If you were able to use the Holodeck

Discussion in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' started by Granola Gwen, May 21, 2015.

  1. Granola Gwen

    Granola Gwen Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    May 13, 2015
    the realms of the galaxy
    Where would you go? I'd like to make my own Enterprise with some of my favorite fictional characters I like or go into some cartoon world.
  2. Triskelion

    Triskelion Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 8, 2008
    I created an exact replica of my quarters with a holodeck inside playing an exact replica of my quarters with a holodeck inside playing an exact replica of my quarters with a holodeck inside playing an exact replica of my quarters with a holodeck inside playing an exact replica of my quarters with a holodeck inside playing....

    And when it came time to leave I never knew for sure if I exited the right one and the world was real....

    True story.
  3. hux

    hux Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 25, 2010
    Hard Sassenach in Moist Aberdeen
  4. ManOnTheWave

    ManOnTheWave Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 10, 2005
    All the travel I ever wanted without the hassle.

    Plus I'd have sex with fake people.
  5. TheGoodStuff

    TheGoodStuff Captain Captain

    Sep 9, 2013
    In all seriousness, if I could use the holodeck I would have an absolute ball.

    There are way way too many game worlds I would load up. GTA [playing Vice City on a holodeck would be epic], Morrowind [to explore that world, on foot and have the holodeck 'level me up' and adapt as I advance in the simulation], Final Fantasy VIII, Metal Gear Solid, L.A Noire...too much fun!

    If this was a present day holodeck [as in, Im not on a ST ship] then of course, I would use it to be a starship captain and have all kinds of adventures.

    I'd go to random gigs, see my favourite bands 'live' in a manner of speaking...

    It really would provide endless entertainment.
  6. bbjeg

    bbjeg Admiral Admiral

    May 24, 2013
    Right here buddy.
    ^Good game list, Morrowind would definitely be one of the games I'll load.

    I think I'd have holo-addiction if holodecks existed. I'd go from exploring to adventuring to playing chess with Socrates. I'd fight along side the Spartans, fly in an armada of Starfleet ships against the Empire and their Death Star, get in a street race with Speed Racer, Captain Falcon, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Kaneda, then team up with the Avengers and the X-Men against... I take it back, I don't think I'll get holo-addiction, I know I'll get holo-addiction.
  7. Squiggy

    Squiggy FrozenToad Admiral

    Jul 5, 2006
    Left Bank
    Two posts.

    Well done.
  8. bbjeg

    bbjeg Admiral Admiral

    May 24, 2013
    Right here buddy.
    ^That's just implied.
  9. TheGoodStuff

    TheGoodStuff Captain Captain

    Sep 9, 2013
    Interestingly, this crossed my mind as I was typing my original post. Holo-addiction would be so easy it's scary. The scope of activities, stories, places all to explore would consume a lot of time easily.
  10. Mojochi

    Mojochi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 18, 2007
    Honestly, once you blew your wad on the sex thing, the gaming thing, the sightseeing thing, & the imaginary playtime thing, it would also be as incredible a learning tool as anyone could ever imagine

    Half the time I'm on my piddly pc, I'm using it to learn something or how to do something, and that's just an audio/visual database. Imagine having that level of access to the accumulated knowledge of mankind, but presented in a virtual setting, with an inexhaustible resource parameter.

    Data uses it to learn to dance. Worf uses it for weapons training. Barclay uses it to posit physics formulas. Geordi uses it to get hands on access to the Enterprise as a shipyard model, to study it from an engineering perspective. You could teach yourself how to pilot, or sail, or build or repair. You could teach yourself how to be a surgeon, BY YOURSELF, experimenting on realistic subjects

    When you look at it like that, it's not as odd how perfect people seem in that universe, how they all seem to know so much & can do so much. You could learn how to do something new every single day. Plus, if we accept the replicator aspect of their holodeck tech, then you can actually create real things with it too. You could learn & accomplish virtually anything
  11. Kilana2

    Kilana2 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 31, 2015
    Erlangen, Germany
    With whom?

    Holo Seven?
    Vulcan Love Slaves - the Revenge?
    Orion Women?
    Risan Women?
  12. Disco

    Disco Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 24, 2014
    All of the above plus B'Elanna, Deanna Troi, Yar, Kira, Leeta, Jadzia and Ezri. But not Janeway. Never Janeway.
  13. Keith1701

    Keith1701 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 26, 2002
    Warner Robins Georgia
    and maybe something like "Time's Arrow"
  14. InklingStar

    InklingStar Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jul 14, 2003
  15. Starbreaker

    Starbreaker Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 19, 2001
    Birmingham, AL
    I just came here to say "sex." Sex has already been said. I will have to think of something else...
  16. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    And hands on access to Leah Brahms.
  17. Kilana2

    Kilana2 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 31, 2015
    Erlangen, Germany
    I would create a Holo-Elvis - without Priscilla!
  18. bbjeg

    bbjeg Admiral Admiral

    May 24, 2013
    Right here buddy.
    In addition to Geordi using the holodeck for sex, so did Picard, Riker, Tuvok, Tom, well the whole Voyager crew and their Old Irish sexcipade program, and the whole DS9 crew and their Orion programs. The had good excuses though. One was lost on the other side of the galaxy and the other was during war time.
  19. Kor

    Kor Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 31, 2001
    My mansion on Qo'noS
    I would become Klingon ruler of the galaxy in the TOS era.

    I think only those predisposed toward addictive behavior would have holo-addiction.
    Unless the computer is impossibly sophisticated, there will always be something that tells you the whole thing just isn't real... maybe some aspect of the environment, or, more likely, the way sentient beings are portrayed.

  20. Kilana2

    Kilana2 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 31, 2015
    Erlangen, Germany

    When Klingons suddenly love water, something is wrong. :klingon: