The most popular characters on Discovery


What would you think they are?

From the TVTime site, with the largest viewer episode voting sample around, comes this top popular character list with an equally huge sample size. Surprises?

Out in front by a huge margin is Burnham, and a great surprise to me is seeing L'Rell ranked so far down! I guess Trekkies don't like strong female Klingon characters?


What are your top 3?

In order:
1. Georgiou (either one)
2. Lorca
3. Burnham

Honorable Mention: Pike. I think of him as more of a SNW character.
I think L’Rell is lower more because she’s a supporting player and not a main character. Sarek and Mudd are legacy characters, so they’ll get votes.

I like L’Rell quite a bit. The actress is also delightful and unbelievably dedicated to the role.
1. Tilly
2. Saru
3. Lorca
Not a Burnham fan. I could be and was in the beginning but she is too emotional and irrational for being raised by Vulcans.
And not to copy Lord Gareth, but Pike gets honorable mention.
I guess Trekkies don't like strong female Klingon characters?

I don't like characters who threaten their own council with a bomb to stop a war they were 5 min away from winning XD

Prime Georgiou
Mirror Georgiou
1. Tilly (duh)
2. Burnham
3. Stamets

And to join the others before, an honorable mention for Pike. Long may he reign on SNW. Of course I've enjoyed most of the characters who made this top dozen, except for Tyler who I've become bored with really quickly in Season 2. There was just so much more they could've done with him, and he didn't have any chemistry with Burnham either.

Also, I'm wondering which version of Georgiou exactly they voted for... one would think it would be the Emperor, given her prominent role, but based on the amount of USS Shenzhou fanfics on the internet, it would certainly seem the late Prime Georgiou has her fans.
Tilly is life. After her Burnham, Stamets and Saru. I like all the characters really, I can’t think of any I don’t like.
What would you think they are?

From the TVTime site, with the largest viewer episode voting sample around, comes this top popular character list with an equally huge sample size. Surprises?

Out in front by a huge margin is Burnham, and a great surprise to me is seeing L'Rell ranked so far down! I guess Trekkies don't like strong female Klingon characters?


What are your top 3?


I don't recall any Klingons on Discovery.

My fav 3 would be

1 Tilly
2 Stamets
3 Lorca before the character assignation.

I don't like characters who threaten their own council with a bomb to stop a war they were 5 min away from winning XD
Because Klingon leaders are politicians and always have been. Anything that ends up with her in charge is something she'll go with. Anything that solidifies her being in charge is something she'll go with.

And let's not forget the Klingons were still fighting as 24 factions. After the Federation was defeated, they'd have gone right back to infighting. She forced unity onto them. So she's in charge and what she's in charge of is a united Empire. Win-win for her.

The Federation also would have a vested interest in her being leader of the Klingon Empire because someone else, like Kol-sha, would probably try to pick up the war right where it left off. I remain convinced that once L'Rell is out of the picture, that's what sets up the Federation/Klingon relations we see in TOS where they're back to always being on the verge of war; with only the Organian Peace Treaty, forced onto both sides, stopping it from happening.
She could've waited 5 min, still been chancellor, still forcing them to unite, and defeating the Federation at the same time.
I also had to LOL when she came up with her fiercer title :rofl:
I would have to go this way, and I'm leaving out the Enterprise crew:

1. Saru- Yes, like some other DSC characters he started off unlikable but a lot of growth happened. I also liked that he could be insecure (bred that way) but could overcome it.

2) Stamets- His statement to Burnham in the shuttle in Context is for Kings is still one of my favorite moments of the series. I'd like to see him return to being more of a "prodigy" scientist in season 3.

3) Burnham- I think her Vulcan training and actions early on threw some people off from this character, so again, a lot of character growth here, maybe more than any in the franchise. It's a credit to the performance that's she's the top vote getter in the list. I firmly believe Sonequa's performance improved about halfway through season 1, and then took off from there.

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A lot of people forget that despite all the talk, Klingons through history have mostly been pretty dishonorable. Subterfuge was the order of the day.


Because Klingon leaders are politicians and always have been. Anything that ends up with her in charge is something she'll go with. Anything that solidifies her being in charge is something she'll go with.

And let's not forget the Klingons were still fighting as 24 factions. After the Federation was defeated, they'd have gone right back to infighting. She forced unity onto them. So she's in charge and what she's in charge of is a united Empire. Win-win for her.

The Federation also would have a vested interest in her being leader of the Klingon Empire because someone else, like Kol-sha, would probably try to pick up the war right where it left off. I remain convinced that once L'Rell is out of the picture, that's what sets up the Federation/Klingon relations we see in TOS where they're back to always being on the verge of war; with only the Organian Peace Treaty, forced onto both sides, stopping it from happening.
1. Lorca (this character really sold me on S1, and therefore the series in general. And, although it wasn't the direction I would have chosen, I didn't mind what they did with him)
2. Tilly
3. Burnham

HM to Stamets and, of course, Pike (Pike would be higher...but he's getting his own show)
Not a Burnham fan. I could be and was in the beginning but she is too emotional and irrational for being raised by Vulcans.
It's her human heart that's the problem, to paraphrase Sarek from "The Vulcan Hello."

Anyway, for me:
  1. Mikey Spock... Michael Burnham
  2. Spock
  3. Philippa Georgiou (and more Captain Philippa Georgiou than Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius, but the latter will grow on me... )
I love how the way the names cut off leave us with just "Christopher" for Pike. So approachable, the guy, goes simply by his first name. :lol:

And I love that my girl Burnham made it out on top. Sometimes you know intellectually that the people crying about "Mary Sue" and "unlikeable character" are merely representative of the people screaming the loudest instead of a sample of all fans, and yet seeing the same stuff repeated over and over starts to get to you. Your own personal four lights.

As for my faves (minus Enterprise crew)

1) Burnham
2) Stamets
3) Tilly
4) Culber
5) Saru
6) Tyler
7) Georgiou / Sarek / Amanda (So essentially Burnham's parental units)
8) L'Rell :klingon:
9) Cornwell
For me it's:
Captain Christopher Pike
Captain Gabriel Lorca
Phillipa Goergiou/The Terran Empress
Harry Mudd
Number One