How is Janeway sexy? (Part II)

Hi JanewayRulez,

Please can you explain to me what a troll is because (excuse me if im wrong ) but my definition of a troll is someone has a tendency to post random one sentence jibes or comments without any explanation or articulation

I have just joined the room and have expressed my take- my views on a subject which is in relation to the subject titled. I have not taken it upon myself to be malicious in any way. Because one person has taken it upon herself to attempt.. i say ATTEMPT!! to cyber bully( whom has consequently has been locked away in my little ingore box for safe keeping ;)) because she doesnt like what she hears , i fail to understand how that makes me a troll.:vulcan:

I apologise if i have offended anyone . That isnt my intention at all. I was hoping that this was a room where people can bounce ideas/thoughts with each other and have a little fun in the process.

I appreciate the fact that not everyone is into J/7 and from what i can see ( from the lack of J/7 forums and the one and only J/7 Voyager Conspiracy forums closure ), the J/7 population is disbursting in their thousands and have gravited to the C/7 (possibly because of the fact they are getting what they yearn for - Mulgrew/Beltran appearance together in two recent conventions and Ryans account of what happened between Mulgrew which has crushed the beautiful ellusions of the J/7s ) :(

If by giving my thoughts and opinions as i see it -( whether it is real or not ) is define as a troll. Again i sincerely apologise :)
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Ryans account of what happened between Mulgrew which has crushed the beautiful ellusions of the J/7s ) :(
SPCTRE I am very disappointed. That is a man (possibly). It is not Janeway. What kind of thread do you think this is.
Oh, I could tell from the clip it sucked.(watched it two days ago) The acting from "Saved by the Bell.' Was better and that's not saying much.

About that GIF: looks like that extra in gold is a multitasker. Pressing buttons while catching the drama. Btw, I sometimes wonder what keeps them so busy at those stations, that they often ignore the onscreen chatter. Especially, when it's good. :-)
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Catarin said:
Pressing buttons while catching the drama. Btw, I sometimes wonder what keeps them so busy at those stations, that they often ignore the onscreen chatter.

Of course it looks naughty. Janeway plays the suductress card a couple times. Resistance, Counterpoint, some other one I can't think of...
Janeway was the seductress in a total of 172 episodes. And one movie. I saw Picard quiver.
Same hair. Kate does it better. Brenda's got nothing on Kate, in my bias opinion.

Agree Mulgrew has a lot more style. I love her swagger. In Brenda's series she does have a tough of Red going on . Mulgrew is brilliant in that series.. I had forgotten how good she was in the 1st season of Voyager .Thanks for that picture..Shot i didnt realise how big it is

She is stunning in this picture . Looks like she has also had a little help from Mr Photoshop
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