Time Travel? Other Universe?

Here's a question (not to derail the thread further ;))-Spock talks about planned colonies and societies in "Way to Eden":

Spock said:
"There are many who are uncomfortable with what we have created. It is almost a biological rebellion -- a profound revulsion against the planned communities, the programming, the sterilized, artfully balanced atmospheres. They hunger for an Eden--where spring comes."

The idea of planning out communities may include birth and reproduction planning as well. So, given the increase security/response to the Narada's attack, the Chekovs had to postpone having their child, in similar circumstances to Nerys Myk's scenario.
^ My point still stands that, unlike most of the other characters in the AU (we assume), Chekov is actually a completely different person in each universe, who only happens to share the same name (presumably because the Chekovs were going to name their son 'Pavel' no matter when he was born) and occupation (presumably a coincidence). Sure, 'Pavel Chekov' is 'Pavel Chekov', but can two babies born five years apart really be exactly the same person? :)

Chekov Prime was bullshitting, as with all his "Russian inwention" nonsense.

"Bullshitting was invented by a little old lady from Leningrad."


Well both Pavels do have the same speech impediment. Prime Pavel: "Nulear Wessel" instead of "Nuclear Vessel".NuPavel: "Wector Wector" instead of "Vector, Vector".:biggrin:
The only thing I can think of is that his parents wanted to have a child 5 years earlier because of the Narada incident. Which of course makes absolutely no sense.

Why not? It's obvious that the Narada incident created all kinds of changes to this new timeline, and its effects are long reaching and long lasting. We don't know the particulars of Chekov's parents or what they were doing at the time, so there's no reason not to assume that the Narada indirectly changed things for them. BTW, I have no problem whatsoever accepting that nuChekov is biologically a different person than prime Chekov.
I think what the original poster is saying is that time travel is a very specific kind of dimension travel, one where's the traveller and his journey are directly related to the universe he's travelling to. There are others in all magnitude of diversity and combination, but this type of travel is directly related.

However, here's a question: does that universe already exist before the traveller creates it through his actions?

For instance, I go back and save Kennedy in a new separate dimension.

Would that universe have always proceeded that way without me?

As in, Kennedy is saved and the future is changed, only I wasn't the one who did it?
The only thing I can think of is that his parents wanted to have a child 5 years earlier because of the Narada incident. Which of course makes absolutely no sense.

Why not? It's obvious that the Narada incident created all kinds of changes to this new timeline, and its effects are long reaching and long lasting. We don't know the particulars of Chekov's parents or what they were doing at the time, so there's no reason not to assume that the Narada indirectly changed things for them. BTW, I have no problem whatsoever accepting that nuChekov is biologically a different person than prime Chekov.

I actually came up with a solution that makes a bit of sense. Read my earlier post.
Another possibility is that they conceived Chekov, but then put him in cryogenic storage until they felt it was a better time to have kids.

The book Podkayne of Mars has a similar idea in it, with the parents having conceived five children, having the put on ice, and then unfreezing them to be born at convenient times.

Not sure how planned out the Federation is, but given the state of technology, food for thought :)
Similar to the time dilation idea upthread really; both Chekovs are biologically the same person, but Chekov Prime went into some form of stasis for 5 years; NuChekov did not.
:lol: I kind of screwed the timing on that. Pretend it wasn't the Kelvin. The point is that due to changing circumstances, the Chekovs had sex in the AU at a different time than in the OU, the result is a son born earlier.

I always thought that as a way to set the two universes apart, this version of Chekov should've been named Piotr. The change wouldn't have meant anything to the general audiences but would've made the alternate reality all that more alternate to long time fans.

That never occurred to me before. I like it.
All Red Matter does is create black holes. Only one of which resulted in a wormhole to the past. Possibly a fluke caused by the exotic supernova it swallowed.

We actually don't know whether or not the Red Matter Black Hole that sucked up Vulcan or the one that destroyed the Narada led to the past or not. For all we know, the rubble of Vulcan appeared millions of years in the past in Sector Z-6 and formed Romulus :rommie:

I always thought that as a way to set the two universes apart, this version of Chekov should've been named Piotr. The change wouldn't have meant anything to the general audiences but would've made the alternate reality all that more alternate to long time fans.

We could start calling it the PiotrVerse.
I don't think explaining time travel to a alternate universe would be overly complicated. Its not like having to explain calculus to movie goers.
They didn't explain it...but they mentioned it in a scene and people STILL missed it. Key phrase "alternate reality"!
:lol: I kind of screwed the timing on that. Pretend it wasn't the Kelvin. The point is that due to changing circumstances, the Chekovs had sex in the AU at a different time than in the OU, the result is a son born earlier.

I always thought that as a way to set the two universes apart, this version of Chekov should've been named Piotr. The change wouldn't have meant anything to the general audiences but would've made the alternate reality all that more alternate to long time fans.

That never occurred to me before. I like it.

But the name Piotr was invented by the (*) entity from Day of the Dove - it was a false memory the entity implanted in Pavel's mind - so why would it ever really exist?
:lol: I kind of screwed the timing on that. Pretend it wasn't the Kelvin. The point is that due to changing circumstances, the Chekovs had sex in the AU at a different time than in the OU, the result is a son born earlier.

Just a simple 'butterfly effect'
I always thought that as a way to set the two universes apart, this version of Chekov should've been named Piotr. The change wouldn't have meant anything to the general audiences but would've made the alternate reality all that more alternate to long time fans.

That never occurred to me before. I like it.

But the name Piotr was invented by the (*) entity from Day of the Dove - it was a false memory the entity implanted in Pavel's mind - so why would it ever really exist?

It was likely a name plucked from Chekov's mind that had some meaning. Where would the alien get a Russian name to begin with? Maybe Piotr was a miscarriage Mama Chekov had years before Pavel came to be?
I always thought that as a way to set the two universes apart, this version of Chekov should've been named Piotr. The change wouldn't have meant anything to the general audiences but would've made the alternate reality all that more alternate to long time fans.

That never occurred to me before. I like it.

But the name Piotr was invented by the (*) entity from Day of the Dove - it was a false memory the entity implanted in Pavel's mind - so why would it ever really exist?

I know. I was just thinking that it would make for a nice callback.
That never occurred to me before. I like it.

But the name Piotr was invented by the (*) entity from Day of the Dove - it was a false memory the entity implanted in Pavel's mind - so why would it ever really exist?

It was likely a name plucked from Chekov's mind that had some meaning. Where would the alien get a Russian name to begin with? Maybe Piotr was a miscarriage Mama Chekov had years before Pavel came to be?

Maybe Piotr was Chekov's imaginary friend?