Who has aged well and who hasn't?


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
I guess some people will think this thread is worhtless but I just realized that some of our star trek stars have aged pretty damn well and others ... well, not so great. lol. So i'll start with Roxann Dawson and Leonard Nimoy. Roxann is still as sexy as she was in her 20's. And Leonard Nimoy, yeah he's aged but the guy is a bit wrinkley but they guy is nearly 80 so for being that age he still looks good.
People who haven't aged well however in my opinion of course, yours may be different than mine. Mirina Sirtis, I'm not quite sure how she looks at the most current but when i saw pics of her at a convention a few years ago she looked like a meth head to me. I'm not bashing her, it's just the best way i could put it.
This next guy, I personally don't have a problem bashing, Mr.Trek hater himself, Robert beltran. For those of you who have seen him lately, you know what i'm talking about. I've already said so much crap about him on Youtube and myspace and everything else, so i'll cut him a lil slack on this one:p.

so... what are your thoughts?
I think that this thread is not a good idea. You may want to say that A and B have aged wonderfully, but it's a bad idea to say that X and Y haven't aged well. For all you know, some of those actors may be reading this forum. As the recent event on the DS9 forum has shown, some Trek actors are even members of the forum, and may read such comments and take offense.
As the recent event on the DS9 forum has shown, some Trek actors are even members of the forum, and may read such comments and take offense.

Which, to be fair, was mildly entertaining ;)

However, on principle I must add that this is indeed a shallow, shallow thread, that I condemn :cool:
Well in a nutshell it turns out that Chase Masterson is a member of this board and took offense to some comments. T'Bonz made a ruling that as a member of this board she was entitled to the same anti-flaming protections (as well as the same let the mods handle things restrictions) as any other member of this board.

What this means is that even though this thread remains open for now posters should be aware that if they flame an actor who is a member of the board that member has the right to expect something to be done about it. Yes, these are still public figures who can't expect to escape criticism regarding their work and the characters they play but personal flames would be treated the same as those against any other poster.

Here's the thread in question along with T'Bonz's statement: http://www.trekbbs.com/showthread.php?p=4177208#post4177208
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Let's just shout out "OMG, [You know who] GOT FAT!" and end this.

All I know is I've aged badly since Trek went off the air and I blame Berman, Braga and Les "the Anti-Christ" Moonves.
Bleeding hearts of the world unite. You people act like you never went through junior high/middle and high school. People get offended, its part of life. Frankly i wish someone like Beltran is reading things like this. Kind of let him know he can't talk crap about us and expect to be worshipped by fan-women... even though he still is... thats not my point though.
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I think that this thread is not a good idea. You may want to say that A and B have aged wonderfully, but it's a bad idea to say that X and Y haven't aged well. For all you know, some of those actors may be reading this forum. As the recent event on the DS9 forum has shown, some Trek actors are even members of the forum, and may read such comments and take offense.
Bleeding hearts of the world unite. You people act like you never went through junior high/middle and high school. People get offended, its part of life.

It's also a part of life that not every thread you start here is going to be popular. Believe me, I've started many a thread over the years that sank like a stone. It's disappointing but then life goes on.

I suggest you just let this one go...
so... what are your thoughts?

Thoughts? That this will not end well for my beloved Kate.
i think most of them have aged well, so what to a bit of weight or what ever it there personality, and kindness that i like about them. kate mulgrew ur the best

Kate, though a gigantic ham, has a big heart. Frankly, however, I think she's aged quite well. She's got a little bit of a tummy now, but, really, it's nothing. But, she hardly shows any signs of aging on her face, and her personality is as young as ever it was.