1) the Batman made things worse, not better and 2) he had to let go of his manchild revenge power fantasy in order to actually live. This Bruce seems more broken than the one we saw in Rises, which fascinates me.
^Well, I'm not expecting to like the movie, just pointing out that any single teaser these days is going to be just one step in a larger campaign. But yeah, it is kind of jarring to go from the upbeat Supergirl to this grim and unheroic image of Superman.

This. A lot of criticism of the first movie was around Superman's heroism, or lack of it. Why would you keep that going? Even if it is a dream, why would you do that? It certainly isn't winning me over and making me want to see it.

Personally I thought a lot of that MOS criticism was overblown... but I do have to agree that Superman comes across as awfully mean and nasty in a lot of the BvS clips we've seen so far, and we haven't seen nearly as much of the positive and inspiring Supes that I was really looking forward to seeing in a sequel.
The clips so far have been about stirring interest in the BvS conflict. I'm sure Supes will also do a fair bit of heroic stuff. Very likely Luthor will endanger lives and Superman will save them. Also, we still have no idea how the plot will involve WW at this stage.
Also, we still have no idea how the plot will involve WW at this stage.
Uh, but isn't this part of the point of going to see the film to see how things play out? If they spell out everything ahead of time then what's the point in actually seeing the film?

It's a no-brainer that Superman and Batman will not remain opponents. The film obviously starts with a lack of understanding on both sides until they see they are actually on the same side, albeit with different methods. And we're left to wonder how WW will fit into all that.

That's good enough for me and so far I'm intrigued.
Although the scene appears to be a dream, I'm curious to know whether Batman really does have that sort of desert-fatigue outfit he wears in it.

Kind of lame to promote a movie like this with a scene that's just a dream. They don't have something interesting in the can that actually happens in the film to whet our appetites?
I think it was a great choice. Even if was a dream, it was still a pretty intense scene, and definitely got people interested and talking, which is really all that matters in promotional material like this.
As for what Batman's wearing, I'm thinking it will probably be only in more than just the maybe dream. I'm pretty sure we saw at least a couple scenes in the trailers with him wearing it, and one of the trailers featured people riding horses through the desert. I doubt all of that is going to be in a dream sequence. I'm wondering if may he gets captured in the desert and then falls asleep or gets knocked out and then we get the maybe dream as a fake out.
Is it a desert? If it's a dream, it could be a post-apocalyptic setting. Superman actually caused the fall of civilisation.
Is it a desert? If it's a dream, it could be a post-apocalyptic setting. Superman actually caused the fall of civilisation.
I guess that's possible. Maybe a big sequence with Batman imagining a worst case scenario where Superman has taken over and he's trying to take him down.
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