Enterprise D Virtual Tour

In the bridge head, next to the toilet there were (of course) the three sea shells.
This is amazing. Very much along the lines of what I think Donny is trying to do as well.

Downside is there's no way the entire ship would be able to be rendered in full scale as one unit that's entirely traversable. You'd need the Enterprise computer itself to pull that off!
So many bars. Who knew?

Well, there's a difference between a lounge and a bar. ;) And if the plans are based on the "official" blueprints of the ship, there are indeed quite a few lounges and sitting areas all over the saucer section.
What was missing was the presence of people, walking the corridors, seated in the lounges and the bridge.
What was missing was the presence of people, walking the corridors, seated in the lounges and the bridge.

Maybe the footage is from 'Remember Me' from Beverly's own little bubble where eventually she was the only member of the crew left, she just didn't happen to bumb into the camera crew filming that. :) The voice talking in the beginning to the shuttle must've been automated computer thing. :)
What was missing was the presence of people, walking the corridors, seated in the lounges and the bridge.

More programing time and rendering time for the programmers/animators not to mention more resource use for whatever is hosting or running the tour. Computers aren't full of infinite resources, cuts have to be made. At this point I'd be satisfied with just a complete "virtual tour" of the empty ship as it's likely to mean more detail and computing resources can be dedicated to the visuals.

Yet no brig or secondary hull transporter rooms.

Granted, there's missing bits in the blueprints (they've even said how they completely forgot to put the arboretum in where it's supposed to be.) But it's probably easy enough to see many of duplicated or vague rooms as being the brig or secondary hull transporter rooms.

We are talking about a ship with an internal area of about 348.100 feet. A little smaller than the base of the Pyramid of Khafre. So it's possible a lot's going to be missed or overlooked.
I like the footsteps audio but the guy must make really big steps. :D It looks very good but the colourscheme of the shuttlebay is a bit too blue for me. And it looks a little bigger than on the tv show.
Very cool, but to be nitpick, the briefing room was a little off, as was the "Enterprises of the past" display at 9:13. Then again, I noticed the shuttle and NX-01, so maybe that's what it SHOULD look like.
And the benches next to the three Picard/Riker/Troi chairs on the bridge are missing.
I like the footsteps audio but the guy must make really big steps. :D It looks very good but the colourscheme of the shuttlebay is a bit too blue for me. And it looks a little bigger than on the tv show.

We never saw the Main Shuttlebay on the show. Only that exterior model shot, but never the inside.

It's supposed to be huge. It's a huge ship.
It occured to me after I posted last night -- I don't recall any stairs on the Enterprise D.

I also don't recall any ramp halls, like the one that had the ships displayed on the walls.
That was really cool.

I like the conceit too that the gold starship bas relief sculptures from the Seasons 1-5 observation lounge got moved to the small corridor between the Observation Lounge and the Main Bridge.
That was really cool.

I like the conceit too that the gold starship bas relief sculptures from the Seasons 1-5 observation lounge got moved to the small corridor between the Observation Lounge and the Main Bridge.

And I liked the addition of the earlier Enterprises on the other side of the corridor.