Silly Summaries of TNG Episodes

Cause and Effect

The Enterprise bumps into Frasier.

The Enemy

Geordi wishes he had beamed down with more than a phaser and tricorder.

Where Silence has Lease

Wesley is glad he wasn't at the helm when Nagilium kills the unlucky redshirt filling in for him.

The Face of the Enemy

Worf's hair has grown to ponytail length since last week.

The Naked Now/Where No One Has Gone Before/The Arsenal of Freedom/Skin of Evil

Meet the Enterprise's New Chief Engineer!
Peak Performance

After the Admirals at Starfleet Admiralty order Picard to engage the heavily armed Enterprise in a war game, Picard explains that Starfleet isn't a military.

Picard sets his phaser on 'Indiana Jones' after a group of robbers try to steal his rubbish.

Q watches Robin Hood: Men in Tights and is so taken with Picard's performance that he wants to see how he handles the starring role. Q later becomes so taken with Vash's performance that he steals her from Picard to star in his more...intimate films.


Worf gets back from a Bat'leth tournament drunk as a Tarkellian skunk and passes out. He then hallucinates that he's jumping through parallel realities.
The Measure of a Man

The only TNG episode where the broadcast version
and the porn adaptation have the exact same title.
The Best of Both Worlds

A scheming bitch tries to steal command Riker's job: and the Borg almost conquer earth.

Journey's End

Wesley leaves this dimension to be with a mysterious older man who's shown interest in him. Honest.
This is my favourite thread on the entire board:rommie:


A character from a first season episode we'd all forgotten returns to seek revenge against Captain Picard.

Half A Life

An Ensign Ro lookalike wants her daddy to die because he's old and embarrassing. Parents are so lame!


Data eats Counselor Troi. Not as exciting as it sounds.
I can't add anything, except, this thread is great. You guys gave me some good laughs :)

Cause and Effect

The Enterprise bumps into Frasier.

Does it leave a mark?

One of the best things about Frasier is, that there are many Star Trek related jokes. My favourite is probably the episode, in which Fraiser is tricked into making a speech in Klingon at a Bat-Mizwa.

The sketch for the 30th Anniversary show was pretty good as well.
Dr. Crusher really sucks at being a doctor. Everyone becomes mutants.

Imaginary Friend
A little girl has an imaginary friend who is not imaginary & spoiler alert: Not a friend

In Theory
A woman has absolutely no damn idea WTF she is doing with her life, & Data is there