Never fails to delight me to see that he finally got run out of town. Good riddance to extremely bad rubbish. Vic was already very well known for this kind of behavior among DragonCon at this point, jesus it's probably been since like Obama's first term. He can try to appeal again if he wants, but I think one of the court documents noted that he's basically defamation-proof, which isn't shocking considering even the people he tried to bring in for his side all but said he was a gross skeevy old man who liked them younger than is legal.
Looking back, if I'd known what had already been said about Vic when STC was in production, I never would've been so eager to donate to the various kickstarters. I loved the series, but his behavior has forever tainted it.

It's also supremely uncomfortable to watch the English dub of Full Metal Panic (among other anime he worked on) because he voiced the skirt-chasing, sexual harassing, playboy Kurz Weber. Art imitates life, it seems.
Okay, so the other day I was talking to someone who used to do a lot a Trek / Sci-Fi cons. The subject of Alec Peters / Axanar came up, which somehow led to Vic's name being mentioned. What I was told was that there was some (but more than enough) truth to the allegations about Vic's behavior, a whole lot of exaggerations, even more unverifiable "Me Too"-isms, and some out-right lies by people who had an axe to grid. Take it for what it's worth.
Looking back, if I'd known what had already been said about Vic when STC was in production, I never would've been so eager to donate to the various kickstarters. I loved the series, but his behavior has forever tainted it.
Take heart, there were a lot of other great people involved in that series. I can still watch and enjoy TMP even though Steven Collins ended up being equally gross.
Take heart, there were a lot of other great people involved in that series. I can still watch and enjoy TMP even though Steven Collins ended up being equally gross.
The difference between these two situations is a bit different. Collins is just an actor in the movie, whereas Vic was the creator, showrunner, writer, producer, etc of STC.
Okay, so the other day I was talking to someone who used to do a lot a Trek / Sci-Fi cons. The subject of Alec Peters / Axanar came up, which somehow led to Vic's name being mentioned. What I was told was that there was some (but more than enough) truth to the allegations about Vic's behavior, a whole lot of exaggerations, even more unverifiable "Me Too"-isms, and some out-right lies by people who had an axe to grid. Take it for what it's worth.
So Vic had a simple slip of the tongue?
All joking aside, it is sad that we live in an age where those who attempt to entertain or speak our minds in an environment where anything can be twisted out of context and used against a potential target.
I have zero clue what Vic might have done or with what intent.
So Vic had a simple slip of the tongue?
All joking aside, it is sad that we live in an age where those who attempt to entertain or speak our minds in an environment where anything can be twisted out of context and used against a potential target.
I have zero clue what Vic might have done or with what intent.
It's not hard to find out. There's Google. Or start with his Wikipedia entry.

But that's if people want to know.
So Vic had a simple slip of the tongue?
All joking aside, it is sad that we live in an age where those who attempt to entertain or speak our minds in an environment where anything can be twisted out of context and used against a potential target.
I have zero clue what Vic might have done or with what intent.
In short, he has a history of corroborated sexual harassment and assault.