We Have All The Time In The World: OHMSS Turning 50

I got to talk with one of the Superman: The Animated Series guys back in the day. (Dini? Timm?) I asked if Luthor was intentionally reminiscent of Savalas' Blofeld. He said that the writers and Clancy Brown would be quoting OHMSS all day long when they were between takes.
I’m glad I wasn’t imagining the resemblance
Mario Puzo’s first draft script for Superman The Movie had a scene where Superman is searching for Lex, sees a bald headed man in a crowd, flies down and grabs him by the shoulder, only for Telly Savalas to turn round and say “who loves ya, baby?”
IIRC, that was something David and Leslie Newman added to their rewrite (which was wisely cut when Mankiewicz came aboard).
Coming 50 years ago this week to a theater near you:
The Irish film institute cinema in Dublin is showing it this Tuesday and have tweeted that anyone who sends a picture of their tickets and costume beforehand will receive two tickets for a film of their choice.

Personally, I’d need a far better prize than 2 cinema tickets before I’d walk through the streets of Dublin in February, wearing Connery’s red y-fronts.
I know I've said it before but I can't shake the feeling that Barbara and Michael have lost any enthusiasm for the franchise, but at the same time they can't seem able to contemplate selling the franchise to someone else who does have the enthusiasm and the will to carry it on. I guess they feel a sense of responsibility and don't want to sell it to Disney or someone else and have them ruin it, they also don't seem to want to delegate any of the responsibility which they could easily do by hiring someone else to make future films for Eon and both take a step back (how easily they'd take a back seat is another matter.)

I'm hoping that 'nothing's happening yet' means quite a bit of stuff is happening behind the scenes they just aren't remotely ready to go public with it. Sadly I fear it means "You know guys we should probably talk about doing another Bond movie. Is everyone free for a meeting next January?"

Some of the rubbish flying around on Twitter in response to this news was depressing. One guy said something along the lines of "If you didn't like the Craig era you'll probably hate the next era even more given the audiences they have to pander to now" :rolleyes: and several were channelling their inner Kirk with a "Let the franchise die!".:klingon:

I did laugh at the poster who said it'd been 12 years since he saw a Bond film he liked. I mean that literally means you didn't like the last two :lol:

His name does keep cropping up, and he ticks a great many boxes, at the very least I'd be amazed if he wasn't on Eon's list.

How does this tally with Barb's "Nothing's happening" interview of a few weeks ago?

A lot still depends on the direction of travel. I said ages ago, either on here or Twitter, that I wondered which way they'd go. Hire an actor then decide what kind of Bond/films they want based upon that actor, or decide what kind of Bond they want and then specifically look to hire someone who fits the bill. Ideally they should do the latter but I suspect it'll be the former
I’m seeing also some buzz about Cosmo Jarvis, which would make him the first 007 born in the USA since Barry Nelson. I think they could do worse. Looks the part, is the right age (34). Has a bit of an indie background like Craig and, like Brosnan, has been the lead in a James Clavell adaptation (Shogun v Noble House).