Security Officers on the Enterprise

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Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
What do you guys suppose the security officers did on a regular basis on the enterprise. The amount of officers on the enterprise-d is already astonishing, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were 100 security officers onboard. Where some of them cross-trained in other areas (although a security officer seems like one of the lowest ranked jobs, so I don't know who would want to be one if they could be doing a different job) or would they most of the time be off duty, and do a lot of combat training, kind of like the macos on star trek enterprise?
I figure most of the time about four-fifths of the security crew is in medical recovery after they knock one another silly in training exercises. Worf himself has managed to be on-duty only thirty days in the year because everybody in his department knocks him out.
I figure most of the time about four-fifths of the security crew is in medical recovery after they knock one another silly in training exercises. Worf himself has managed to be on-duty only thirty days in the year because everybody in his department knocks him out.

poor tng worf...

Mostly? Scheming about how avoid getting picked for away teams...

lol and then getting shot the moment after they beam down after finally getting picked for an away mission :)
I would imagine they would be training, patrolling, and learning. As Worf said, the Captain wants all his junior officers to learn, learn, learn.
However many they have it isn't enough.


Over a minute and more guards hadn't turned.
I would imagine plenty of combat training. Random patrols, considering all the different phenomenon they encounter, having a few officers on constant patrol just checking the ship for damage or just anything unusual, would be a good idea. Random inspections of cargo. Inspecting cargo as it comes in. Possibly required weapon re-certification, piloting re-certification, even basic emergency medical like how to care for phaster or disrupter burns, a patch and go system but most likely needed in a fire fight.

I don't think security is a low ranked job, but one where constant training and cross training would be needed. So those in security would need to be smart, organized, able to surmise a situation and figure out a plan to deal with it on the spot, or even on the run.
Probably a lot like what security personnel do on large installations these days-training, investigating, inspecting, etc. Considering how often they take on new cargo, weapons, personnel. etc. they're probably kept pretty busy. Think of the paperwork and inspection of the stuff that comes onboard.
However many they have it isn't enough.


Over a minute and more guards hadn't turned.

Correct, Danar was a Genetically Engineered Super Freak with crazy strength and intelligence.

They should have had 10 guards there in 30 seconds.
Wouldn't that disrupt the weekly fizzbin game?

I can only ssume the guards went to Transporter room three when they heard O'Brien's vocie as they knew that was his favourite room and in the confusion he made a mistake when he said four instead of three. ;)
Or then Danar was clever enough to reroute Security calls...

I rather think the E-D had a core force of trained security specialists, and then a reserve of random yellowshirts who could be called to perform basic security duties as needed. "Chain of Command" basically states as much. The former bunch would help train elements of the latter in the arts of guarding, defending, attacking and getting walloped, while themselves excelling in all that.

On occasion, a key security task would be handled by a member of the latter bunch rather than the former, (perhaps for reasons of training rather than personnel shortage), with failure the inevitable result.

Timo Saloniemi
They also probably spent a good part of their day sabotaging forcefields and weakening the supports so they're easier to short out so they're not out of a job.
Probably just regular security guard BS, ship patrols, monitoring tac & security terminals in various areas of the ship, on-call duty for away missions, cargo inspection, visitor escorts, and general officerial crap
I would imagine that they're kinda like the old west posse, busy doing some other things and summonable as needed. In case of a massive emergency the whole ship's crew with a few exceptions could become security officers.
Sort of like old "naval infantry": Marines would be aboard mainly to keep the rest of the crew in line, among their duties being the ushering of said crew ashore to fight as infantry when needed...

It would probably be extremely seldom that Starfleet starship crews would need to become infantrymen and -women and -whatever. But "The Siege of AR-558" seems to describe exactly this sort of a situation: some 150 people beam down to fight with phaser rifles, commanded by a Captain, a Commander and eventually a Lieutenant (in that order, so they seem to be yer basic "naval" ranks).

Timo Saloniemi
Sort of like old "naval infantry": Marines would be aboard mainly to keep the rest of the crew in line, among their duties being the ushering of said crew ashore to fight as infantry when needed...

It would probably be extremely seldom that Starfleet starship crews would need to become infantrymen and -women and -whatever. But "The Siege of AR-558" seems to describe exactly this sort of a situation: some 150 people beam down to fight with phaser rifles, commanded by a Captain, a Commander and eventually a Lieutenant (in that order, so they seem to be yer basic "naval" ranks).

Timo Saloniemi

Am I the only one to think that the plot in AR-558 is ridiculous.

They have this group of 150 soldiers guarding this big censor or emittor array thing, getting killed one after another by the houdinis among other things. And what do they do with it? There's one engineer trying to figure this thing out under extremely stressful conditions, which is not the best way to do research as anyone who's not a complete idiot will know. Instead of doing the only reasonable thing, IE dismantle the thing as fast s possible and send the pieces to be put back together at starfleet headquarters under heavy guards.

What are they? Idiots?
I see three things wrong with the disassembling idea:

1) They would just break it, achieving nothing.
2) Even if they disassembled it without breaking it, they would still achieve nothing, as it would stop being a node for Dominion transmissions that Starfleet would love to eavesdrop. That's what made it valuable in the first place.
3) Even if they could keep it working while it was moved elsewhere, they would have no means of moving it anywhere - they were completely cut off, unable to get any reinforcements or even communicate to anybody their desperate need for such.

It seems that the force was dropped off by a starship that did manage to report back that the drop had taken place - otherwise, Sisko would not have made the supply run to the place. But it's clear nobody ever heard of the force after that, and Starfleet remained ignorant of the fact that there was anything strategically interesting down there; the force no doubt was supposed lost, but that supposition never reached the guy who wrote Sisko's itinerary.

On the other hand, the Dominion was none the wiser. Their side was not getting any reinforcements, either - but more importantly, their side wasn't able to inform their superiors that the communications node had been compromised, so the messages kept flowing. Anything that might have disturbed that state of affairs (such as the Starfleet team pulling the wrong plug) would have made all the deaths purposeless.

Timo Saloniemi
I see three things wrong with the disassembling idea:

1) They would just break it, achieving nothing.
2) Even if they disassembled it without breaking it, they would still achieve nothing, as it would stop being a node for Dominion transmissions that Starfleet would love to eavesdrop. That's what made it valuable in the first place.
3) Even if they could keep it working while it was moved elsewhere, they would have no means of moving it anywhere - they were completely cut off, unable to get any reinforcements or even communicate to anybody their desperate need for such.

It seems that the force was dropped off by a starship that did manage to report back that the drop had taken place - otherwise, Sisko would not have made the supply run to the place. But it's clear nobody ever heard of the force after that, and Starfleet remained ignorant of the fact that there was anything strategically interesting down there; the force no doubt was supposed lost, but that supposition never reached the guy who wrote Sisko's itinerary.

On the other hand, the Dominion was none the wiser. Their side was not getting any reinforcements, either - but more importantly, their side wasn't able to inform their superiors that the communications node had been compromised, so the messages kept flowing. Anything that might have disturbed that state of affairs (such as the Starfleet team pulling the wrong plug) would have made all the deaths purposeless.

Timo Saloniemi
Given that the engineer that was studying the thing and was on top of things got killed in the last skirmish, all the deaths were definitely purposeless. They accomplished nothing, understood
nothing. They stayed in these caves for months and their ranks got decimated to near extermination and all that for zip.
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