Why was Archer such a terrible fighter?

ENT showed that humankind was a bit naive when they went out there, desiring to peacefully explore the galaxy yet meeting quite some unfriendly fellows. Archer's lack of physical fighting training (First Flight; besides being a pilot the guy didn't have any training) merely reflects this general human naivety.

I think it was a metaphor for Archer being in over his head.

My thoughts exactly
I like that everyone aboard Enterprise is an astronaut and their main field (pilot, engineer, doctor, etc.) and not a fighter. By the end of season 2, they learn the universe is out there to kick their butts.

So, actually it seems only Reed is a decent fighter until the MACOs join.
Kirk would beat the crap out of Archer.

Picard would beat the crap out of Archer.

Sisko would beat crap out of Archer.

Janeway would beat the crap out of Archer.