Picard makes the wrong call in Clues. You trip into Paxon space. The wormhole schtick fails cuz Data. You order Data to conceal the truth, cuz death. It fails cuz you naively banked on Data being a believable liar. So you just clean up a little better & order him to do it again?
That's just bonkers. #1. That's far from a guarantee. Some of the coverup is likely impossible to obscure 100%, like Worf's broken arm, & the records tampering. #2. You're never coming back, so who cares WTF the jerks threatening your lives want? #3. This actively flies in the face of our hallowed duty to truth.
You've spent the whole ordeal carrying on about Data never being trustable again, but then force him to keep the secret anyway. Fortunately he's emotionless, because he should resent the hell out of that. This deal is super unfair & inconsiderate to him.
Plus, IMHO it's completely unnecessary. You can very likely just go along with the Paxons in making them think you're concealing the truth from the crew again, but somehow make it known to Data that he's to fess up, once they're all safely away from there. It's probably safer if it's known anyhow, as they'll be in a better position to quarantine the place, & prevent further unwitting travelers from getting screwed with there.
The only reason to leave it like they did was to give the Paxons what they wanted over a duty to truth & respect for his crew. It's not a violation of the Prime Directive to deny them their anonymity, if you're going to leave them be anyhow. They'll remain unaffected, in ignorance that they were exposed. Hell, they'll probably be better off with less potential traffic.