What is your personal head canon?

I could totally see a Baseball league starting up on Bajor as a tribute to the Emissary. The Rakantha Rinos, The Dakhur Harvesters, The Kendra Storm, etc…
The "That Damn Northern Peninsula they keep mentioning any chance they can get" Wildcats.
I could totally see a Baseball league starting up on Bajor as a tribute to the Emissary. The Rakantha Rinos, The Dakhur Harvesters, The Kendra Storm, etc…
I could totally see that happening, a really nice idea.

I know it's hardly original at this point, but I just ignore TATV because I like to think that the crew of the NX-01 continue to do missions in the pre-federation era. I tend to think that the Coalition allows for the exchange of tech and personnel, which leads to the NX-refit and Shran coming over as a crew member. They do a lot more diplomacy and exploration around the core worlds of the Federation. Trip ends up dying in the Romulan War, much more heroically though.
Several humanoid races (including Earth humans) possess limited shapeshifting abilities and single-individual lifetime interspecies convergent evolution traits. Examples:

Vulcan male 23rd century looked like Ethan Peck, later age shifted to a Leonard Nimoy molecular pattern

Vulcan female 23rd century observed to morph from a form looking like Kirstie Alley later observed to resemble more Robin Curtis (speculated but unconfirmed 2nd morph to a Kim Catrall resemblance)

Some patterns seem to be dominant: complex case, Illyrian female that looked like Rebeca Romijm later morphed to a Majel Barret pattern. Human female that looked like Jess Bush also re-formed into this pattern after interacting with the same Ilyrian individual (the same pattern was also observed one century later in a Betazoid female)
Several humanoid races (including Earth humans) possess limited shapeshifting abilities and single-individual lifetime interspecies convergent evolution traits. Examples:

Vulcan male 23rd century looked like Ethan Peck, later age shifted to a Leonard Nimoy molecular pattern

Vulcan female 23rd century observed to morph from a form looking like Kirstie Alley later observed to resemble more Robin Curtis (speculated but unconfirmed 2nd morph to a Kim Catrall resemblance)

Some patterns seem to be dominant: complex case, Illyrian female that looked like Rebeca Romijm later morphed to a Majel Barret pattern. Human female that looked like Jess Bush also re-formed into this pattern after interacting with the same Ilyrian individual (the same pattern was also observed one century later in a Betazoid female)
Or, a limited number of standard Transporter Pattern Templates. Explains similar looking characters seen during TOS instead of the twins/clones argument. ;) No wonder McCoy didn't want to use the damn transporter; it already morphed him from looking like Karl Urban into Deforest Kelly, after that, what next? :rofl:
The Klingon ship the Enterprise destroys early in “Errand of Mercy” is a Bird of Prey, not a cruiser. (The Blish adaptation has it being a small scout ship.).

Tangential comment: There seem to be different definitions of “headcanon” in this thread. One version seems to be “What I’ve decided happened instead of what happened on TV”; the other (which I subscribe to) is “What I’ve decided happened offscreen, without actually contradicting anything onscreen.” In original pre-Remastered TOS, we don’t actually see the Klingon ship. In TOS-R, we do, and it’s a cruiser. So I’m treating original-TOS as the “real” onscreen text here; YMMV.
There seem to be different definitions of “headcanon” in this thread. One version seems to be “What I’ve decided happened instead of what happened on TV”; the other (which I subscribe to) is “What I’ve decided happened offscreen, without actually contradicting anything onscreen.”
I also subscribe to the second definition. Headcanon is only fun if it fits the available facts, IMO. I don't get the fans who choose to believe stuff that directly contradicts what is clearly shown onscreen.
Some examples of brunette villains...

"CATSPAW" - Sylvia
"Contagion" - Subcommander Taris
"Devil's Due" - Ardra
"Face Of The Enemy" - Commander Tareth
"Gambit" two-parter - Tallera

Only listed TOS and TNG... but there have definitely been brunette villains in the franchise.

See also Nona in "A Private Little War."
My pet headcanon is that Trelaine is a baby Q.

I think a lot of people argue that is he in fact related to the Q, maybe in the time of that episode Q needed help with their powers so that's why he needed some kind of machine. They later evolved


(I really hate the "small universe" fan theories that make every magical being related to a Q, or ever mechanical thing a Borg ancestor. Sorry :lol: )

Eh, for me it’s more than him being magical, and I don’t think that every omnipotent being is a Q. For me it’s just as much that his speech, behavior, and attitude read as very “Q but lacking polish”
My Head-Canon I just thought of within the last few days, so this is hot of the presses:

Running with the idea that the Enterprise-F had multiple crews and multiple Captains, as per what Terry Matalas has said (I don't remember where off-hand and not going to go fishing for it at 2:30 in the morning), I think Starfleet did this to keep the Enterprise crew from knee-capping Starfleet Officer's careers.

Take Riker, for instance. He stayed First Officer of the Enterprise-D and E for 15 years. If he'd accepted a promotion to Captain sooner (i.e. even before he joined the Enterprise), how many First Officers would've served under Picard? How many other careers would've been made because these up-and-coming officers got to be First Officer of the Flagship? But Riker stayed and stayed and stayed and locked others out of having that position. And why did he stay? In hopes that Picard would either retire, get promoted, or get killed, and they he'd become Captain. He wanted the Enterprise so badly, and made it so obvious, that Starfleet wasn't ever going to give it to him.

Then there's Picard. A Captain with decades of experience and unafraid to stand up to Admirals. If Starfleet had inexperienced Captains who were ambitious and wanted to become Admirals, they'd be far less likely to push back against those Admirals when or if they disagreed with them. By the end of his time as Captain, Picard had a ton more experience than a lot of the Admirals giving him orders. Starfleet probably wanted to avoid that with future Captains of the Enterprise. So, they didn't want experienced Captains, they didn't want to keep them there long, and they wanted Commanding Officers who were more on the same page with Starfleet Command. Shelby shot up through the ranks to the Admiralty, and someone like her probably saw the Enterprise-F as something could be a stepping stone for future Captains and Admirals.

In my head-canon, Shelby was in command of the Enterprise-F during the ceremony in Picard because as the E-F was being decommissioned, because the last Captain had been promoted to Admiral and the First Officer had probably been given command of some other prestigious ship after having cut their teeth on the E-F. Shelby loved that the E-F with was anthesis of the E-D and the E-E. As an Admiral, she probably helped to guide the Enterprise-F in the opposite direction throughout its lifetime...

... then during the Celebration she gets killed by the Borg and her Interconnected Fleet is assimilated. Her over-ambition and her pushing back against the philosophy of the previous Enterprises being her Achilles Heel.

So the Enterprise-G becomes the true successor to the Enterprise-D and E. The Enterprise-G with Seven's crew are the crew that helped the Enterprise-D and Picard's crew save the Federation from Vadic and the Borg Queen....

... which will make the Enterprise-F the black sheep of the Enterprises.

Now I'm going back to sleep. Or will try to. I don't think this was as effective as counting sheep. But, if I fall asleep, maybe I'll dream of electric sheep. Or at least see unicorns. Maybe not.
The Star Trek Unlimited comics had Q and Trelane as rivals. They did some wager on who was the better captain and then switched them so Kirk was on the Enterprise-E and Picard commanded the Enterprise.