Wiped Episode Discoveries

Honestly, I think Moffat did better work as an episode writer than a showrunner. RTD, on the other hand, did better as a showrunner than an episode writer. Both of them have brought an often frustrating mix of sheer brilliance and self-indulgent silliness, albeit with different flavors
He's still searching people!

There's no actual information in any of those. Just more of the "Good news soon!" bullshit he's been stringing the BBC along with while he hopes to strike it lucky and find more episodes.

I don't believe he's stringing anyone along. Fan sites and news sites (and usually fan news sites) jump on any comment he makes trying to be the first to get the scoop, but on the flipside I think he's a bit too open in his searches. If he'd dropped Web and Enemy off last year then went back into 'hiding' while searching for more we wouldn't have the fan rift we have now.

I can't explain the rants of the past week. I'd like to say he was drunk but I have no idea.
Between him and Levine, I can only assume there's something about finding missing episodes of Doctor Who that makes you a bit peculiar.

The horror... the horror!
Or that there's just a very heady solvent used on the labels of the film cans...:alienblush:

And now I picture Gollum gripping a film reel can labeled "Power of the Daleks" hissing "Precious! My Precious!"

I leave it open for interpretation who Gollum is supposed to be.
I cannot deny thinking that part of me would have a similar reaction, if I were holding the same.

Ian Levine did actually do that when he got hold of The Evil of the Daleks 2 (complete with scurrying it away into another room).
Did anyone catch up the Philip Morris-Gareth Edwards twitter feud? That was unprecedented.

I hate to admit it, but more and more, it looks like Levine was on to something about him... isn't that crazy?
Did anyone catch up the Philip Morris-Gareth Edwards twitter feud? That was unprecedented.

He's had so many in the recent past it's hard to keep track of them all.

It has caused some interesting fallout though.

The two main purveyors of the Omnirumour found themselves being asked to explain how their many, many pronouncements over the past year matched up with the reality of someone who clearly hasn't concluded any negotiations with the BBC for the return of anything. Unsurprisingly, they didn't have much to say for themselves beyond attacking people for daring to question them.

Also, one enterprising soul has tracked many of rumours back to what appears to be their originating point and it turns out to have been proven liar and convicted criminal Adrian Riglesford. When confronted with this nugget of information one of the Omnirumourmongers confirmed it but insisted that just because he's been an attention-seeking liar in the past that doesn't mean we shouldn't believe him now.

So where do we find ourselves?

While I think you'd have to be as mad as Morris himself to discount the possibility that some episodes have been found, the idea that just about all of them have been found is well and truly dead and buried.
This link to a Planet Mondas post started doing the rounds yesterday. I don't know the provenance of the information it supplies. It may simply be a very thorough effort to line up a lot of dots and make something coherent out of them.

The truly interesting part is about Caro Skinner's firing and Eccleston's interest in the 50th-anniversary special.

I don't know if any of it is true.
This link to a Planet Mondas post started doing the rounds yesterday. I don't know the provenance of the information it supplies.


If you go forward and read more posts from the same person they make it clear that they don't believe it's true, they were posting stuff that appeared nearly a year ago to show where most of the rumours since have come from.
The truly interesting part is about Caro Skinner's firing and Eccleston's interest in the 50th-anniversary special.

I don't know if any of it is true.

I don't for one minute believe the Eccleston story. He's willing to come back and the only thing he wants is a specific director? So Moff decides "no"? Bull. If he was willing to return, Moff would hire any director he wanted.
The truly interesting part is about Caro Skinner's firing and Eccleston's interest in the 50th-anniversary special.

I don't know if any of it is true.

I don't for one minute believe the Eccleston story. He's willing to come back and the only thing he wants is a specific director? So Moff decides "no"? Bull. If he was willing to return, Moff would hire any director he wanted.
Yeah, I never bought that rumor myself. If true, it makes Moffat into an asshole for no good reason.