What weird stuff can you do with your tongue?


Red Shirt
I wanted to take an informal poll of what weird shapes people can make with their tongues. I have also heard conflicting evidence as to whether this is genetic or just learned muscle conditions. What can you do, if anything, and what do you think? It is very common not to be able to do anything with your tongue. Some people also haven't even tried or don't know what they can do.

What do you think?

Can you roll it lengthwise?

Clover it?

Double-fold, widthwise?

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I can fold/roll it either way. I can also twist it so the tip sticks out of my mouth upside down. I think I once read that our tongue's gymnastic ability is genetic, and only around half of people can fold it.
Until a couple years ago, I was tongue-tied and couldn't really do anything. I couldn't even stick it out. Then, during a freak toothbrushing accident, I ripped my frenulum in half, and now I can do many more things with my tongue.
I can fold/roll it either way. I can also twist it so the tip sticks out of my mouth upside down. I think I once read that our tongue's gymnastic ability is genetic, and only around half of people can fold it.

Yes, thank you, Jadzia, I knew I was forgetting one.

I can roll and clover and fold widthwise, but I have not learned how to do this one. I think I should be capable of doing what you describe but I haven't really been able to now that I am trying. Teach me? :lol:

Until a couple years ago, I was tongue-tied and couldn't really do anything. I couldn't even stick it out. Then, during a freak toothbrushing accident, I ripped my frenulum in half, and now I can do many more things with my tongue.

While the end result and abilities sound hot, I think I can actually picture the toothbrushing accident you had. A similar incident almost happened to me.
It actually worked out for the better. I literally used to not be able to do anything with my tongue. It's amazing I never had speech problems. Normally people get corrective surgery to fix that when they're little, but nobody ever did it for me.

It hurt like a bitch, but it healed in a couple days, and now my tongue does way more stuff.
My grandma used to be able to touch her nose with her tongue, which amazed my brother and I when we were little- it was like some kind of freakish magic. After she died, my mom told me grandma could do it only when she took her false teeth out...

It was like finding out WWF wrestling was fake all over again. :(
It actually worked out for the better. I literally used to not be able to do anything with my tongue. It's amazing I never had speech problems. Normally people get corrective surgery to fix that when they're little, but nobody ever did it for me.

It hurt like a bitch, but it healed in a couple days, and now my tongue does way more stuff.

A nice, free, hurricane tongue comes in very handy, doesn't it? *dreams* :devil:

My grandma used to be able to touch her nose with her tongue, which amazed my brother and I when we were little- it was like some kind of freakish magic. After she died, my mom told me grandma could do it only when she took her false teeth out...

It was like finding out WWF wrestling was fake all over again. :(

I love this. :guffaw:
It actually worked out for the better. I literally used to not be able to do anything with my tongue. It's amazing I never had speech problems. Normally people get corrective surgery to fix that when they're little, but nobody ever did it for me.

It hurt like a bitch, but it healed in a couple days, and now my tongue does way more stuff.

A nice, free, hurricane tongue comes in very handy, doesn't it? *dreams* :devil:

:lol: Sadly, it hasn't been tested.

I was just amazed at how much I could move it. It was like I discovered new muscles I never knew I had.
I can roll my tongue so that the sides touch, and kind of roll it backwards. I can also touch my tongue to the tip of my nose (with me teeth in). That's the one that seems to get people. Especially guys.
I can roll my tongue so that the sides touch, and kind of roll it backwards. I can also touch my tongue to the tip of my nose (with me teeth in). That's the one that seems to get people. Especially guys.

Is that a Video Chick sighting? :cool:

I wasn't sure, I was distracted by the thought of a woman touching her nose with her tongue. :lol:
I can roll my tongue so that the sides touch, and kind of roll it backwards. I can also touch my tongue to the tip of my nose (with me teeth in). That's the one that seems to get people. Especially guys.

Is that a Video Chick sighting? :cool:

I wasn't sure, I was distracted by the thought of a woman touching her nose with her tongue. :lol:

It's me! (I really didn't think anyone remembered me or my tongue). I did have a cameraman from the TV station I worked at who would turn all kinds of colors when I did it - I have no idea why:angel:
i can touch my nose with my tongue and i can twist it and fold it lengthwise.

i can do some other stuff guarenteed to make a lady happy. ;)
List of things I can do with my tongue:

- Roll it lengthwise

I think that's most of it. :)
I can push chewed food towards the back of my throat with my tongue. That's about it, really.
I can push chewed food towards the back of my throat with my tongue. That's about it, really.

Fascinating. I just tilt my head back and open my mouth real wide and hope that the food goes down the right pipe.

It really is a unique use of the tongue.

Oh, and I can also use my tongue to help me speak and utter many consonants. Not brilliantly, mind you, but I get by.