TNG Illustrated Handbook vs. Technical Manual

Paul B. Hartzog

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Red Shirt
ok so I recently bought

"Star Trek: The U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 Illustrated Handbook"

and it is simply amazing, and it states inside that it is comprised of a lot of information that was in the old Star Trek Fact Files (magazines).

Meanwhile I got a look at
"Star Trek The Next Generation: Technical Manual"
and I was thinking of purchasing it, but....

I saw inside
"Star Trek The Next Generation: The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Illustrated Handbook"

and it looks like it has the same stuff as the old Technical Manual only in the newer finely printed style.

So basically I'm just wondering if the newer Illustrated TNG book has everything that is in the older Technical Manual. I'm happy to buy both if they are different, but I'd just as soon have only one if they are simply redundant information. Thx in advance for any clarity y'all can provide. :-)
It does contain many of the same elements, albeit in a somewhat less technical style. The DS9 book likewise has some stuff copied from the DS9 TM, though I found it amusing that the diagrams of the Defiant are just as confusing when it comes to certain information (like how many torpedo tubes the ship is meant to have and where they're actually located). :rommie: Some details that weren't included or covered as much in the original TM, like the early flat S1 type 2 phasers, are included.
Meanwhile I got a look at
"Star Trek The Next Generation: Technical Manual"
and I was thinking of purchasing it, but....

I saw inside
"Star Trek The Next Generation: The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Illustrated Handbook"

and it looks like it has the same stuff as the old Technical Manual only in the newer finely printed style.

The TNG Tech Manual was done by three people who worked on the show, the Hero Collector stuff is mainly cut-and-pastes from other sources.

I have their book on the 1701, but Franz Joseph’s Starfleet Technical Manual is the superior book, by a lot.
It seems to me that a technical manual would be for a specific ship or machine. What is in Franz Joseph’s Starfleet Technical Manual ?

thx @Ricky Spanish

It is a general in-universe look at Starfleet technology of the original Star Trek. Written by Franz Joseph and released in 1975. I’d also recommend the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology by Stan and Fred Goldstein, with illustrations by TNG stalwart @Rick Sternbach.

Though both books aren’t part of the modern timeline. They looked at Trek through the lens of the 1970’s.
ok, so, I liked "Star Trek: The U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 Illustrated Handbook" so much that I went ahead and bought the TNG and DS9 Illustrated books too. They look pretty awesome.

Already, I've noticed typos and errors in the books, but also I have noticed some information in the TNG Technical Manual that did not make it into the Illustrated Handbook (for example the section on Hull Layers, etc.)

So it looks like I'll pick up the TNG Technical Manual as well as the DS9 Technical Manual at some point. When I get a chance to compare the DS9 books I'll report back for any other folks who might search this thread out later. :-)
I have both of those illustrated books, and a pdf of the TNG Technical Manual.

The illustrated books obviously have better illustrations, but covers less specific details than the Technical Manuals.

However, the illustrated books has color illustrations for many concepts along with screen capped pictures from the show.

Both are good for different reasons.
I want to see more tech manuals in the future.

Well I didn't mention that the reason I'm getting so into all these manuals is because I'm actually writing a technical manual for my Star Trek Ship Project. I've compiled a Table of Contents by comparing all the ToC's across all the books I could find, and I've started writing up the sections and doing the page layouts in Inkscape (as if it were actually published).

As I complete the graphics for the ship exterior and interior then I can put them into the book as I go along, since I'll already have the thing scaffolded out with text and page layouts. It's gonna take a while but hey... ;-)
@Dr. Kravaal

I made the layout today on standard 8.5x11 dimensions, but you gave me a great idea, so thx ! I like the idea of having a "folio" of ship images, both exterior and interior images, and using that wider format. I can even use the same template style in Inkscape.
I have always hated it when the spine of a book bisects an image. A high-end 2001 book did just that.

The best format…wide…text on one long page…line drawing on the other, back side blank, then color plate…repeat.