Westboro Baptists Vs Comic-Con!

Wonder if anybody's tried reversing the tables on Phelps--going to Westboro and holding a mini-Burning Man.
No because his family of lawyers would just sue everyone for all their money. This is the reason why the Kansas City Police left him alone.

Like I said, there shouldn't be a judge in existence who would *hear* that lawsuit. There should be a standing order to kick Phelps out of any court he steps in.

We don't live in a dictatorship.
Man, they sure are running out of ideas fast. Hopefully they encounter counter-protests like they do when they protest soldier's funerals.
I know there's been some luck using the Westboro protests as fund raising events for LGBT groups. It apparently runs them off pretty fast.
Damn, wish I was going. Could be fun out nutjob the nutjobs for shits and giggles.

Wave a VHS copy of A New Hope in the air, get the stereotypical preacher get up on, "R5-D4 died for your sins! He blew his motivator to motivate you! Why forsake his message?!" Of course we'd need a Gonkite for some religious warfare.
Clearly Old Man Phelps hasn't seen this.

hmmmmmm, bunch-o-swords and nerds with pent-up anger and sexual frustration, and the king of all religitards to take it all out on...$50 says phelps gets a Bat'leth to the crotch
I realize that. But frivolous lawsuits should and can be banned.
Someone who habitually files frivolous or nuisance lawsuits can be declared a “vexatious litigant” and their right to sue can be severely restricted. Unfortunately, however, there's no law against being an asshole.
These assbags have been disavowed by practically every other Christian group/church out there. Please don't compare them to other Christians.
Agreed. There's extremists in every crowd and they certainly don't speak for everyone. I'm a Baptist and a comic book collector, and this article certainly made me go "What the :censored:?"
hmmmmmm, bunch-o-swords and nerds with pent-up anger and sexual frustration, and the king of all religitards to take it all out on...$50 says phelps gets a Bat'leth to the crotch
I'd pay $50 to someone to run up to him and "Yo' check it, it's the dude from the Phantasm movies!"

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It does not exactly inspire confidence to imagine that there is a judge in this world who would hear a stupidass lawsuit like that. Phelps' gang of possibly-inbred scum should get laughed out of court the first time they set foot in it.

Eventually some judge finally got tired of Jack Thompson, so anything's possible.
So rather than give the man what he wants, which is the inevitable conflict, what if a number of cosplayers agreed to show up as Phelps, and treat him as a fictional character - out-Phelps-ing Phelps so to speak...? While it might call attention to Phelps conceptually, if done right it would come off as dismissive of him and his followers rather than treating them as anything of import... If people are willing to dress up as The Joker or Darth Vader, why not Fred Phelps?
Perfect way to handle the Westbozos. Print up a few thousand "Fred Phelps Is Gay" T-shirts which will then be given away for free right in front of them.
Perfect way to handle the Westbozos. Print up a few thousand "Fred Phelps Is Gay" T-shirts which will then be given away for free right in front of them.
Being a geek I'd go for the classy approach. I'm assuming they're the type to rely on the King James Bible (if not my entire plan is in vain); so I'd go with 'King James is Gay.'

Because he was either gay or he was fond of kissing young men and giving them titles.
Originally posted by Fred Phelps:
... so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry.


It's funny because he's projecting his own inability to distinguish fantasy from reality onto others.
Jesus is spinning in his grave! :wtf:
I wonder if G4's Comic-con show will cover this?
And Wouldn'T Moses & Jesus be the first ''super heroes''?
You could always protest with them, just hand out copies of "Preacher" and "Kingdom Come" with their usual lit.