Will WILLIAM SHATNER ever play James T Kirk again?

I think about this a lot. I think the honest answer is no. William Shatner won't ever play James T. Kirk...

But if I were to imagine how, I'd say assuming there were a few more movies beyond... BEYOND, then have the last one be a story about time travel and the consequences of time travel. Unite all the survivng original cast members. Shatner, Takei, Nichols, Koenig.

Ignore the events of Generations. The alternate timeline changed the fate of Kirk and the Enterprise B. Set the story in the year 2319. This would make Captain Kirk approximately 86 years old, and it would correspond to the ages of the original series actors. Have them for whatever reason send someone to go back in time to the five year mission and whatever year it takes place in (after the events of ST:B). Have the cast of the new movies Pine/Quinto etc headline the movie, with occasional cues and flashbacks/forwards to the older guys. Address the death of Spock in the JJ-Timeline somehow. A funeral on new Vulcan, with Shatner's Kirk in attendance. Wrap up the adventure of the movie with the older actors riding off into the sunset. That's how I'd give them a true send-off. It'd be a logistical mess... but if there was a nice mix of the casts with some sweetness and action, it could be very successful. The 60's cast is still so beloved, and it could bridge the timelines and bring them back together. Everyone wins.
It's very unrealistic and bordering on corny fan fiction, but I still love the idea of it.

One question, how does the alternate timeline change the events of Generations? I don't think that makes sense.
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It's very unrealistic and bordering on corny fan fiction, but I still love the idea of it.

One question, how does the alternate timeline change the events of Generations? I don't think that makes sense.

It would be kind of corny, but at the same time, the notion of William Shatner returning to Star Trek is unrealistic, and yet it's been discussed by the powers that be, and article after article has been written about it since 2003. There has to be SOMEONE interested in seeing in happen. Time is running out. The dude IS 84 years old.

As far as alterations in the timeline, I suppose I don't buy into the idea anymore that the prime and alternate timelines will just merge back together at some point. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. at this point the regime change has made the original intentions of Abrams/Lindelof moot.

All the same it's not that big a leap to assume that James T. Kirk never attended the shakedown cruise of the Enterprise-B and was never sucked into the Nexus in the Nero timeline.
You know what? Get him on the premiere episode of the new Trek series for ten minutes, jack the publicity up through the roof.
You know what? Get him on the premiere episode of the new Trek series for ten minutes, jack the publicity up through the roof.

It would be gimmickry and pandering and I'd love every minute of it LOL.

I know the "how" of it happening doesn't so much matter since the "if" of it happening is so unlikely. Still, I believe the most appropriate place to bring Shatner back would be the movies, since they are dealing with his character, they created their whole premise based on time travel, and they actually did with Leonard Nimoy exactly what they would have to do with Shatner in order for any of it to make "sense".
He will but not on film; maybe Dish Network might think of another way for him to play Kirk as they did before.
I'd love to see it if there would be some way to do it that would not feel painfully shoehorned. I don't mind him being old, people get old, old people are cool.
Just a reminder that while it may be a tricky impossibility to seamlessly cameo William Shatner as Kirk in the new movies, Shatner did reprise the role in video games and at the Oscars since "Generations." Nimoy returning to Star Trek was a much bigger deal to me because he had very much stayed away since 1991.
Shatner could be the new voice of the ship's computer, no long hours on the set, just come in once a week and sit in a sound studio for twenty odd minutes and record his dialog.

I say yes he will return as Kirk for the simple reason that it is good business.

Shatner's return as Kirk in the upcoming tv series would drive ratings and interest through the roof. What better way to get people to pay to watch Star Trek than to have it's most iconic character/star return even in a limited manner?

As Star Wars has proven, people will respond to the iconic characters no matter how old the actors who play them are. As I type "The Force Awakens" continues to add to it's all time leading domestic box office take which currently stands at a staggering $920 million dollars. Is anyone in the world complaining that Harrison Ford is too old? I submit that if the classic SW characters did not return and the new film was strictly about new characters interest and box office would not have been any where near as strong as it was.

