Which series would you want next?

Which series would you want after Strange New Worlds?

  • Legacy

    Votes: 20 31.3%
  • Stargazer/Young Picard

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Rachel Garrett

    Votes: 13 20.3%
  • Romulan War/Birth of the Federation

    Votes: 8 12.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 29.7%

  • Total voters
Legacy gets my vote, simply because its time Kim got that promotion. I heard whispers that he was supposed to captain the Voyager-B in PIC S3, so I've just got to see it to believe it.

I think of the options, a young Picard series is one that I'd least want to see. All I can imagine is a space drama about a Picard/Jack/Beverly love triangle, weird cameos by characters we aren't supposed to meet yet and more arguments over continuity. Not fun :(

The lost era has potential, but again its easy to slip up with prequels.(speaking as a huge Enterprise fan)
Legacy gets my vote, simply because its time Kim got that promotion. I heard whispers that he was supposed to captain the Voyager-B in PIC S3, so I've just got to see it to believe it.
It was time 27 years ago, but I get the sentiment. I think that would be a nice "full circle" for the character. :techman:
I have to say, I'm coming around on the idea of a series focused on Rachel Garrett. It would give us a show to bridge the gap between TOS and TNG, but it would be focused on a character who's almost an entirely blank canvas. And, to satisfy those who want to see some of the usual suspects, they could still have a younger Picard and the Stargazer show up, but only periodically, instead of having a whole show focused around them.
Well that's kinda dour. Can't say it's an opinion I share. I'd hate to see the franchise flicker out so unceremoniously.
I would hope, sincerely, that Trek continuing on would be treated positively. But, today, I sit, feeling like no matter what Trek does it will be treated poorly. And that's more dour than any ending.
I think than in the Star Trek Universe -and in space science fiction in general- for some reason the storys about real common people, they tend to be too stoick, maybie it's my perception of things but to say it clearer and in a more ilustrative way, there is no "space-folk" series or movies in Sci-fi.

I don't know if you guys are related with the genre of music "Space-Folk"? i will let a song here to ilustrate what kind of topic i'm trying to reffer.
There is, in between other things, like a too optimistic expand of the believes without cultural degradation, and everybody seems to know everything to the limit, there is basically no "common folk", no "filling the void with humanities believes" like ghost and leyends, that is very unrealistic from a cultural perspective, there are religious believes but there is no folk modification for instance or missinterpretation/readaptation than marks a group, Star Wars suffer something like that too. Firefly also.

I would like to see a little bit of that, more like street-common folk relation with the space, not officer/cool guy dynamics always, i mean, i think there is not something too much exploited, people there lacks real defects and you can say that is because mostly they are officers so fear, desperation, they are trained to act on them, and also they lack non-edgy life breaks if have any at all, and when they have it, is usually something strong for the character and significant which is somewhat redimable or a moral conflict, and they tend to be very central for that character, which is kinda the opposite of being used like something than explain some specific behaviours and maybie perspectives but that's it, nothing to do about, and they are usually things not entirely product of his own stupidity, you are not gonna see substance abuse for instance, and even when you see broken carrers or so they are redeem somewhat, i'm taking examples like that because some of that exist in the space-folk songs i place as an example.

You don't see characters like people who are, for instance, broken and just learn to keep walking with it, or victims of his own stupidity only for themselfs, or people who doesn't know everything and fill the spaces in between with what he/she believes for questions than remains eternaly open for humanity on it's entirity, there is even no contradictions of believes, i mean they are moving in the infinite void of the sea of stars and nobody found time to make what humans do when they travel through the then misterious seas of water of earth? weird, i think Sci-fi in general needs a little bit more of that.

Or maybie it's me, and/or i haven't seen enough Star Trek, idk, but that's what i think, we need series with more SS13 and less Spock, nothing bad with Spock specifically but i think you guys get the point.
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Jesus, Mods, i cannot edit the post, could you please hide the videos on a spoiler please?

Sorry for the double post, delete this if it's mind Mods please
Not voting here because I really don't know. But - surely not another prequel era - we have had 5 productions take place in eras that are prequellar to TNG. I am not overly keen on Legacy but they really need to hurry up and make it soon if they want to make it at all, before the cast becomes unavailable or too much time elapses from the end of PIC. The 3 years from DISC S2 to SNW S1 was visibly noticeable.