What aliens should they have met in season 5?


Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
-We had a passing mention of the Deltans in "Bound". Might be nice to see them again.

-Not a race people usually remember, but I've like to have seen the Efrosians (i.e. the Fed Prez in ST6), and perhaps expand on them.

-Technically, they could've made first contact with the Betazoids, the Trill, Bajorans, or Cardassians.

-Another encounter with the Tholians might be fun.

-Any others?
There was a Kzin story being planned. I would have liked to see that.

I remember hearing about that. I was sort of on the fence about that, since I'd grown up never seeing TAS and accepting it was non-canon. They probably could've made it work, though.

Almost all the planned season 5 ideas I've read about, I liked, except for the one having Alice Krige as some Starfleet scientist who becomes the Borg Queen.
There was a Kzin story being planned. I would have liked to see that.
It would have been fantastic. And interesting to see how they approached and modified Trek's version of the Man/Kzin wars vs. what was established in "The Slaver Weapon" (4 wars, the last of which 200 years prior to 2269/70). IIRC, the Next Gen novel The Captain's Honor (which was forced to rename the Kzinti the M'Dok for obscure legal reasons) changed it to two wars, one before and one after the formation of the Federation.

Here's the Kzinti starship designed for ENT's "Kilkenny cats" http://www.shipschematics.net/startrek/images/others/kzin_darkstalker.jpg
I thought it would have been hilarious if Earth made first contact with the Betazoids and had the latter be an extremely militaristic expansionist empire, completely unlike what we'd later see of them. :lol:

As for the Bajorans: I doubt that would have happened, because even at their height, I don't think they regularly left their home system. So Earth wouldn't be likely to encounter them.

Cardassia? Definitely. There was a Cardassian poet-in-exile living on Vulcan during ENT's time frame. There's stories there...
Meeting the Trill would have been cool. Tobin Dax was alive during that time frame (and featured in the Romulan War books), and Travis once mentioned visiting a planet called Trillius Prime (maybe Earth's name for Trill pre-Federation?).
They should have met the Kazon. With no explanation whatsoever. Just to see if the fans were still paying attention.:)
Some I would've liked to see:
-A lot of the races from Star Trek The Motion Picture
-Cardassians (at least that one guy that was supposed to be on Vulcan at the time)
-Deltans and Efrosians were also a good idea
-Another encounter with the Tholians might be fun.

I thought that was a very intriguing life form. It looked pure evil. That MU episode also had a "return" of the Gorn but the guy was too lizard like and lacked the sheer coolness of the original Gorn captain.


I had to look that up on memory alpha but did not get much.
Is there something like an Yvonne Craig Caitian for me to search for? That would be purrrfect:)
I read somewhere either Mike Sussman or Manny Coto wanted to do the tiny gold people from "Journey to Babel".

Would've been interesting to see if there was a way they could do a Medusan.

I suppose continuity would make seeing a Horta almost impossible, unless there was another "mirror universe" exception. (Pity, since a CG Horta would be interesting to see).

How about the people of Tiburon?
I read somewhere either Mike Sussman or Manny Coto wanted to do the tiny gold people from "Journey to Babel".

It could be, that among the arguing alien delegates seen in that episode, the robed pair are Torothans from "Desert Crossing".