TPTB would be foolish not to include William Shatner as Kirk.
Shatner will always be able to play Captain Kirk because part of his personality is deeply rooted in Captain Kirk. The question is: should he? No. He's difficult to deal with.
But he (Shatner) still can play as the new Kirk's uncle; whose the car stolen by the young Kirk in the 2009 Star Trek.

If it truly happen, I can't wait to see his hateful face to Kirk just because his car was destroyed by his former role.
Shatner looks just like he did in 1994 with the release of Generations as he does now. I'd definitely welcome another appearance by him, perhaps in the pilot of the new series?



Those costumes they used in the original films tend to hide most of the cast's imperfections.
A short tasteful cameo in an episode would be welcome, assuming it can be organically included in the story without stretching credibility.
A short tasteful cameo in an episode would be welcome, assuming it can be organically included in the story without stretching credibility.

If it extends off the non jjVerse side of the universe than it is easy. Just base his cameo around an old Captain's Log that in some way drives the plot.
Like I said a page or two back, the time for Shatner playing credibly as Kirk has past, and if he did it now, he would probably be a caricature of the role. And honestly, while I loved Shatner as Kirk in TOS and the TOS movies, except for V, Shatner as a person is pretty despicable to me. His actions towards fans and fellow cast members, over the years really have made my opinion of him plummet. So, unlike Nimoy returning as Spock, or Harrison Ford and Mark Hammill returning as Han and Luke, I couldn't care less for William Shatner returning to Star Trek. Nor does he deserve it.

For me, Chris Pine may not have endeared himself to the role of Kirk for me the way Shatner has, but I think as a human being, the guy is a lot more professional. You don't hear stories about him being abusive or arrogant like Shatner was, even when Shatner was around the same age during TOS.
Like I said a page or two back, the time for Shatner playing credibly as Kirk has past, and if he did it now, he would probably be a caricature of the role. And honestly, while I loved Shatner as Kirk in TOS and the TOS movies, except for V, Shatner as a person is pretty despicable to me. His actions towards fans and fellow cast members, over the years really have made my opinion of him plummet. So, unlike Nimoy returning as Spock, or Harrison Ford and Mark Hammill returning as Han and Luke, I couldn't care less for William Shatner returning to Star Trek. Nor does he deserve it.

For me, Chris Pine may not have endeared himself to the role of Kirk for me the way Shatner has, but I think as a human being, the guy is a lot more professional. You don't hear stories about him being abusive or arrogant like Shatner was, even when Shatner was around the same age during TOS.
So this seems to be more of a personal problem than professional for you?

I don't really give a damn how nice an actor is off the screen. Shatner entertained me and millions others for decades and I'd love to see him one more time as Kirk.

Who am I to judge what kind of person he is when I've never met or talked to the man in my life? I'd like to think he's just misunderstood. Maybe I'm wrong though, many of the cast members have come out and talked about how hard it was working with him. To me, that big fat ego of his is just apart of his charm.
So this seems to be more of a personal problem than professional for you?

I don't really give a damn how nice an actor is off the screen. Shatner entertained me and millions others for decades and I'd love to see him one more time as Kirk.

Who am I to judge what kind of person he is when I've never met or talked to the man in my life? I'd like to think he's just misunderstood. Maybe I'm wrong though, many of the cast members have come out and talked about how hard it was working with him. To me, that big fat ego of his is just apart of his charm.
It's both, actually. It's not my only reason, though.

I am sure if Shatner did get a shot at reprising the role of Kirk, he would ham it up, and he would likely be a caricature of Kirk, resembling more of a Denny Crane than classic Kirk.

But yeah, I have a personal problem with Shatner too. He's a great actor, but my personal opinion of him is really low. Your mileage may vary, but I have tried ignoring it for a long time, and like you I took the attitude of who cares what actors do. However, there is just a long track record of him being nasty to fans and coworkers, and it just finally got to a point for me to not ignore any longer.