What are you reading?

I have been reading this special kind of Bible that is set up for a person to be able to read it in a year. Called the One Year Bible it has a reading from Old Testament, New, a psalm, and proverb. It is a lot easier for me anyway than trying to read it from cover to cover.
"Life and Fate" by Vasily Grossman. It has been described as the "War and Peace" of the Second World War.
A couple days ago, I finished up The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes, which I read as preparation for the Netflix series. After that I decided I was in the mood for something different, so I started a non-fiction book, The Inside Lives of Animals: Love, Grief and COmpassion - Surprising Observations of a Hidden World by David Wohlleben (translation by Jane Billinghurst). This is actually the first non-fiction books like this I've read, and it's been really interesting so far.
Discworld book Reaper Man. This one was part confusing and part sweet. It was two stories in one. The first part I couldn't make heads or tails of.
Big Discworld fan here. Which part confused you? I'll see if I can help. PM is you prefer.

Also reading Discworld, Witches Abroad. Funny and deep.
Still have a lot of Disc World books to read. Both my husband and I are reading them. I get two at a time from the library. Right now I am reading Small Gods. My husband is reading Witches Aboard.
I finished up The Inner Life of Animals yesterday, and started Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews, the 7th book in their (Ilona Andrews is actually a husband and wife who writer together) Kate Daniels series. This is one of my absolute favorite series.
This was pretty good.
Outlawed by Anne North - described as True Grit meets The Handmaids Tale, and yes, yes it was.
Today was a loooong day of airline terminals and long flights. Finished off a re-read of Spock's World, re-read the entirety of The Vulcan Academy Murders, and made it through the first 30% of Predator: Incursion.
Finished Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews, which was just as good as the rest of the series so far. I think this actually set a record for how fast I read a full length 300+ page novel. Usually it takes me about a month to read a book this long, but I've started reading early every morning before I get out of bed, and I just started this on the 24th and finished it today. It's late and I don't feel like doing the math, so I'm not sure exactly how many days that is.
I finished ‘Prayer for the Crown-Shy’ which is an excellent novella by Becky Chambers.

Just started ‘Shogun’ by James Clavell which I am reading to on my Kindle while listening to the Audible book. It is about 1190 pages long and a 53 hour long audiobook.
Last week I started reading Star Wars The High Republic: Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule, it's really good so far. It's a nice introduction to this new era of Star Wars.